Monday, February 9, 2015

Visions of the Past, Transmissions from the Future - Precursor to Disclosure

The keys given publicly through the channel of this publication are the keys to true Alien Disclosure. The point in collating all of this information in this blog is to show the interlocking integral nature of our systems of consciousness on earth and how the knowledge of the past can unlock the wisdom of the future - if but understanding were attained (3 to the third power of Binah). The main key in unlocking the mystery of the 'situation' is to look at the wide range of events, artifacts and insights as they have occurred throughout history by people unconnected or without any knowledge of each other and certain information. Looking between the lines in this phenomena is primary as it is not so much the data itself which is always as important as the way it was attained or what it may spur.

Kenneth Grant is one to mention when it comes to the idea of the 'inbetween', and he notes extensively that the 'aliens' or qliphoth are not of the Spheres or Numbers (1-9), but lie in the spaces between them, akin to the idea of the fractions which reverberate indefinitely into the chasm of the Abyss - the 'broken shells'. The idea is to maintain balance of the Tree so as to limit the chaos arising from the 'muddying of the waters' of the Great Sea of Binah, the solution to which only the Silence  of Tao is offered.

In Kenneth Grant's final Typhonian tome, The Ninth Arch, he states in opening on the jacket cover very plainly that:
"... For readers interested in significant relationships between Numerical (physical) and Magico-Mystical (metaphysical) concepts, The Ninth Arch contains an exhaustive thesaurus of the Typhonian Tradition. But beyond considerations of gematria, the Oracles of OKBISh [Hebrew: 'The Spider'] adumbrate Events likely to overtake planet Earth within the lifetime of many of the book's readers; and - for individuals who are able to interpret the Oracles in therms relative to their own magical universe - they issue warnings of the dangers that lie ahead of those unprepared to invoke the Sign of Protection against the oncoming wave of Outer Forces set to assume control of the planet. Now, at the turn of the millennium, it seems appropriate to release this Knowledge. "

"He Shall Come" by Steffi Grant,
used as the cover of the manifesto
of the New Isis Lodge.
This publication is intended to be an extension and mouthpiece for the same Current and message of that which was being set forth by Grant, Achad and especially Crowley himself. Kenneth Grant had been, and still is to a great extent, looked upon as a sort of heretic among 'orthodox' Thelemic circles who like their traditional way of doing things, seeing his comments on the inter-linking, spider-like nature of the world's various magickal, religious and philosophical paths. Another line of contention many had and may still have with him is assertion of being the true successor to Crowley as Outer Head of the O.T.O. He effectively relinquished this title around the time of 1992 along-side legal matters dealing with the use of the O.T.O. lamen on his publication of Hecate's Fountain, but if a survey of his material is surveyed parallel to the other material produced by even the more 'recognized' of Thelemites then it will be obvious to see who would come out on top for few since Crowley himself have done so much single-handedly to propel Thelemic philosophy into the realm of modern thought, none to have defined and developed the Current quite so cohesively. 

By infusing the Thelemic current with an overwhelming concatenation of strands and elements from across the spectrum, Grant shows plainly the power of the Prism of Daath which is the Power of the Mind itself to bridge the inner and outer, past and future, Mind and Matter with Knowledge made into experiential Wisdom. Each 'mind', or 'Self' is but a face or angle of the infinite Diamond that is S'LBA - what Grant calls 'The Self, the source of wisdom of the stellar tradition' (See Outer Gateways), and also mentions in the glossary to The Ninth Arch, S'lba having the value of both 93 and 333, "locking the concept four-squarely into the Thelemic, or The Lamic, Current." Thelema is of course an ophidian, or draconian Tradition with central focus being placed on the awakening, empowering and guiding of the Kundalini-serpent. 

Grant notes extensively how the Om-kara is related to the Kundalini being as it is a serpent "3 and one half coils". Taking this literally, we can see that 93 itself veils the coil of 3 (3 can be seen as a vertical coil/helix) with the 9 as the not quite complete 'one half coil'. I have also already noted how 93 is also connected to the Om-kara as it is a very close approximation to the Ik-Onkar, which is the Pali version of that symbolic concept. 333 is another 9, and veils A NINE GRID which is fitted on the computer keyboard under the number 3 itself (#) symbolizing the calculator grid wherein the Kundalini serpent morphs into the Dragon (0-1-9-10), the True meaning of the O.T.O. / ☉.⊗.O., the Opening of the Eye of the Dragon. This is the Dragon of Set/Satan, the Black Light of the Inner Sun beyond the Sun, and note that the basic Hebrew form of Set, ShT, is 309. 

