Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Grand Lodge of Ra (Quantum Dynamics of Coincidences)

"...Thrilling with ecstasy to burst the blue --
Oh! all our hashish dreams came true
When we beheld the jewel of the city,
Its nine glands coloroued like all manner of fruit
And flowers with stripe and trellis, whorl and spire,
Even like all manner of beast and bird that be,
And every gland stood bare, disdaining pity,
Each shaft a column of fire,
And its vibration was a lyre,
And the echo of it a lute,
So that a mighty melody
Shone out thereof, a maze of moon in the gloom
All inexpressibly dowered with perfume.
And this was molten, this was living stone,
This was the very flesh and blood of God,
Incarnate Christ, the Saviour, hailed alone
Artifex, martyr, the reviving god
That on itself begat the one true vine
And from its own breast drew the only wine.
And all was rainbow and aurora blended
In fluent colours interchanged and splendid
Pure water whirled into pure fire and flecked
With miracles of form,
Wheels upon wheels expiring and erect,
Colour and sound in storm,
The heart of God within a frame of blue:--
Our hashish dream come true!..."
-Aleister Crowley, The City of God 

     THE GRAND LODGE OF RA is the foundation of this essay which seeks to unite microcosmic experience with macrocosmic wisdom and give further exposé of the embedded morphology underlying the continuum of both. Ra is generally known to be the Egyptian godform of the Sun, however in Hebrew it happens to signify 'Evil', or 'the evil inclination', i.e. the tendency toward separation, distinction, and the adversarial 'light' of manifestation; Lucifer.

     The association between Lucifer and the Azoth, or 'Astral Light', has been covered extensively by myself and others but a superb summary is here excerpted from Baphomet and the Azoth by Soror KTK:
     "In Key of the Mysteries, Lévi states that miraculous prodigies are accomplished " means of a single agent which the Hebrew calls OD, as did the Chevalier de Reichenbach, which we, with the school of Pasqualis de Martinez, call astral light, which Mr. de Mirville calls the devil, and which the ancient alchemists called Azoth" (201). 
     He says it is also called "magnetism," although he dislikes the term, and also "light" or the Hebrew "AOUR," and that this is connected to the gold of the alchemists or the French word for gold "OR" (202).  
     In Paradoxes of the Highest Science, when discussing similar prodigies, he refers to the same substance as the "light of dreams," the "dark or black light" (81-83).  
     In Transcendental Magic, it is an “ambient and all-penetrating fluid; this ray loosened from the sun’s splendour and fixed by the weight of the atmosphere and the power of central attraction,” (42) “the Great Magical Agent, the ether, magnetic fluid, soul of the earth, Lucifer, Tetragram, INRI,” the fourth emanation of the life principle which manifests as four kinds of phenomena: caloric, light, electricity and magnetism (55), the “ever-renewing circlus of unbridled life which produces vertigo in the imprudent; this corporeal spirit; this fiery body, this impalpable omnipresent ether; this monstrous seduction of Nature” (75), it is “a horse having nature analogous to a chameleon, ever reflecting the armor of his rider,” (85) “Magnesia, universal glass of vision, bond of sympathies, source of love, prophecy and glory,” (105) and it is synonymous with TARO/ROTA (383).  
     We are also told that Azoth is threefold: a Divine Hypothesis or belief, a philosophical synthesis or an idea, and a physical synthesis or a force, but it is unclear whether this idea originates with Lévi or is an interpolation of Waite’s (footnote 15).  
     Pike again drawing heavily on Lévi, calls it "the igneous body of the Holy Spirit, "the Life-Principle of the world," " the Serpent devouring its own tail,"  an "electro-magnetic ether" (734), "the Azoth of the Sages," the "Prima Materia" (773), "the universal magnetic force, the grand magical agent, the Astral light, the light of life," (778).  Apparently, Azoth is so all-encompassing that a profusion of terms is needed to describe it."

     Eliphas Levi's depiction of Baphomet or the Sabbatic Goat of Mendes points to the diune nature of the Solar and Lunar currents combined in the hermaphroditic union of man and beast. This icon was allegedly revered by the Knights Templar, hence their subversion by the Church, as well as numerous of the 'witch-cults'. It's association with the morning and evening star, Venus, is loosely based on various myths and motifs regarding the returning light, the stellar traditions and astrological practices of eld, and Venus' association with Astarte, Ishtar and Ashtaroth, the Great Duke of Hell. It should be noted that the concept of a 'Devil' or 'Satan' is necessarily fraught with confusion and deception, and perhaps the best way to conceive such a device would be considering what is said in Luke 8:30:
    Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" 
"Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him.
     Naturally, since the Devil is the opposite of God who represents Unity, it would therefore signify disunity and disintegration, and thus unable to assume a single identity. This is also the common nature of mental illness, schizophrenia ('the cleaving of the psyche'), personality disorders, etc. so commonly attributed to 'demonic' influence in the old days (and to certain degrees still now).
Considering also the Biblical account of Genesis which has affected so much of human history, all of human history is actually but the side-effect of the original sinful curiosity regarding the Forbidden Fruit. Human genealogy is but the offspring of internal error, condemned to perpetuate itself in a hopeless struggle of self-destruction like the serpent eating its own tail, backwards abortions of broken shells existing to restore order to the cosmic vacuum with the only hope of salvation in absolute nullification. The Luciferic tendency, however, is toward Being and Becoming. The roles reverse as to who is 'good' and 'evil', as the natures of light and darkness intermingle and become opaque like Yin and Yang. The key is obviously in the Tao, which is both and neither. The Atonists who worship the literal sun above (materialists) versus the Amunists who revered the 'hidden' sun within (spiritualists) are still warring, little realizing how much they actually work together.

