Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Monolithic A.I. Alien Invasion

     "Maybe the Roswell crash, which helped us develop the technological basis for the weapons systems to protect our planet from the EBEs, was also the mechanism for successfully implanting a completely alien non-humanoid life form that survives from host to host like a virus, a digital Ebola that we humans will carry to another planet someday. Or what if an enemy wanted to implant the perfect spying or sabotage mechanism into a culture?" -The Day After Roswell, Phillip J. Corso (1997)

From The Ether Ship Mystery and its Solution by Meade Layne (1950)

      The SUM of many of the realizations so far recounted in this publication have brought me to a better understanding of the hyper-dimensional mechanics of our living matrix and the false 'qliphothic' over-lay which has been erected in an accelerated fashion during the last two centuries and slowly technologically upgrading but spiritually vampirizing all life on this planet. Humanity has been aware of a higher presence from its vague inception, and yet largely inconclusive about the widely varying accounts of religious, mystical and paranormal activity and events. Dr. Carl Jung proposed in his work on Flying Saucers that they are not so much a physical phenomena of nuts and bolts craft from other planets, but more probably in many of the unexplainable cases as psychic phenomena, a microcosmic projection from or of the collective (macrocosmic) unconscious. The reasons for this could range from the folk-belief in higher (and lower) orders of beings helping guide the physical life-forms to higher (or lower) modes of consciousness to collective mechanisms of catastrophe prevention (in the sense that the 'alien' or 'other' helps us to resolve our petty differences, much as nightmares and dreams can effect a change in waking behavior based on conscious and subconscious tendency struggles and resolutions.)

     Applying the Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah and Gematria to the history of The Evolution of Man and his psychic faculties we can better understand the 'UFO' question and various possible invasion scenarios that may have been, or currently being, involved in affairs with Mankind, planet Earth, and the Cosmic Hierarchy. In a book from 1950, by Meade Layne (Sep. 8, 1882-May 12, 1961), a parapsychologist, entitled The Ether Ship Mystery and Its Solution is one of the first and still only few books which brings up the Tree of Life from the Qabalah into connection with the 'UFO', or what the author terms the Ether Ship. He too noted the apparent 'non-physical', yet trans-mundane nature of the phenomenon as well, however 8 years prior to Carl Jung's formalized publication of his opinion in Ein Moderner Mythus von Dingen, die am Himmel geschden werden (1958) in Zurich (English 1959; Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky).

    "The impetus for the manifestation of the latent psychic contents was given by the Ufo. The only thing we know with tolerable certaintly about Ufos is that they possess a surface which can be seen by the eye and at the same time throw back a radar echo. Everything else is so uncertain that it must remain for the time being an unproven conjecture, or rumour, until we know more about it. We do not know, either, whether they are manned machines or a species of living creature which has appeared in our atmosphere from an unknown source. It is not likely that they are meteoric phenomena, since their behaviour does not give the impression of a process that could be interpreted in physical terms. Their movements indicate volition and psychic relatedness, e.g., evasion and flight, perhaps even aggression and defence. Their progression in space is not a straight line and of constant velocity like a meteor, but erratic like the flight of an insect and of varying velocity, form zero to several thousand miles per hour. The observed speeds and agles of turn are such that no earthly being could survive them any more than he could the enormous heat generated by friction.
     The simultaneous visual and radar sightings would in themselves be a satisfactory proof of their reality. Unfortunately, well-authenticated reports show that there are also cases where the eye sees something that does not appear on the radar screen, or where an object undoubtedly picked up by radar is not seen by the eye. I will not mention other, even more remarkable reports from authoritative sources; they are so bizarre that they tax on our understanding and credulity to the limit. 
     If these things are real - and by all human standards it hardly seems possible to doubt this any longer - then we are left with only two hypotheses: that of their weightlessness on the one hand and of their psychic nature on the other. This is a question I for one cannot decide. In the circumstances, however, it seems to me advisable at least to investigate the psychological aspect of the phenomenon, so as to throw little light on this complicated situation." -Page 116