This is the number of the QLIPHOTH, the reversed Will (39) encapsulating the Egg, and also Ή Σεληνη, 'The Moon' whose light is itself but a reflection of the Solar light. Reflecting then this number of reflection, as it conjures the image of the coil (3) rising from the egg (0) into an indefinite abyss (9) of self-return, we see that 903 is then the Egg positioned between the 93, the number of Βαπτισμος, 'Baptism' and THE GNOSIS - the Baptism into the Gnosis which is just exactly what is occurring [Note 903 is also "HTTP://WWW."] Together Η Σεληνη Βαπτισμος, 'The Lunar Baptism' = 1212, THE AEON OF HORUS, when the Earth is 'bathed in blood', i.e. the kalas of Babalon ('The Gate of the Sun') and 1212 reduces to 6, the number of the Sun. Adding the Gnosis of THE CODE to THE AEON OF HORUS (literally by way of gematria and literally by way of actually bringing this code into the open in The Aeon of Horus) I am effectuating THE AEON OF MAAT, 1313 which will come into a more fuller view in the near future along-side certain technological and sociological developments. 

While 309 is the Hebrew form of ShT, THE SET = 333, and this is, in psychonaut terminology, the place of being, or the setting of the Self. It also refers to the illusory nature of the Self and 'others', the literal set of the play of manifestation. Set, to the Egyptians, was relegated to no one particular animal and actually represented the prototypical 'alien', or 'foreigner', and being the God of Chaos he represented that which was outside of the the ordered Cosmos thus being relegated to 333 and the Qliphoth he is aligned with Daath and all that which is beyond or between the Gates of the # Grid. 
The number 93 is the Om/Ik-Onkar coiled at the base of the spine and in the number grid itself which acts as THE SEED of the Tree of Knowledge - and so 333 could also be seen as a set of springs symbolizing the spring-time in which life springs into growth. Set however is also the personification of the sun-set and so the Set would be the dark-half, or dark-side of manifestation and so would also signify that which is 'beyond time', past, future or otherwise. The Seed could also refer to the glandular secretions which are the qliphoth feed upon. 333 is THE SECRETED CHI, connecting further to the Serpent-force.

Going back to the COIL CONCEPT of 333, further explication of this idea and the idea of Gematria itself (particularly the Hebrew-English Gematria formula), we see that COIL SYMBOL+3 = 333 as well. The Coil is the symbol of Phi which is found in the Pentagram. In Liber OKBISh, verse 5 says:
"Lam is OKBI Spider writing. Number of the Great Star and the three tentacles."

The Great Star is obviously the verse number, 5-the Pentagram. The Three tentacles could be the 333 coils or the NINTH ARCH itself, and OKBI, as Grant notes in the Commentary, is 102 - the number of my name in Simple Gematria, my Neophyte formula, the formula of LAMAL, which is the transmission of AL (being) from LAM (non-being) via M (13). My name has 13 letters and my initials are M.A.L. THE SPIDER WRITING (=666) is this network which I have more thoroughly unveiled through the application of the formula of The Key of it All - which in its macrocosmic, or holistic sense, is the H.E.G. (13) formula itself - 13 being the Key to the WEB which connects all. WWW. is therefore not only  Vav-Vav-Vav (666), but also a veiled 333. It is of supreme importance that it is understood by all that the War-Machine mentioned in Liber AL is the Computer itself, and the WWIII is mainly going to arise from and through the WWW Current manifesting in the Outer (physically).