     The Grand Lodge of Ra is just a term I came up with to refer to the 'Invisible House' of AL.III.34, 'The City of God' spoken of both by Aleister Crowley and originally St. Augustine, the crystalline 'matrix' of morphology underlying and embedded in all phenomena which the gnosis of the Qabalah helps to understand and explicate. When qabalistically analyzed, RA = 201, the value of the Greek form of Καιρο, 'Cairo' the solar-capital of Egypt and the west in general. (Also, Μακεδονια, Macedonia, i.e. the Hellenistic empire which under Alexander the Great extended to Egypt, the Persian Empire, Pakistan and the fringes of India.) Conversely, 201 is also the value of AMMON, a Greek spelling of Amun the 'hidden god'. This similarity is important as it shows that the two are equated, albeit one materialized the other unmanifest. 201 happens to also be the value of THE PEACOCK, the other sacred bird of Middle Eastern traditions where it is also related to Light and its colorful rays. The Hebrew AR, or Aleph-Resh also means 'Light'. Resh is associated with The Sun tarot card, and Aleph The Fool, implying the solar-self or solar-center which, like Amun, has an airy nature akin to the qabalistic/mathematical 0, which is also the plasmic mirror-screen of manifestation - i.e. the Solar-Center of Illumination, or The Divine Spark. 201 is also 'THE ONE LIGHT', implying the Empyrean Light of the Most High, or the various rays unprismatized into differentiation. Incidentally, the various Lights referred to above all seem to be but one, which after all is the general premise as set forth by Theosophy, Scientific Illuminism, etc.

     In The Book of the Dead translated by E.A. Wallis Budge, on page 227, Ra is said to feed on law and order, and it is noteworthy that RA'S LAW & ORDER = 777, a value signifying the Law and Order of THE TEACHINGS OF QABALAH. (See Liber 777 for some of Crowley's primary qabalistic writings.) 777's relation to the Antahkarana and CYMATICS has been analyzed previously as well, (See Over the Rainbow and The O Gate). This underlying qabalah is also called MORPHOGENETIC (=555) fields by Rupert Sheldrake, yet another qabalistically significant value also extensively analyzed in The Mathematical Basis of Psychic Abilities, Spiritual Phenomena and the Religious Instinct. These considerations, like I anticipated from before the beginning of this blog and the slow collation of this information, have grown more and more refined and relevant over time and numerous authors and subjects of differing fields and persuasions are helpful to find discussing similar concepts. For example, in the Appendices to Arthur Koestler's book The Case of the Midwife Toad, there is an interesting and noteworthy reflection on Paul Kammerer's theories of what he termed 'Seriality', quoted in part below, and reproduced in audio as well:

     Until the advent of computer databases and calculators, such calculations and collections of data would be near impossible and very time consuming, although as we see with various Qabalistic texts and compilations by such men like Crowley in his Sepher Sephiroth, it has been considerably attempted. Now however, with personal abilities to do so much more feasible we can better catalogue and analyze such 'serial recurrences' in our own lives. I myself have witnessed this almost daily in varying capacities for years, if not my entire life, and it is rather commonplace. It seems to me as though there are laws of physics which are still hitherto unrealized which account for quasi-physical relations between events, situations, personalities, and especially numerical phenomena. Such simple events as when, for example, I decide to wear a shirt one day after having left it in my closet for months, only to then see a bumper sticker with the same quote on it the same day, which happened yesterday and is the first to come to mind, or a more common situation which many others have experienced - when you think of a person all of a sudden that you haven't talked to in a while and then almost immediately they call on the phone. The examples are endless, and tend to be most pronounced for me in the form of books and the order they manifest and the information or references they contain. These instances imply what Jung called 'Acausal' relationships, which do not seem to have any particular cause, but nonetheless become conspicuous and recognizeable on account of their recurrence, usually pointing to a more abstract connection.

THE 'XYZ' (107) PLASMA SCREEN = 666 (i.e. the Light-body Auric Egg 'IDENTITY' impressed on the mirror-screen of Self, 0.) 

