Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hrumachis' Equinox

     It has been during this 111th year of the Aeon of Horus that I have found and revealed the Key Keys to Liber AL vel Legis, most of which have not yet hitherto been realized or even fathomed by neither Thelemites of the past or present nor even The Master Therion himself during his last incarnation. I do not think I am his 'reincarnation', like some might accuse and it is beside the point anyway. However, my human identity matters little, as it is the Keys themselves which are most important for they show that indeed the message from Aiwass is not only valid, but still very much relevant and active. Many will find these revelations too numerous to keep track of via this publication, which is why I have put them all as presently known in Liber 999, or LIBER MAYAN (Nun final). 

     These Keys can only be utilized by those with the proper Wisdom and Understanding, and therefore I am not too concerned with the uninitiated and ill-guided misapprehending them as they will justly be further locks rather than keys. The groundwork is being recovered at a pace too quickly to be kept up with in both audio-video format and writing so I will only here link to the most relevant and recent publication I have composed revealing the Key to the Art and the Art of the Key. This has been constructed in such a way as to both attract and repel, and hopefully inspire others to further find their Will and apply it from what ever angle they may approach from, or not.

     Hrumachis is the Risen Horus of the Double Horizon, the Dual-Wanded One who sees both the dawn and the dusk, day and night, life and death - and therefore is representative of the Double-current of Horus-Maat. In fusing these two currents I have re-activated the Gnosis left by Crowley, extended by Frater Achad and synthesized by Frater Aossic, which has for the most part been left dormant with the exception of a few Adepts who have been able to carry it forward in any notable way, rather than merely preserving it through repetition as if it were a religion merely to be followed instead of a way of life meant to be lived and Willed. (One of the obvious differences between the O.T.O. and the A∴A∴.)

     Being the god of War and Bloodshed, Horus is not to be expected as wholly peaceful (and hasn't been) and as the goddess of Truth and Justice, Maat is not always pleasant. There are still many obstacles to confront, perhaps moreso than those faced since the inauguration of Horus' Equinox in 1904. It is my understanding that the Aeon of Maat represents something not only still distant in terms of time-span, but altogether removed form the chronological sequence of events as commonly understood (and therefore apprehendable by those who can get beyond the double-horizon of Daath.) Being the Daughter aspect of Tetragrammaton she corresponds with both the '4th dimension' itself (not merely linear time, but the perspective of time from without, or beyond the three dimensional point of view), as well as the fourth state of matter, generally known as 'plasma', and therefore also the fourth-dimensional plasma beings generally labelled 'aliens', or interdimensionals, with which I and others are seeking to reconnect with to better navigate the time-lines.

     With the keys thus laid out in this publication of THE INCOMING OF THE AEON OF MAAT and THE AEON OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE, which have been crystallized in Liber 999, those who may carry forward this lineage will be able to better unfold the Diamond of Daath and formulate the necessary furtherance of Human evolution into the future and access the Gate opening to the Great Beyond.