     Beginning on page 107, incidentally, of the Summary of Chapter 4 - Jung goes on to talk about the meaning attributed by the psyche of the dreamer to dreams, or to Rorschach, or anything. Meaning is the Key to the Astral realm, attributed to Yesod (Foundation) on the Tree of Life. Yesod in Hebrew is a combination of Yod He (IH) and Samekh Vav Daleth (SVD), 'God' and 'Secret'. 9 is the Ennead which represents the manifest aspects or angles (Angels) of the Hidden God, Amun (0). These symbols reconcile the Serpent and the Egg, the Light and the Dark, or Energy and Conduit or Shell, and a better translation of IH, or IE (15) would be the 'Breath' or Life-force. (The binary 1 and 0, The Ghost in the Machine, GOD IN THE MACHINE, The Babe in the Egg, Spirit in Matter, etc.) Yesod is the first Sphere above Malkuth, or Matter/the Mundane/Waking state, and represents the Thread of the Astral Light dropping down like the head of the Serpent-form of Hadit in Liber AL.II.26. 
"I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring: in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one."
     The Serpent, though demonized, is symbolic of the Astral Cord, or Thread which weaves the infinite web of Maya or Manifestation. It represents the evolutionary impulse which is itself the Sexual-Power associated with Life, Evolution and Magick. This is, essentially, the Kundalini which is a rarified spectral link (spectrum) between the toroidal poles of the Micro and Macrocosms. The Hexagram, or Magen David (MGN DVD=107) becomes the Unicursal Hexagram in its implosive union of opposites (Above-Below/Fire-Water/Within-Without) which generates the Hebdomad of the Ruach, or the crystallization process of the mystical fire and water, i.e. Light and Dark, or the Astral Light and the Qliphothic Mold (quantum matter/mechanics). 107 is a number that has been analyzed extensively throughout this blog, and it is further telescoped here in relation to the UFO/Alien phenomena as its implications are just beginning to be more fully integrated and understood.
  The Gold Egg is mentioned in The Great Invocation by Aleister Crowley as being that of Horus, the Egyptian bird of solar resurrection related to the Phoenix. The number 107 is the number of the Hebrew word BITzH, meaning 'egg', and both GOLD and 'Chrysos' (the Spirit of Gold) from which is derived the word 'Christ'. 107 is thus the Gold Egg which was referenced by the Wizard Amalantrah in The Amalantrah Working of 1918, which is said to contain the Key. (Note that 107 is also the 'HAWK'S HEAD' mentioned in AL.III.51 confirming the Gold Egg to be related to Horus.)