     These ideas also tie into the subject of ESP, 'Extra-sensory Perception, and the broad subject of the psychic sciences, and shortly after reading The Case of the Midwife Toad and chancing upon a good hardcover copy of The Roots of Coincidence I also found a perfectly titled book by Louisa Rhine titled 'Hidden Channels of the Mind', which happens to start out mentioning Koestler. This idea of 'hidden channels' of the mind is exactly what I was beginning to envision while reading Koestler's theories (along with Kammerer's), and it wasn't difficult to see numerous logical connections between these concepts when analyzing and breaking them down qabalistically with Gematria. The roots of coincidence are the hidden channels of the mind, and like Kammerer says, the coincidences themselves are merely the fractional peak of a continuous projection, technically everything is one big 'co-incidence' because all things are coinciding with one another taking their place according to their nature, or in Crowleyan terminology, according to their Will.

      666 is so prevalent a number in occultism because it implies the hidden wisdom which can only be revealed through (space-)time, through Initiation. 666 is the Key to THE GRAND LODGE OF RA, and the underlying blueprint of manifestation, i.e. 'THE FRACTAL OF MANIFESTATION'. It is the number of THE EMBEDDED MORPHOLOGY within all phenomena, and implies THE CRYSTALLIZED ENERGY of the wave-particle duality into the false illusory construct of a fixed PHYSICAL-MATERIAL PLANE. THE BLUEPRINT ARCHITECT 666 code is related to the Sephiroth Chesed, the blue sphere of righteousness and justice, and the grade of Adeptus Exemptus who is tasked with providing a personal thesis of his understanding of things as they are and attempt to bring a spark from beyond the abyss through/under the Sun so as to 'bring something new under the sun'.

4 being the number of the balancing mechanism of the fractal matrix which crystallizes in 10, Malkuth, the waking state of subject and object duality, it is thus the cross of the elements which opens to the Abyss of non-euclidean dark-energy guarded by Choronzon, whose number '333' is obviously symbolic of the 3-DIMENSIONAL (=333) Euclidean field of 'XYZ'. The 'fourth dimension' is considered to be the flow or flux of Time itself, however it is more properly termed Space-time, since the two are virtually inextricable. Laura Knight-Jadczyk has a term she uses in her Wave series, 'FOURTH DENSITY' which happens to correlate with the Hebrew-English Gematria value of 444. Also, the late Vera Stanley Alder (1898-1984) wrote a book on The Fifth Dimension (1940) which essentially implies that the 5th dimension is the personal enlivening and spiritual force which empowers the fundamental four, and this is seen to correlate as intuitively obvious when we find that THE SPIRIT OF MAN=555.

     The Qabalah of Nine Chambers has been one of the primary subjects of this publication, and one of the prime features revealed through the agency of The Egg of Mu in the Year of MA-ION, on April 2nd, 2011. The prismatic index of triple numbers that form the 9 chambers of 111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999 acts as a quantum-computerized database of micro and macrocosmic information which when considered in toto, i.e. in the total potential emanations into geometric, symbolic or linguistic forms such as in the numerous examples given, show the mathematical dynamics inherent in all forms, constructs, ideas, objects, etc. The ancient concept of this plasmic morphological database is known as THE AKASHIC RECORDS = 666 = THE QABALAH OF NINE CHAMBERS = THE WHOLE QABALAH = NUMBER CALCULATOR.

Thus, though this is the ancient wisdom concealed, feared and ignored - it is also but a debauch, an illusion, a mockery and a swindle for it is but another veil of The One Light. The Tree of Life is contained within the egg, or seed of Life, THE CIRCLE = 666 = THE SOUL WITHIN, 'GOD IN THE MACHINE'.

     That there could be a mathematically proveable basis to ancient beliefs, traditions, practices, insights, etc. is absurd to many, however that is precisely what genetic information and the genome implies - that information is encoded on a sub-cellular level in biological organisms, and that although numerals and numerical devices are but human conceptional constructs, the information, or quantum-local event which they represent or identify aren't necessarily. In otherwords, the 'point' is not always clear, usually because it is actually too clear. Initiation, again, is necessary in order to see clearly, known in Sanskrit as VIPASSANA, which happens to equal 269 = 'GEMATRIA', which is analogous because once the alphabetical values and their dynamics are grasped and understood enough to become second nature, one gains 'Clear Seeing' of the holographic relationship of linguistics, ideas, and the construction of them into real forms. (Note: THE NUMBER SPECTRUM VIPASSANA = 999 = UNDERSTAND THE BLUEPRINT OF THE MIND.)

