"It is possible to get out of the trap. However, in order to break out of a prison, one first must confess to being in a prison. The trap is in man's emotional structure, his character structure. There is little use in devising systems of thought about the nature of the trap if the only thing to do in order to get out of the trap is to know the trap and to find the exit." -Wilhelm Reich, The Murder of Christ (1953)
"Life travels upward in spirals. He who takes pains to search the shadows of the past below us, then, can better judge the tiny arc up which he climbs, more surely guess the dim curves of the future above him." -Attribution unknown, found on the cover of The Living Thoughts of Descartes by Paul Valery (1947)

Human behavior has become, and has to a great degree always been, largely built on tradition and imitation, often mandated by force and enforced through social pressure. Even in our attempts to extricate ourselves from the norms and expectations of society, as we so often try just to maintain a sense of self, we often tend to lapse into repetition and imitation and as the old saying goes 'there is nothing new under the sun' and there are only so many options and combinatory possibilities in our limited matrix of being. The reproductive process is itself based on cyclical replication on a genetic level, and it is through repetitive cycles that strength and skill is acquired, therefore this seemingly redundant tendency to repeat history actually has a natural basis of great value not to be dismissed as detrimental and regressive. For myself, this blog has served as a sort of microcosmic form of this in that though much has been reiterated it has helped me to familiarize and memorize certain threads of data, threads which are woven in such a way as to make many other threads accessible when otherwise occulted, forgotten, etc.
There are different 'orders of magnitude' in what we call 'Time', as we are familiar with seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, etc. Each order of magnitude governs or correlates with correspondingly lengthy events, such as our biological rhythms are generally measured at a frequency rate in seconds, though extending into larger life situations other things can take days or weeks and years, and we know of much larger spans of time by logical deduction with which we measure and conceive greater magnitudes, such as millenia when studying or referring to geology, astronomy etc. Each is but a lens of abstraction from the perspective of a given point of 'view', and we do this all the time on a range of levels, consciously and un/subconsciously when we project ourselves in time. 'Time' is only measurable via recurring patterns (cosmos), and it is ironic that Saturn/Chronos who presides over time-keeping also corresponds to the pattern of the calculator in the magic square of 3x3, (#; note the number symbol is number 3 on the keyboard.) one of the most basic and primal of patterns which can mathematically synthesize virtually any. The notion of the Rings of Saturn also implies not merely the physical rings around the planet Saturn, but also the rings or cycles of time, as well as the 'rings' of the music of the spheres.
"A more minute analysis reveals 729 as 72 / 29: DZYAN = [11 + 61] = 72 (D = Daleth, 'a door'; Z = Zain, 'a sword'; YAN = IAN = AIN = an Eye). 72 = Η Αλεθηια ('Truth', Maat); 29 = the Book OKBISh. Finally, 729 = Κηφας, Kephas: "Thou shalt be called Kephas which is by interpretation a stone" (petros), the perfect ashlar or cubic stone, thus equating the stellar lode with the perfect-ION." The root of the word Dzyan is Dhyana/Jnana, the penultimate state of yoga or Gnosis. Note also, in connection with the above, that 27 is the value of the BAHTI, or the 'hideous, but faithful gnomes - [that] guard the hidden treasures of this prehistoric people, awaiting the day when the revolution of cyclic periods shall again cause their story to be known for the instruction of mankind." 72 is the Hebrew 'OB', which translates as either UFO, 'cloud', thick darkness, and Atziluth's 'Secret Nature' being the Astral Light.)
The word Hologram, means literally holo- (whole) + -gram (symbol) 'whole symbol', and since one of the most fundamental of symbols is a whole number it is ironic that the word HOLOGRAM itself equates as 419 with the phrase 'WHOLE NUMBER'. 419 happens to also be a Prime number, and the 81st prime at that (9x9). 419 is, as those who are or are becoming more familiar with the Qabalah would know, the number of the ninth Hebrew letter Teth spelled in full (TITh), generally symbolizing a serpent - 9 significantly being that of the whole number spectrum. 419 carries in itself 'THE 9' (Tau, 400 + Heh, 5 + Heh, 5 + Teth, 9), and 9 is itself symbolic of the 'H.G.A.' (5+3+1), or Holy Guardian Angel - the Solar/Astral (of the Stars) Light. Also of alchemical significance is the equation of 'EQUILIBRIUM' to 419 since the Path of Teth connects the Sephiroth of Chesed and Geburah, Mercy and Strength. The Serpent is symbolic of the balance between 'Light and Darkness', 'Good and Evil', 'Life and Death', etc. and thus the forces thereof, i.e. generation and destruction. 419 is also the value of the Hebrew פרקטל, 'Fractal', and מטריקס,'Matrix', as well as הקבלה גימטריה, The Qabalah & Gematria.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." -2 Corinthians 11:14