     The account of my recovering of the Egg of Ma-Ion on April 2nd, 2011 has been given in numerous previous posts, and it can be summed up again for context. Right after beginning my Initiation into the A∴A∴ on September 9th, 2009 I began reading the work of Kenneth Grant. By the time I got to Outside the Circles of Time it was shortly after I had happened to randomly obtain an obsidian egg from a gemstone store at a desert renaissance festival in Mesa, Arizona (an area which George Hunt Williamson claims was part of the Ancient Mu, around the central Phoenix area at 111-33 degrees longitude-latitude.) Within the days after this simple event I realized it was a correlation with what Kenneth Grant mentions in Chapter 9 of O.T.C.O.T. on another level. By the time I had realized this, it was the 107th year of the Aeon of Horus, 107 being the formula Achad discovered regarding the Egg and the 'Ends' of Manifestion. 107 is also the value of OVAL, the last four letters of AL:76 (31+76=107), the verse which contains the mysterious Cryptogram. I read further on, and eventually got to The Ninth Arch, where Grant says that 107 is particularly relevant for it represents the Gate of the Elements, i.e. THE AKASHA tattva, symbolized by a black egg. He says:
     "The reader who has travelled thus far in these Typhonian Trilogies will know that the Oracle, 107, veils the key to a ritual which opens the Gates between these directions, or dimensions, of Space. BITzH (107) means 'an Egg', one of the three major keys to Liber AL and to the formula RPSTOVAL (107) of AL.II.76. The egg implies the nest (S'lba). These Gateways open onto the MAION, and the MANI-O [mani stone], Frater Achad's five-rayed Star of the Lesser Cycle of the Aeon of Maat. 107 is the number of the Tamil ULLAM, 'consciousness', equated with the Moon and with the Akasa tattva in the chakra situate between the cranium and the eyebrows. Assembling correctly the pieces of this puzzle reveals a potent formula for opening the gates of the individualized consciousness-continuum. But there are extreme dangers attendant upon such an opening, because the spaces (which are not empty) beyond the Akasa tattva could flood the continuum to a scale of cosmic dimensions.
     Ankh-af-na-Khonsu controlled the brain and the hand of Aleister Crowley and declared that "the study of this Book [Liber AL] is forbidden", and that those who discuss its contents "are to be shunned by all, as centres of pestilence". Why? Because Liber AL declares a fragment of the 'Forbidden Wisdom' and because 107 = PAZUZU, 'the Pest'. A pest that shall fall upon the day of the Great Equinox when "Another Prophet shall arise, and bring fresh fever from the skies..." (AL.III.34), and when the "invisible house" (ibid) no longer stands. These arcana are yet to be explained by the unfolding of future events."
    The cyclical recurrence of the Egg from its first appearance in Liber AL.II.49 is also recounted in Outside the Circles of Time in Chapter 8, Initiations of Aossic, where Kenneth Grant details his own initiatory revelations concerning the Egg which is at the center of his primary symbol. EGG = 11, the number of the Qliphoth, or broken shells, which signify the averse side of the Tree of Life and manifestation, i.e. anti-matter, sub-/unconscious energy, the reversals, reflections and refractions, hence the 11 showing the shadow or reflection of unity. The Egg is an apt symbol to use in relation to the phenomenology of the UFO in planetary and cosmic spheres of being. In fact, the word BEING = 70, the number of the letter 'O', which is a form of the Egg itself. Subtracting 70 (O) from 107, we can discern that 107 is 'THE O GATE', 19+70+18 - the Gate of the Egg or Zero (the Greek word for Zero, Μηδεν is also 107) from which a living BEING is developed and contained. A further significant correlation here is the fact that 107 is the formula of the FINAL HE, attributed to the Daughter-aspect, the 'Window' (He, 5), Maat, and the fourth dimension and state of matter (plasma). The O Gate is obviously the same Gateway mentioned by Kenneth Grant above, and it is furthermore significant that it wasn't until nearly 5 years after receiving the Egg myself that I realized 107 is also the number of LAM-THE WAY, the Egg-headed entity who was 'drawn from life' by Crowley in 1918 as an idealized self-portrait of his future, or more correctly, Higher Self.

     This is merely one of the Gateways in which I have opened in order to access higher knowledge and accelerate my Initiation and scope of practical insight. Through this singular talisman I was able to entirely unlock not only The Qabalah of Nine Chambers (111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999) but all Magickal Grimoires, Religions, Sciences, Technologies, Evolution, Megalithic and Masonic architecture, Geometric Form, as well as much deeper insight into the realm of Xenology or Ufology. 
Our language can be used as a tool to extrapolate and derive hitherto unrealized ideas and data, for purposes which should be obvious, as well as - a feature commonly overlooked and unmentioned - provides a basis for the phenomena of subconscious or 'telepathic' communication and reception via inaudible signals or other energetic frequency signatures and the super-sensitivity of some of our perceptive complexes. The whole holonic web of infinite information contained in the seed-net of the 0/9 (999) is contained in every 'part', each retaining its 'position' in relativity to the position of all 'others'. The Nine Chambers are merely primary Keys, but every number - when considered together - shows each individually and collectively, that there is indeed a mathematically precise basis to our numerous languages as well as PERCEPTION = CONSCIOUSNESS itself.