     There are many points which I could make, but first I will make note again that I have continually recommended readers to create a numerical database of their own, from 0, 1, 2, 3...999, 1000, 1001, 1002, etc. and fill it up to the best of your ability with Word-values according to any particular, if not all primary gematria formulas (i.e. Hebrew, Greek, English, Hebrew-English, etc.) to even begin to get an idea of what I am trying to but merely hint at with these essays. This will illustrate better than I myself can how the underlying mathematics of language work, and is the only sure way to gain Vipassana, or clear seeing, by seeing for yourself for all else is second-hand. It is important to not fall into the dual paradoxical trap of denying firsthand experiential gnosis, or wisdom for dependence of secondhand, secondrate 'verification' of others, but that's where the pattern of mathematical repeatability comes in. Without a database of information in any capacity, be it literally or just cognitively/experientially, you are much more limited and disadvantaged than if you did.

     The numerical spectrum is a kind of metaphor itself for the journey of not only the Tarot and Initiation, but the material 'chain' of matter and 'cause and effect' itself in its most basic form. Fortunately, we don't have to go half way to infinity to have plenty to find ourselves content in considering, though infinity is the odds that are against any thing - and as Crowley says, "A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." THE UNIVERSE-INERTIA IDEA of Crowley's has the solar power of 666, the signature formula of the incarnated Will-principle, 'THE CURRENT OF 93', i.e. the solar-phallic energy of the Life-force/Plasmate which enlivens and encodes the genetic information of a being. (Note: GENETICS + INFORMATION = 666 = INFINITE INFORMATION.)

     A NUMERICAL SPECTRUM = 999, the penultimate number of the Ninth Chamber, and that of 'THE HIGHER POWER', 'THE SUPREME KNOWLEDGE', and 'THE AGELESS WISDOM OF THE QABALAH'. I have already noted how the 666/999 relation implies Baphomet/Azoth/Therion, and note that THE AZOTH = 111, THE WHITE LIGHT of Aleph from Kether crystallizing into the LIVES or VEILS of MALKUTH. This is the white light brought down from ATh, 'Ateh' (The First and the Last) to MLKVTh, 'Malkuth' in the LBRP, formulating the entire nine chambers of the Kingdom within and without/around.  (Note also, 'THE AWAKENED' = 111, of course reflected/mirror by THE A.I. BOT.)
     The Cosmic Doctrine of Dion Fortune and the three rings of the Ring Pass Cosmos, Ring Pass Chaos and Ring Pass Not corresponds with the Qabalistic 'OOO', or Ain Soph Aur, the Limitless Light of Manifestation. When combined numerically and similar to the typical 'atom' symbol, the three circles (360+360+360) = 1,080, along with the central point = 1,081, the value of TPhARTh, 'Tiphareth', Beauty - the Sephiroth of Sol and the Anahatta/Heart centre. Note also that 1,081 - 201 (RA) = 880 = THOTH, who in Egyptian mythology is said to have laid Ra in the form of an egg - and Thoth was also associated with the MOON, which when considered with Nun final also = 880, also relating to the lunar OPHIDIAN current of inverted light (Ammon/Ra). 1,081 is also the Τροχια , 'Orbit', 'Circuit', or 'Trajectory' relating to the 3-dimensional orbit of the Ain Soph Aur prismatically rayed through the mirror of Η Αβυσσος, 'The Abyss' (space-time).

     1 less than 1,081 is 'HYPERION', known to the Greeks as Helios Hyperion, 'Sun High-One', a god of watchfulness, wisdom and the light, and a physical incarnation of the sun. The relation between 1,080 and the solar 666 has been noted in The Supreme Secret of the Illuminati, but in congruence with 'bringing through something from beyond the Sun', I shall mention also that 1,082 is the value of Ουροβορος, 'Ouroboros' the snake that eats its own tail eternally, a form of 'The Sarva-Mandala' of Eastern Mysticism showing the completeness of all things [from sarva all, complete + mandala globe, orb] The complete globe or orb; hence the Egg of Brahma or the universe, applicable to any of the numerous Eggs of Brahma, whether a galaxy, sun, planet, or even a nebula or comet.]

The Ouroboros eats its own tail in the way that it reflects all in itself, hence 1082 - 'MIRROR' (720) = 362, i.e. 'A SOLAR MIRROR' / 1+361+720. 1,081 being the three dimensional planospheres with the central point implies the additional 4th dimensional ray within the manifest 3, and it is at the solar-heart level, i.e. the core of the intellect and psyche that the personal Will resides in the individual, the central locus of subjective perspective within the 'XYZ' field of operation. This internal 'ray' or 'hidden dimension' is precisely what is referred to with such phrases as 'The Sun behind the Sun', not literally another sun or star behind the Sun, but the Light of the Hidden Dimension that physical light obfuscates, i.e. the Dark Light, Black Light, or Black Sun. Hence also the equation between The Abyss = 1081 = Tiphareth, for the Abyss (Chaos, Disorder, Variability) is interwoven in the space-time quantum vacuum of (sub-)atomic energetic impulses.