"THERE has been an infinite confusion of names to express one and the same thing.
The chaos of the ancients;
or the Antusbyrum
of the Parsees;
the Hermes-fire;
the Elmes-fire of the ancient Germans;
the lightning of Cybele;
the burning torch of Apollo;
the flame on the
altar of Pan;
the inextinguishable fire in the temple on the Acropolis,
and in that of Vesta;
the fire-flame of Pluto's helm;
the brilliant
sparks on the hats of the Dioscuri, on the Gorgon head,
the helm of
and the staff of Mercury;
the Egyptian Phtha, or Ra;
the Grecian Zeus Cataibates (the descending);*
the pentecostal fire-tongues;
the burning bush of Moses;
the pillar of fire of the Exodus,
and the "burning lamp" of Abram;
the eternal fire of the "bottomless
the Delphic oracular vapors;
the Sidereal light of the
the AKASA of the Hindu adepts;
the nerve-aura and the fluid of the magnetists;
the od of Reichenbach;
fire-globe, or meteor-cat of Babinet;
the Psychod
and ectenic force of Thury;
the psychic force of Sergeant Cox and Mr.
the atmospheric magnetism of some naturalists;
finally, electricity,
are but various names for many different
manifestations, or effects of the same mysterious, all-pervading cause
the Greek Archeus, or [[Archaios]].
"I have long held an opinion, almost amounting to a conviction, in common, I believe, with many other lovers of natural knowledge, that the various forms under which the forces of matter are made manifest, HAVE ONE COMMON ORIGIN; or, in other words, are so directly related and naturally dependent, that they are convertible, as it were, into one another, and possess equivalents of power in their action."
Absurd and unscientific as may appear our comparison of a fictitious vril invented by the great novelist, and the primal force of the equally great experimentalist, with the kabalistic astral light, it is nevertheless the true definition of this force. Discoveries are constantly being made to corroborate the statement thus boldly put forth. Since we began to write this part of our book, an announcement has been made in a number of papers of the supposed discovery of a new force by Mr. Edison, the electrician, of Newark, New Jersey, which force seems to have little in common with electricity, or galvanism, except the principle of conductivity. If demonstrated, it may remain for a long time under some pseudonymous scientific name; but, nevertheless, it will be but one of the numerous family of children brought forth from the commencement of time by our kabalistic mother, the Astral Virgin. In fact, the discoverer says that, "it is as distinct, and has as regular laws as heat, magnetism, or electricity." The journal which contains the first account of the discovery adds that, "Mr. Edison thinks that it exists in connection with heat, and that it can also be generated by independent and as yet undiscovered means."

The magnetic quality of 6 and 9, and particularly 609 and 666/999 have already been touched upon, however for the sake of it not being lost in the already abysmal depths of this blog I will reiterate the fact that 'MAGNETISM' = 609, and both 6 as Tiphareth/The Sun and 9 as Yesod/The Moon imply a sort of magnetic opposition in both appearance and quality/character - 666 being known as 'The Number of the Sun', as well as the Beast and Man (and THE EVOLUTION thereof); while 999 is obscure, 'occult' and rarely ever expounded upon in depth, and never in full relation to an authentic Gnosis of the Qabalah of Nine Chambers and its actual gematria values. I have noted how I took it upon myself in the beginning of my Initiation, at 17 years of age on September 9, 2009 (9-9-9) to fully understand and execute my 'True Will', knowing it to be related in some way to the meaning (then unknown to me at the time) of the number 9, and more exactly 999. I later discovered the numerous values to be found when applying the Hebrew formula to the English language, particularly those of THE QABALAH OF NINE CHAMBERS, as well as many further Keys of Liber AL vel Legis.

"A simulacrum (plural: simulacra from Latin: simulacrum, which means "likeness, similarity") is a representation or imitation of a person or thing. The word was first recorded in the English language in the late 16th century, used to describe a representation, such as a statue or a painting, especially of a god."

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Solar systems with variant characteristics. |

This post was written over the course of the month of June, however various things have made it difficult to post before the month was over. I will be posting it so that it stays in the 'June' folder to keep this years posts in better order by month. My ability to continue writing and making videos has been constrained by work at the moment, but I am hoping to soon get back into reading and writing more. I have a list of things to be worked on, from videos, to blog topics, various books to be read, as well as transcribing of my digital database into physical books with additional data increasing daily. All support thus far and in the future is greatly appreciated, and much more material is on its way.