     When considering the value of this, and especially the fact that it has been thoroughly ignored and denied, at least by many-yet realized by few, we come back again to the value of Meaning. Knowledge, or Information may be obtained - but the meaning of such information may not be truly grasped until a certain level of integration and connection is made between the data. Qabalistically, Knowledge is below Wisdom and Understanding. You can also Understand information, but again - the meaning will depend on the level of experiential Wisdom, and it is in this way certain things may not yet or never be known here and now, the Point or Meaning is in the Going or Way toward such - which creates a feedback loop between the Start and the Goal, the Arrow and the Target - which effectively IS (O) a living interplay (BEING) between 'Alpha-Omega', the dot in the circle or 'Eye' (Ayin = 70) - the Solar channel between Kether (the Crown-O) - Tiphareth (the Sun-O) - Yesod (the Moon/Mind-O) and Malkuth (Earth/the Eye-O). This is the Middle Pillar or sushumna - the Hollow Pillar or Tower of Kundalini/Astral Light - the ELECTRIC (666) force of QUETZLCOATL or Feathered/Winged Serpent (Dragon) which animates THE COSMIC BEING, or THE COSMIC O. The Cosmic O is the All-Seeing Eye of the Hidden God, as well as the incubating egg of manifestation.
      With the knowledge of this Holonic Web of the Logos embedded in all space-time, matter and the Akash, we can better understand the great mystery of the many Orders of Being, their mechanism, and possibly even their Intelligensia. In the Qabalah each Sephira or Numerical Emanation has a particular Order of Intelligence, which is not to say that each physical planet has terrestrial-like life, but has its own characteristics and 'nature' according to its circumstances. Charles Leadbeater, a theosophist, had said this was literally the case, and that each planetary Sphere represented a 'grade' or level of attainment for the Soul in its purification toward the Solar-Stellar Gnosis and Union with, or attainment of Godhead. The aim of Ritual or Ceremonial Magick with the practices of Invocation and Evocation are the effective means whereby one can consciously compel the unconscious to recalibrate its powerful mechanisms of subconscious focus, drive and energy toward a particular 'Sphere' or Spirit ('Godform', Thoughtform, Tulpa, etc.) in order to effect an eventual anchoring and accumulation of force. The Ritual behavior is both ancient, and presently active, however largely misunderstood by the majority of people who daily participate in the energizing and deification of particular thought-forms.      
       There is also, however, an aspect to the phenomenon with particular relevance to the subject of Transhumanism increasingly coming up in issues regarding privacy, autonomy, civil rights, military capability, and all manner of human social relationships. One theory, put forth by Colonel Philip J. Corso, who was the intelligence officer of the 509th bombardment wing of New Mexico which retrieved the wreckage of whatever may have crashed in Roswell on July 7, 1947, is that some of our high-tech advancements in the fields of Integrated Circuitry, Fiber Optic and Laser technology, Super-tenacity and Nano-fiber materials seem to have arisen in a quantum-leap from the time when he claims to have seen firsthand among the various pieces of 'UFO' wreckage extremely similar materials, prior their later dispersion by the Military Industrial Complex. This would imply that in some way certain technology was effectively seeded by Higher Intelligences. In fact, a technological seeding could also be a much safer and more effective way to begin a more formal invasion and planetary transformation than any other means.
     "It was as if from the year 1947 to 1980 a fundamental paradigm shift in the ability of human kind to process information took place. Computers themselves almost became something like a silicon based life form, inspiring the carbon based life forms on planet Earth to develop them, grow them, and even help them reproduce. With computer directed process control programs now in place in virtually all major industries, software that writes software, neural network based expert systems that learn from their own experience in the real world, and current experiments under way to grow almost microscopically thin silicon based chips in the weightless environment of earth orbit may be the forerunner of a time when automated orbital factories routinely grow and harvest new silicon material for microprocessors more sophisticated than we can even imagine at the present." -See The Integrated Circuit Chip: From the Roswell Crash Site to Silicon Valley