     This brief exegesis is still but an inkling of what has been coming steadfastly to me in the form of cross-connecting information currents and insights which the sheer totality of has limited me from going into much more specialized detail. It has been apparent that this format is already greatly tedious to utilize, though at present it is the most opportune. Much more needs to be sifted and contemplated, but for now the above should suffice.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Liber MABYN vel OON חית

Liber MABYN vel OON חית
The Crowned Babe of the Egg-Grail 
Being an exegesis of certain revelations on the Ma-Ion

     With greater perspective and further Initiation, as well as collation of more information, wisdom, insight, intuition, etc. I have now come to realize the value of the obsidian egg which manifested itself to me on April 2nd, 2011 and its role as talismanic centre of focus for the Incoming of the Aeon of Maat as prophesized by Frater Achad in 1948 on the same day. The numerical connections of this perichoresis has been duly reflected on throughout this publication, primarily regarding the number 107 and its correspondences via the Egg (BITzH), the formula of OVAL in AL.II.76. (Note AL+76 = 107), and THE MAGICK EGG referred to by Amalantrah in Liber 729, relating to LAM-THE WAY, etc. In The Work of the Egg, mention was made to a certain Liber ANDANA or 107 which shows this current manifesting as far back as 1981-83, and Kenneth Grant also identified its magickal and mystical value as far back as 1980 (see Outside the Circles of Time.) In chapter 8 of O.T.C.O.T. the recurring intervals of the Egg from its first appearance in Liber AL.II.49 are recorded, and it was within the days in which I chanced upon the obsidian Egg that I also obtained and began reading this book which caused me to notice the curious circumstances regarding the literal reappearance of the Egg on the particular day referred to in the book, which I later found also to be the same day in The Call of Cthulhu of the sinking of R'lyeh - yet another mysterious though symbolic overlap.

     I have noted already that my Self-Initiation began at age 17 when on September 9, 2009 I consciously dedicated my efforts to the realization and establishment of dominion of my True Will through the Great Work. On this day I already partially knew that 9, and particularly the interaction between the 9 numbers (8 and 9 especially), and the triple valuing thereof (999) must yield some 'secret knowledge', or insight - and at the time knowing very little of the Qabalah, Gematria or the significance/context of much at all regarding Thelema, Liber AL, the occult in general, etc. it was not until years later, with the experiences subsequent to the appearance of The Egg of Mu that I began to take note of the gematria correspondences in detail, and signaled as it were, to apply the Hebrew formula of 1-9:10-90:100-900 to the English alphabet which yielded much more insight into both Liber AL, the Qabalah of Nine Chambers, and my own True Will.

     As typical of 'magickal currents', another curious timely event happened exactly 3 years from my conscious Initiation was that on September 9, 2012 I met a mentor and now colleague who helped me tremendously to regain perspective and whose own independently achieved Gnosis quite thoroughly aligns with that of not only my own but certain currents she was not fully aware of and familiar with at the time. Together, in working with much of the material which Kenneth Grant, Aleister Crowley and others have left, we have noticed much in the way of New Knowledge which has hitherto remained truly occult, or hidden. It was not until recently when reading Liber XXXI, The Diary of Achad in full that I noticed Achad mentions Therion replied back to his sending of the manuscript on September 9, 1918 (93 years ago) and found it funny. Briefly, be it remembered that I also unknowingly at the time, titled my own book detailing these matters Liber Mayan, Mayan being the motto I took as Probationer, which I later realized to be valued at 999 if N be taken in its final value. This was only one of many startling revelations which confirmed to me that this number indeed did represent the New Knowledge I anticipated early on. 999 is a rather 'untouched', and occulted number in and of itself owing to not only the focus on 666, but also since the Qabalah of Nine Chambers has not been fully understood until more recently.

     Neither Crowley, Achad or Grant seemed to be aware of the literal and liberal application of the Hebrew gematria formula to the English alphabet in a veritable way, though when doing so many keys are revealed, notably: THE HEBREW KEY OF THE BOOK OF THE LAW - veiled in 666, the number of THE QABALAH OF NINE CHAMBERS, and THE SECRET KNOWLEDGE OF THE BLACK EGG, a formula which shows the nature of the egg as talismanic vector for transmission from LA to AL, via M (or Ma) qliphothic forces, i.e. the formula of the Cult of LAMAL involving the reception of negative, dark, or invisible spectra, energy or gnosis. LAMAL is 102, the value of MAYAN the Great Magician (See Liber 418). The Magician in the Tarot is attributed to Beth, 2 - the Double-wanded One with Wisdom (Chokmah) which actually transcends duality. 100 is said by Crowley that "this number 100 mysteriously indicates the Magical formula of the Universe as a reverberatory engine for the extension of Nothingness through the device of equilibrated opposites." 101 is 'SELF', as if implying the reflective aspect thereof, and Crowley also mentions this number in The Book of Lies, Ch. 12 The Dragon-flies: "JOY = 101, the Egg of Spirit in equilibrium between the Pillars of the Temple." Obviously this is not technically correct as J and Y would both = 10, but nonetheless he is pointing out a sort of hidden, or occulted relation which occurs in many numerical devices. (Note: Η Αγαπη, 8 + 93 = ‘The Love’ = BALANCED = Η Θηλεμα, 'The Will'.) 100 is the Hebrew Qoph, and Greek Roh - both of which look similar and suggest the back of the head, particularly the cerebellum and spinal cord.