 333 is the MASTER GATE, or GATE MASTER (Choronzon) the Master Gate of THE GATE OF ONYX mentioned in Liber OKBISh (See verses 846 and 621: "Opened the Gate of Onyx", and "A Man named Black will open the Gate".) In French, Le Bas, a stylization of La Bas means  'The Low', 'Down there', 'The Dark', i.e. Black, (See the work La Bas by J.K. Huysmans.) The Gate of the Infinite Abyss ('The Gate of Onyx') is being opened in the network of Centres of Pestilence further becoming established paving the way for Lam to further come down and "descend from Daath". 
333 is the FUTURE SELF which is contained bound up in THE SEED and so it conceals each stage of being (Past-Present-Future/Waking-Dreaming-Sleeping) including that which is yet to be. Not only is this THE DREAMTIME, but 333 is TIME GEMATRIA and the TIME TRAVEL GATE which is none other than THE EGG NUMBER (0) - THE FUTURE LAM EGG. 333 is thus the KEY OF THE ESCHATON which is unlocked by the 107-GOLD-OVAL-Egg, The Key of it All which was prophesized in Liber AL vel Legis. This is all symbolic as the Eschaton is related to the Fresh Fever from the sky mentioned in AL.III.34. FEVER = 222, the number of GEBURAH who rules Mars, War, Division, Defense, etc. 333 is MALKUTH FEVER, i.e. War, Disease, etc.  Now it's all in our thoughts - THE THOUGHT WAR - and soon computer powered satellites will be sure to try and have every thought monitored if not programmed (See Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars which says that the Third World War is a Silent War using Pychological Warfare. The Aeon of Truth and Justice is still not fully developed because the Aeon of Horus itself has yet to fully develop but the two currents are noticeably active. And to further embed the spider writing of this matrix yet another 'coil' fitting in here via 333 is the highly significant and concentrated formula of THE NEW AEON OF MAAT. The 'Aeon' of Horus is thus being eventually being superseded via the development of a new Logos through the transcendance of the current ones we are are collectively working under. The Apocalypse need not occur in an external sense for that will only further set back the necessary internal Apocalypse we must each achieve in order to truly evolve. 

As Donald Tyson says in The Enochian Apocalypse, the 'Apocalypse' is a primarily internal event - and only secondarily external (i.e. when no one can 'implode' within and find themselves they will explode without);
"In my opinion the apocalypse prepared by the Enochian angels must be primarily an internal, spiritual event, and only in a secondary way an external, physical catastrophe. The gates of the Watchtowers that stand guard at the four corners of our dimension of reality are mental constructions. When they are opened, they will admit the demons of Coronzon, not into the physical world, but into our subconscious minds."
It is in this sense that much of what is here discussed should be understood, that the subconscious is the set of this situation, behind the backdrop of which the flood of Chaos roars - slowly seeping into the waking-conscious state of mind with our attempts to make everything intelligible and rigid. Grant, among many sensitive mediums, have perceived the influx of cosmic energy sweeping through the collective consciousness (and subconsciousness) of humanity alongside the swift advancement of technology, and the many peculiarities of the last century could be attributed to this increasing adjustment to the forces that are not in any way 'new', that we are just beginning to be able to come to view and understand. Of course, it probably need not be said by now that Adjustment is the formula of Maat in the Tarot, the balancer of Horus (Active-consciousness) and Set (Passive-subconsciousness).

The idea of the Grey Alien is specifically related to the idea of Set, especially in their connection with Sirius the Dog star and the Fish totemology of the Dogon and their legends regarding this star. The Fish in Hebrew is signified by the letter Nun, which is 'under' the water of Mem, symbolizing that which is in the subconsciousness. In fact, FISH+SUBCONSCIOUSNESS = 666, or SUBCONSCIOUSNESS + 9x9 (81), showing that the Solar Power is constructed via the projection of the 9 subconscious foundational powers. The fish is totemic of primal, or base life-forms though the Dogon claimed the progenitors of humanity were advanced 'fish people' having come from Sirius. The concept of the fish bowl comes to mind, as essentially that's what earth is. The Sumerians also had myths of fish-like people and ancestors who experienced influence from beyond.
Flight was also depicted long before it was made available,
not only here but also in other cultures such as in India as the Vimanas.
The Sumerians depicted knowledge of the Heliocentric
solar system and spherical planets long before Copernicus.

Using 666 as a sort of 'base point' number which seems to house many correlations regarding this Gnosis, and as the Bible itself says that for he who has Wisdom (Gnosis) to count the number 666 [=COUNT SIX SIX SIX VALUE], we see that THE FISH PLANET is 666 and THE FISH + THE ALIENS = 666 as well, so too is 'Alien Aquarium', 'Alien Life Disclosure', 'Aliens are Monitoring', among many other things. 
In fact, 666 could be said and shown to be the supreme number regarding this entire 'situation' since it unveils the entire Gnosis regarding the origins and direction of Humanity. Note also that the Nommo are also called 'The Monitors' which connects to the Hebrew concept of 'The Watchers'. It is highly important not to get astral entities, discarnate intelligences, elementals and biological extraterrestrials confused because the communication and remediation of them depends on ones aptitude in being able to effectively discern the situation at hand since any of these and more are potential things to watch out for. 