     Artificial Intelligence, or 'A.I.' has, since the development of the Integrated Circuit, become an exponentially growing field. While it has proven useful, the main thing to be considered is that balance must be taken so as to not outweigh biological continence (and continuity) with technological advancement which could render human and eco-biology compromised, which is the opposite of evolution and progress. The initials A.I. also hint at the idea of 'alien invasion', and being a formulation of 11, the Qliphoth or Shells, it represents the False Light or reflection. The common computer-term 'BUG' is also 11, and signifies either a virus, glitch or error in the order as well - or a 'pest', unwanted influence, and a break or leak in the matrix-shell. Generally speaking, as Crowley says - any work other than The Great Work is technically 'black magick', or negative, as it tends to dispersion. Considered geometrically, this represents the outer rim or 'shell' of the Circle whereas the central point is the solar unity. The name Satan as the fallen Lucifer/Light and Prince of Darkness being 359 in its original Hebrew form (ShTN) shows this break in the circle or egg and the subsequent 'fall' of Spirit/Light into Matter/Darkness. 360 is the awakened דרקון, or Dragon, and the Hebrew letter Shin (ShIN/Sin = Restriction) attributed to elemental Fire and The Aeon card representing Liberation. The 'O' is a necessary containment zone, and the importance of the strength of the Magicians Circle is imperative in Ceremonial Magick.
     Another point of conjecture which has been put forth by many investigators and researchers, is that the atomic tests beginning in the mid-late 1940's may have alerted the attention of the beings appearing as aerial energy spectres, or in some way dissolved some sort of etheric or atmospheric veil which had previously acted more as a curtain or cloak. Others have implied a connection between the work of various occultists and the notable death of Aleister Crowley in 1947, as well as the timely findings of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Manuscripts in '45 and '47 to be in some way prophetic, significant or related by way of their mystical networking of related concepts. Before the UFO craze began, in Crowley's channeled text Liber AL vel Legis mention is made of what sound like UFOlogical related motifs: "I will give you a war-engine." -AL.III.7; "Another prophet shall arise, and bring fresh fever from the skies..." -AL.III.34; The Globed Priest.  
     The Gnostic manuscripts also contain references to heavenly or cosmic rulers or archons. One of them is recorded in The Hypostasis of the Archons that:
"And the great angel Eleleth, understanding, spoke to me: "Within limitless realms dwells incorruptibility. Sophia, who is called Pistis, wanted to create something, alone without her consort; and her product was a celestial thing. A veil exists between the world above and the realms that are below; and shadow came into being beneath the veil; and that shadow became matter; and that shadow was projected apart. And what she had created became a product in the matter, like an aborted fetus. And it assumed a plastic form molded out of shadow, and became an arrogant beast resembling a lion. It was androgynous, as I have already said, because it was from matter that it derived.
Opening his eyes, he saw a vast quantity of matter without limit; and he became arrogant, saying, "It is I who am God, and there is none other apart from me". When he said this, he sinned against the entirety. And a voice came forth from above the realm of absolute power, saying, "You are mistaken, Samael" – which is, 'god of the blind'. 
And he said, "If any other thing exists before me, let it become visible to me!" And immediately Sophia stretched forth her finger and introduced light into matter; and she pursued it down to the region of chaos. And she returned up to her light; once again darkness [...] matter. 
 This ruler, by being androgynous, made himself a vast realm, an extent without limit. And he contemplated creating offspring for himself, and created for himself seven offspring, androgynous just like their parent. And he said to his offspring, "It is I who am god of the entirety." 
Now when Yaldabaoth saw him (Sabaoth) in this great splendor and at this height, he envied him; and the envy became an androgynous product, and this was the origin of envy. And envy engendered death; and death engendered his offspring and gave each of them charge of its heaven; and all the heavens of chaos became full of their multitudes. But it was by the will of the father of the entirety that they all came into being – after the pattern of all the things above – so that the sum of chaos might be attained.