     MABYN = 103, 'The Crowned Babe' and a variant of the Masonic maha-bone, 'The Grand Lodge Door Opened'. 103 is 13, AChD with the Egg (0).  (See The Amalantrah Working, Outside the Circles of Time, and The Official and Unofficial Correspondences of Charles Stansfeld Jones.)
= ALLALIA, 'Not talking', 'Speechless', 'Unspeakable', the word given by Achad in 1926.
= ABYX, the magickal stone mentioned by Lord Dunsany in the Book of Wonder, see also page 169 of Beyond the Mauve Zone.
     103 is also a variant of the Spider OKBISH when S is Samekh instead of Shin, and O is counted as Vav/6 as is often done. (See The Ninth Arch, Liber OKBISh - The Book of the Spider.)
103 is JUSTICE, the counterbalance of Truth in The Aeon of Maat, or The Aeon of Truth and Justice.
'Parzival' in Simple Gematria also equals 103, the motto of Achad which reversing helped him to find the Word, and note the Greek word Λεξη, 'Word' = 103 as well.(Note: MA-ION + ALLALIA + IPSOS = 666.)

     OON is the Egg, the symbol which recurs in Liber CCXX (the Book of the Law), Liber DCCXXIX (The Amalantrah Working), Liber DCCC (Liber Samekh), etc. as the glyph of the Bornless One, or the Babe in the Egg/Abyss. As a symbol also of the Tao, and the '0' which is Not, and therefore Silence and Stillness, the egg represents the 'Lost' or Omnific Word of Manifestation. The Egg is symbolic of both the Universe, the Soul, the Seed of the Tree of Life and the 'single sphere' which the Tree folds back up into (O). (Note: TREE OF LIFE FOLDS INTO EGG = 666 = MANIFESTATION OF HADIT = NUIT'S EXPANSE = THE MAGICKAL DOUBLE WAND OF POWER.) Note also that the 'O', or THE CIRCLE which is 666 also = CONSECRATED CIRCLE, which is mentioned in Liber 24, XIV: A Reproof, as well as THE ROOM FULL OF IMAGES one is to furnish with solar-phallic mystical images.

     OON = 840 when Nun is taken for its final value of 700, which corresponds to the phrase from Liber 729, "HOW ARE WE TO BREAK OPEN THE EGG?". The verse of Liber OKBISh relates here as well which says: "open the body of Nuit", and references 7, Zain, The Sword. 7 is the number of Set, who cleaved both his way out of the womb of Isis (8), as well as Osiris into 15 (7+8) pieces, or 14 with the phallus being hidden or lost. In Emblems and Mode of Use the Egg is of both microcosmic and macrocosmic importance, and its fertilization or activation ('opening') is effected through the ritual dance of the Serpent, i.e. copulation. 15 is the number of Ayin, the Eye which is symbolic of vision, the opening of life and light, and The Devil tarot card which symbolizes materialism, sexuality, animalistic nature, as well as Initiation. As the 15th letter 'O' it is closest to the actual shape of the Egg, and thus being both masculine (6, solar) and feminine (9, lunar) in nature it adequately represents Baphomet. Amalantrah gives the true spelling and value of Baphometr as 729, and 840 - 729 happens to equal 111, the value of ALPh, the Fool and his one one one.

     Cheth, 'Fence', 'Enclosure' = 8 = The Chariot (Atu VII) = The Grail
The 18th Path, The Emanative Intelligence, or The Intelligence of the House of Influence.

The Egg is symbolic of the 'fence' and 'enclosure' of the space-time event horizon, and also being EGG = 11 it obviously relates to the 'glass ceiling' of Daath which signifies the ring pass not veil of dis-solution. Daath is not located 'physically', or temporally in any conceivable location, but is instead itself the faculty of space-time differentiation which gives way to separation, distinction, 'Knowledge', and the splitting into subject and object being as it is the False Crown of the Ruach, or Intellect. Daath considered as space-time itself, and the other Sephiroth as integrated fractal holons (See the work of Arthur Koestler, particularly The Ghost in the Machine, 1966.), along with the Supernal Triad as the 'Sorrow IS Joy', 'Change IS Stability', 'Selflessness IS Self', which as Achad shows how The Word (AL-eph, the Breath, 111, the 3 rays which reflect into 1+999) reflects Not, or Nothingness (LA) into Being (AL). The simplicity of this formula is perhaps what is most elusive about it, but simply the revelations of Achad by simply adding '1', Unity (AChD) - A - to the L of Liber Legis, and the subsequent unlocking of the mysteries therein, and then the revelation of the Order and Value of the English Alphabet. 