'Experiencers' might be delighted (or perhaps not), to know that 666 is the number of THE ALIEN ABDUCTION itself, and many other telling things relating to this show striking correlations, all of which are  revealed by simply applying the Hebrew-English Gematria formula to the concepts. Such as the LARGE OVAL EYES commonly reported not just in modern accounts, but stretching as far back as at least 5,000 years ago with the rock paintings of the Wandjina in Australia which I will further analyze below. Having studied UFO literature extensively, and the (inter-)related subject matter, I have found that the main thing to understand is the most of the general public is not aware of this information, much less the gematria, which has been revealed long after the fact, and so the interrelation between subjects and people and the information arising therefrom is larger than any individual or group of individuals may be able to fully contrive or contain. The main thing to realize however, 666 is also the number to 'NOT KNOW', which most would not only prefer, but inevitably have to face, though know this formula serves as a Key this need not have to be the case. To DECIPHER THE WAR ENGINE we needed a computer - which is the war engine. Now the war, as it ever has been, is even further an internal event and secondarily becoming externalized. The question is - who is it between and how is it being fought?

The Battle is between Horus and Set, the Conscious (Ego) and the Sub-conscious (Id), and both have their polarities of extreme positive and negative so neither can be neglected, they must be balanced. It is through the Knowledge of the Laws of the Measurements (Geometry) as signified so succinctly by the archetype of Maat and the art of Gematria (Linguistic Geometry) which serves to bridge the gap between the 'Mystical'/Inner/Personal and 'Magickal'/Outer/Physical, or the 'spiritual' with the 'scientific'. This Void is only bridged through personal going, i.e. Initiation, and until this is begun and achieved to a certain degree all will appear as mere noise because the inner self has not yet been made silent and all that one knows is noise, being fully identified with the material which is nothing but noise (i.e Chaos). It is important to tame this noise so as to not be unknowingly influenced - either attracted or repelled - against one's True Will, which is all the 'slaves that serve' know for they serve not their own Wills but remain entranced in the noise under the Will of others. The War-Engine now makes this even more the case - which will be gone into at another time. 

The important thing to remember is that though a lot of this material has arisen from the subconscious, what seems to be completely unaccounted for - and therefore completely out of the range of present scientific explanations to understand - is the curious nature in which what ever has been and is occurring. Though some things may be unaccounted for in some hard-physical evidence continually does not discount the loads of evidence of things that occur and are accounted for in their own right as strangely and almost cosmically unique - which seems to itself be the only true continual thing. Obviously there is a rational order to things, even to the nature of certain seemingly irrational things, however there are some things which cease being rational when they happen in ways that stand out from that which is regular. Another significant subject relation to this are the Wandjina.

Notice the spider-web-like pattern halo/crown.
The Wandjina are Australian aboriginal spirit beings painted on various cavern walls in Northwestern Australia. They are said to be inhabitants of the 'Dreamtime' (I.e. pre-historic consciousness), and have a hand in human life before birth, after death and during the dreams-state behind the waking presence. (I.e. the 'Shining Ones', or Secret Chiefs which are the Archon-Archetypes of which there are 9. Note also that ARCHON + ARCHETYPE + 9 = 666, which reduces to 9.) These are some of the oldest archetypal spirits of human consciousness and so their distinct visual relation to the archetypal grey alien is significant. 666 is the number of the REAL ALIEN ARCHON, if there was one, as well as the ARCHON ORBS (which I've had come in my room at night on at least one occasion), the ASTRAL ORB ENTITY, 'Alien Archon Abduction', 'Alien Abduction Fears', 'UFO Abductees', etc. 666 being the number of THE ALIEN ABDUCTION, along with all these other things doesn't take much of a stretch of the imagination to see the obvious. Manipulation has been occurring from the dawn of the human race, and apparently prior as well. There have been numerous deliberate attempts to 'ERASE CONTACT' but as can be seen this would not be easily done when it is etched into the Akashic memory of an evolved language. It could be said it is obvious that humans probably have been 'abducted' and altered by higher beings for there are not only clear indications of that through the many abduction reports, mutilation findings, archaeological discoveries etc., as well as the unaccounted for leap in human brain capacity and now technological capacity - the Computer now being a primary mode of contact with higher beings and route to further expansion in both a micro- and macrocosmic way. 