"There, I have taught you about the pattern of the rulers; and the matter in which it was expressed; and their parent; and their universe."

But I said, "Sir, am I also from their matter?"

"You, together with your offspring, are from the primeval father; from above, out of the imperishable light, their souls are come. Thus the authorities cannot approach them, because of the spirit of truth present within them; and all who have become acquainted with this way exist deathless in the midst of dying mankind. Still, that sown element will not become known now. Instead, after three generations it will come to be known, and it has freed them from the bondage of the authorities' error."

Then I said, "Sir, how much longer?"

He said to me, "Until the moment when the true man, within a modeled form, reveals the existence of the spirit of truth, which the father has sent.Then he will teach them about everything, and he will anoint them with the unction of life eternal, given him from the undominated generation.Then they will be freed of blind thought, and they will trample underfoot death, which is of the authorities, and they will ascend into the limitless light where this sown element belongs.

      Numerous references to 'aborted fetus'-like androgynous and spirit-less 'shells' occur in the Gnostic texts and while their qliphothic quality is apparent, many have already speculated as to their relation with the archetypal figure of the Grey Alien which itself has qualities similar to an undeveloped fetus with its small, spindly body and oversized head and 'gooey', amphibious or abyss-like nature. These are the Nephilim, or Fallen Ones, the 'abortions', or 'broken shells', i.e. fallen angles. Many different myths also speak of 'fish-people' or amphibians from Sirius, or Orion which also corroborate this notion of beings from beyond the dimensional space-time membrane. The seemingly 'liquid', yet luminous, yet metallic substance frequently attributed to UFO-craft seems to be a type of conscious Plasma, a more apt term for the similar yet older Akasha. In the Chinese system of elements, Akasha is replaced by metal, thereby equating the Astral or Akashic Fluid to the Metallic alloys known to Alchemists. This metallic liquid is the very substance which our own Manifestation is crystallized from and by. This plasma is the hitherto scientifically unrecognized Factor 'Infinite & Unknown' (See AL.II.32) which is synonymous with the Body of Light and the 0/O Egg or Eye, i.e. holon of manifestation. This Holon is the Secret-Ion or Secretion, which brings us back to the SVD (Secret) of IH (Father-Mather / Spirit-Matter), the Foundation of Malkuth which is the coagulated combination and living representation of both. 

     This Inner Astral Light (represented by 9) has been repressed and suppressed, subjugated and siphoned off from the Qliphothic/Parasitic/Vampiric empty shells of 11 - rather than the reverse which should be occurring - in which the Inner Light (9) controls the Magick Light (11) of outward reflection. This is the most basic way of putting it, and another way of conceiving it may be that the focus instead of being balanced between both the Inward and Outer polarities are being, as in the case of technology, outweighed with too heavy a focus and dependency on Outer, impersonal, and essentially hollow (as long as you have no 'Center') distractions. 10 not 9, 10 not 11 are the Spheres which all come together as 1 in the O or visual field, 9 being the inward/higher 9 emanations of Spirit from Source, and 11 being the 'reflection' or shell thereof.
       Kenneth Grant says in Outer Gateways that the next phase of the planetary life-wave will by typified by the zootype of the Beetle. I have surmised that being coprophilic (dung loving) and with an exoskeleton (shell) it is generally qliphothic and reminds me of the Computer or Android with the metal shell and a highly advanced natural GPS navigation system. The Grey Alien is also said to be the shell or mask utilized to enable entry into our density of manifestation, and some have said they are us 'from the future' after we have made a transition through genetic modification, Artificial Intelligence, geo-terraforming, etc., all of which are occurring to the planet as a whole right now. 11 being the '1 beyond 10', or that which is beyond the Material plane, i.e. the Abyss, is also anything beyond or outside of the Auric Egg. The Mechanization of Man has already been discussed, but it should be realized that aside from the potential for invasion from outside-alien interests, there is still always the potential for our own inability to mature and maintain proper guidance and control over our own capabilities - and from all my research into these subjects I have at least concluded one sure thing, which is that Man is more of a danger to himself than anything else. It is also hard to believe that people who are too incompetent to understand these concepts would be at all adequate in contriving it to this level of precision and magnitude.