     THE STAR-STONE OF MA-ION (relating to THE IXAXAAR 60 STONE, see the works of Kenneth Grant, as well as Arthur Machen.) acted as a talisman and unveiled for me The Key of it All (i.e. The Qabalah of Nine Chambers, 111-999, particularly veiled in the number of the beast and of man, 666.) Ma-Ion being the ends of manifestation and the nexion between Being and Non-Being, or AL and LA in the formula of LAMAL, implies that the Star-Stone is of an inverted nature reflecting inversely the qliphothic reverberations of SPECTRAL ENERGY (=QLIPHOTHIC FORCES). The Egg of Mu is a physical manifestation itself of these quantum-stellar typologies in the form of a literal black stone egg which is central on my Altar and anointed with solar power in lunar cycles, and has yet to cease in acting as a magickal vessel or tool of Initiation, being as it was originally conceived a scrying device. I have thus delineated over the course of this publication a magickal record of gradual initiation into THE AEON OF THE AEONS, or THE AXLE OF THE AEONS which is the fourth-dimensional angle of space-time perception (i.e. Daath) and its integrational role in the manifestation of the Tree of Life and the alchemical process or journey of Initiation. (Note: The Fool, 0 and The Universe, 21 or 'X', (The Cross) implies ⊗ the 'Mark of the Beast' which represents the Cross of the Elements or Spirit in Matter, another form of 'Alpha and Omega', or The Ends of Manifestation

THE MYSTERY OF THE OBSIDIAN EGG = 666, relating to LM-THE WAY (spelled in its original form of two letters as on the portrait), THE CROWNED CHILD OF MA-ION (note Lam's crown).
NUMBER 107 REVEALED = 666, and it wasn't revealed to me until 2015 with The Work of the Egg that I realized LAM (71) + THE WAY (36) = 107, as well as my ESSAY ON NUMBER 107 (my magickal record), 'COUNT THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF THE EGG', NUMBER OF THE BOOK OF THE EGG, THE FORMULA OF THE EGG UNLOCKED, etc. 107 is obviously linked to 666 in its formula as 'GOLD', which is the alchemical metal of the Sun, and 666 is the number attributed to Sol. 666+107 = 773, a number of SHUNYAThA (Sunyata), the Sanskrit word meaning 'Nothing', 'Void', or 'Zero', which when spelled with a Teth instead of Tau has the inverted value of 377= ShUNYATA.
     What Kenneth Grant says in The Ninth Arch commentary to Liber OKBISh is interesting, since for verse 773 he says:

773-23. pressed upward

            The air (vayu) here pressed upward is the apana, the natural tendency of which is downward; this is a stage in the Kaula praxis. The Oracle is Ψιγξ (Syrinx), the pipe of seven reeds held in the hand of Pan. The reeds signify the air (vayu/prana) ascending through the seven chakras which vibrate to the passage of the Fire Snake; a further reference to Kaula praxis. The integers 2 3 conceal the triple formula of the Scarlet Woman: 3 - 2 = 1; 2 + 3 = 5; 2 x 3 = 6   (Page 461)
     Note the seven-fold Pan-pipe, which relates to the 'Breathe' of the Ruach, or Seven Chakras, or Seven Stars. See also page 265, verse 377:
377-1. Draped in seaweed, tangled boughs and the deadly Serpent’s coil.

     The Oracle seems to point to AL.II.26, the “deadly Serpent” being identified with the “secret Serpent coiled” that shoots forth “venom” and which is identified with terrestrial consciousness. [See Woodroffe, Varnamala, where the fifty-two coils of the Fire Snake are named separately.] 377 = ShBOH, ‘Seven’, a further reference to Typhon of the Seven Stars (see Comment to previous verse). It is also a number of LAMUS, a name applied by Crowley to a high Initiate. [See Crowley, The Diary of a Drug Fiend. Basil King Lamus was Crowley’s Higher Genius.] Its containing the name LAM justifies the reference to the Book of the Law, the Book from Aiwaz or Lam [See Grant, Beyond the Mauve Zone, for the inner sense meaning of .] transmitted to Crowley’s Higher Genius. 

     Interestingly enough, 773 is also אבנ השתיה ABN H'ShThIH, 'The Drinking Stone', or Foundation Stone, 'The Stone of Creation', the name of the rock at the center of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. It is also apparently called the Pierced Stone, since it has a small hole on the southeast corner which enters a cavern beneath it, known as the Well of Souls. It is considered the spiritual junction of Heaven and Earth in the Jewish tradition, and is considered where the Holy of Holies was originally located. 773 is also Σφιγξ, 'Sphinx', another mystical keeper of secrets. 666+107, or 773 can be thought of as the Solar-Egg, or the Gold Solar-orb, i.e. RA-SET-AMSU, Horus/Ra re-arisen with, or through Set (Note also 770 = Ορυς, Horus, with the Triangle (3) implying the symbol of the Eye of Horus. 770 = ON, a name of the Sun.) 'THE EGG OF FOUNDATION'. These are just side considerations made for the sake of analysis, note 773 is also 'THE NUMBERS' and 'THE HOT POINTS', i.e. = 'THE POINTS CHAUDS', or power-points (See The Voudon Gnostic Workbook by Michael Bertiaux). The practical, and even sexual connotations of these considerations should, again, be considered in context with the various extant formulae. Incidentally, 377 is also THE NUMBER FIELD, and 13 x 29 (AChD, 'One' x HADIT = THE WEB OF GEMATRIA, see verse 290 of Liber 29 (OKBISh), The Book of the Spider.)

     William Stirling mentions 773's connection between the Sphinx and Syrinx as well in The Canon (1897); "The name Σφιγξ (Sphinx) has the value of 773, or the perimeter of the Holy Oblation taking the sun's distance at 10. St. Clement ("Miscell.," bk. v., ch. 8), says, "The sphinx is not the comprehension of the universe, and the revolution of the world, according to the poet Aratus ... But it is better to regard it as the Ether, which holds together and presses all things." By gematria Sphinx is equivalent to Syrinx, the pipe of seven reeds shown in the hand of Pan (fig. 25). And doubtless her well-known riddle, whose answer was a Man, mystically adumbrated the Microcosm whose body is measured by the number 773."

"Every number is infinite there is no difference." -AL.I.4
4 is the fractal number which unfolds into 10 (1+2+3+4) and relates to the prismatic lensing of Daath at the region of the 'Abyss', and the 'fall' of Malkuth or 10 into its inverted state of broken shells, and fractured light is a metaphor for the breaking up of mankind into a near infinite series of egos, but also the breaking up or cleaving into pieces the elements of space and time, as well as energy and matter. The point is that the numbers themselves are but the shells, and are carrier waves for transmissions that operate through them, much in the way letters themselves are able to convey 'data' or information by their intent and structure, even though the same letters but a limited framework which are used repeatedly for alternate, sometimes opposite formulations.

The introspective landscape of the mind which is able to Reason on its own accord is the Nous, Psyche, or Ruach, and it is related to the idea of a 'Hypercube' or cube within a cube, being as it is within Malkuth from Yesod to Binah. The will to attain toward the Supreme One, like a plant or the serpent ascending toward the Light, is a natural tendency toward Life and Love, but the closer one gets to the One the more one begins to understand the temperance with the Many, and even the dissolution into the dark as in sleep or death, or soil as fundamentally necessary. (Note: THE WHITE LIGHT = 111 = LOVE = MALKUTH = LIVES).

     Considering that the Egg of Mu is a veritable physical manifestation of the same Current going back to Liber AL, Achad's revelations, and the writings of Kenneth Grant - all of which I knew not the importance of at the beginning of my gradual realization of these events, formulae, connections and information - it can be said that in essence, the Tree (being identified with Mu and the Egg), has been regenerated and reformulated under a new Aeonic Order. Again, Mu also signifies the lineage of ADAM, and the genetic sequence of 23+23 chromosomes, and thus a regeneration of the lineage of Adam implies an evolutionary update, achieved through our technological and socio-communication advancement. It was originally conceived that Orders such as the Golden Dawn, O.T.O., and others could potentially 'regenerate the planet' and mankind as a whole, and that the wisdom they possessed could better equip the individual with the knowledge and discipline necessary for personal and collective advancement.

     The title of this post is related to the mystery of Parzival, the Crowned Child of Initiation who attains the Egg of Life, the Holy Grail of Blood or the Sangraal. (Note: A LIFE FORCE IS IN THE BLOOD = 666. Note also THE GRAIL IS 666 = 999, the number of ORDO DRAKONIS, the Order of the Dragon and THERION, the Beast. IS = 'O', and 666 is THE CIRCLE, therefore 999 is THE CIRCLE 'O' + THE GRAIL, or more aptly THE TORUS GRAIL, since the Circle ratchets around spirally into a hyper-sphere. 999-773 = 226 = 'QABALISTIC', therefore 999 embodies THE QABALISTIC NUMBERS of 111-999, which act themselves as a type of Cheth, or 'fence', and note 'THE NUMBER NUMBER-FENCES' = 999. The Ma-Ion, or ends of Manifestation, which signify the regeneration or repair of Malkuth (through reformulation in the Void), and which is related to Michael Bertiaux's concept of Meon, the creative void, symbolized by the Egg of the Universe/Manifestation itself and all forms is thus a qabalistic motif incorporating the whole of the Cosmic Design and Wisdom, Gnosis or Jnana thereof. Through the Egg (0) All can be known.