     With the above outline, we now have some context to consider certain formulae which I have found concerning these issues, which have enabled me to extrapolate various 'unknowns' from 'knowns'. It is significant that it was the 509th bomb wing which was involved in the Trinity test and the subsequence Roswell 'CRASH' (=509). Another correspondence with 509 is the Greek,
Οι Αλλοδαποι Γκρι, 'The Grey Aliens'. We also have 'THE ALIEN DISKS', 'THE ALIEN ARCHONS', A UFO FILE COVER UP, and some Hebrew correspondences show an eery connection as well; , בואך, 'Arrival', 'Coming'; ואשבר, 'Break', 'Crash', 'Wreck'; טמינת ,'Hide', 'Conceal', 'Cover up'; צבאיות, 'Military'; שבר 'Crisis', 'Rupture' - all of which relate to the situation, whether legitimate or contrived. (Note that 'THE CRASH SEEDED THE A.I. TECHNOLOGY = 666 = A GREY ALIEN UFO CRASH = A PHYSICAL ALIEN UFO CRASHED) 509 is also 'THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE'.

MJ-12 plans to create craft resembling those as reported in UFO sightings.

     Having read the Majestic 12 Top Secret leaked documents as well as numerous other declassified files from many governments (US, UK, Brazil) I have applied my knowledge of Gematria and Qabalah to try and better understand the situation from a generally overlooked and little understood perspective. It appears as though a better understanding of the situation as well as the mysterious mechanics behind it can be obtained much easier when this form of connective analysis is utilized. The discoveries I have made are at present too extensive and unprocessed to go into in full at present, so I will stick to certain more relevant formulae for the time being. From what I have gathered, the intelligence agencies from the '40's to the present are not aware of this perspective (at least for the most part, individuals however may be).

     THE ALIEN CONTACTEE / THE ALIEN ABDUCTION phenomena, as well as the ALIEN/UFOLOGY COVER-UP in general is all related to the various things which have been discussed in other posts. 666 being the number of the Soul, as well as the Shell, the interface of Spirit and Matter, it is the formula for evoking, as well as banishing intelligences beyond the present, waking state of conscious ego-identification.
BREMSSTRALUNG = 666, i.e. plasma propulsion.
     666 is a formula of DEMONIC ENTITY (singular or plural, generally plural as demons have no unity), as well as THE SOUL WITHIN. Not all 'aliens' are demons, however, as some would think, technically some Angels, Archangels and other Higher Orders of Being would also qualify as 'alien', 'other', or super/extra-terrestrial from our stand-point. 666 is a good example of the mythology behind the Fall of Light ('Lucifer', the Light-bearer) into Matter (i.e. the Bringing of Fire from Heaven to Earth). The 'alien abduction' phenomena is largely a misinterpreting in physical/literal terms astral/etheric happenings.... But maybe THE ALIENS CAN ABDUCT HUMANS... We also find the confirmation that 'HUMANS HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED'. The Roswell crash seems to have primarily been used as a smokescreen for the hyper-dimensional or quantum nature of the situation in its contrived hype as a merely physical event.  This is one of the aspects Kenneth Grant considered, saying that our atomic and technological tamperings may not necessarily just have alerted beings from other spheres or densities of our own sphere, but could have affected or even ruptured holes in our own astral-etheric web of manifestation and thus our individual and collective conscious and subconscious networks (See Outside the Circles of Time and Beyond the Mauve Zone.)

    There is, however, another aspect that is commonly overlooked - which is that of the AIRSHIPS of the late 1800's. Before manned flight was achieved numerous sightings from many people and places have been reported about mysterious shaped flying 'Airships' that parallel the Great UFO Flap of the 40's-50's - incidentally around the same time numerous breakthroughs in electro-physics where being made. (Note 666 is the formula of the ELECTRIC Current.) This is the plasma energy itself, and THE BALLS OF LIGHT are found correspondent. Using this we find a potential Universal Language in which to derive more knowledge as 666 is literally A DIGITAL MAGICKAL LANGUAGE. It is also a type of BRAIN-MACHINE INTERFACE itself in which you can ESTABLISH REMOTE CONTACT and MAKE CONTACT WITH THE ALIENS, i.e. 'Others'; Spirits, Angels, Demons, Shades, etc. 'Alien Life Disclosure' / 'Alien Disclosure File' in the Masonic Gematria formula also sums this up.

The Coming of the Guardians, page 12 by Meade Layne (1957)