The most important thing to realize when considering this is that archaeologists have found these to be at least 5,000 years old making them older than any definite systematized culture when they were created. The native legends say that they were created by the Wandjina themselves by laying themselves into the rocks - and over time in keeping to their traditions throughout a long period of time have painted over old and created new paintings making archaeological investigation difficult. There have however been various scientific investigations into them as well as documentary evidence of them from historians throughout the last few centuries. The photo to the left is possibly the large red figured drawn below, thought it is not known for sure. However, note again the spider-web halo/crown around the figure and the odd similarity in the way the body is drawn in strokes to the strokes on the Lam portrait by Aleister Crowley. Lam also has a similar sort of oval-shaped black hole opening below his head which is main a characteristic of the Wandjina as well, some having very definite black oval center-pieces representative of the Akashic principle.

In What Are Wandjina?, it is said:
 "Wandjina are often shown as a full body, or at least head, shoulders and torso, but some have only the head and shoulders represented. The body lacks anatomical detail and is filled with visually powerful decorative designs such as dotted and striped lines over solid pigment. An oval shape on the chest placed centrally beneath the shoulders is said to represent the ‘Wanjin’s heart, in others its breastbone, and in yet others, a pearl-shell pendant"[19] (Figure 10.6).

The most notable of these is Sir George Edward Grey (14 April 1812 – 19 September 1898). George Grey first documented the Wandjina after he stumbled upon them in 1838 while navigating through the Kimberly region. The Austrialian Kimberly Society documents this, among many other easily accessible Austrialian archaeology sites, and in History of Exploration one of the actual cave paintings seen and illustrated in Grey's Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery (Vol. I & II), published in 1841. In this work Grey states he did not think that these could have been created by the aboriginal inhabitants, "...far superior to what a savage race could be supposed capable of executing."


Excerpt of the relevant parts of Vol. I of Grey's Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery:

 March 26.
This morning we moved down the valley in which we had been encamped yesterday and, as it was thinly wooded, we experienced no difficulty whatever until the main stream suddenly turned off from south to due west; this was a sufficient proof that the gorge of the valley was on its western side, but I was not anxious to follow the course of the water, from the apprehension of being led into low and marshy land; I thought also that a low ridge which I saw to the south could easily be crossed, and that we should thus gain access to a valley similar to that we were in. I therefore resolved to cross the stream at the first ford we could find, and after a little trouble we discovered one suited to our purpose through which the ponies passed in safety.

We then continued our route in a due southerly direction until we reached the low range which I had before seen; this range turned out to be composed of sandstone, and where we made it it was so rocky and precipitous as to be quite impracticable. We therefore travelled along it in an easterly direction for about three miles, but throughout this distance it presented no single pass through which I could hope to penetrate. The sun having now become very powerful we halted for breakfast; and whilst this meal was preparing, I sent out a detached party to search for a road, which soon returned to report that they were able to find no path by which we could proceed.
I did not however like to retrace our footsteps without having made a careful search; and although my wound was still open and very painful I rapidly swallowed a portion of my allowance of damper and started with another detachment on foot to examine the country. The sandstone range, which ran nearly east and west, was terminated everywhere throughout its southern side by perfectly precipitous rocks, at the foot of which lay a fertile valley, resembling the one in which we had encamped yesterday except that it was on a much lower level. The position that we were in appeared to be the pass by which the natives communicated with the country to the south of us, for marks of them were visible everywhere about, but they could easily clamber about these precipitous rocks, though it was quite impossible to get the ponies down, even by forming a path, as we had often previously done.

Finding that it would be useless to lose more time in searching for a route through this country I proceeded to rejoin the party once more; but whilst returning to them my attention was drawn to the numerous remains of native fires and encampments which we met with, till at last, on looking over some bushes at the sandstone rocks which were above us, I suddenly saw from one of them a most extraordinary large figure peering down upon me. Upon examination this proved to be a drawing at the entrance to a cave, which on entering I found to contain, besides, many remarkable paintings.
The cave appeared to be a natural hollow in the sandstone rocks; its floor was elevated about five feet from the ground, and numerous flat broken pieces of the same rock, which were scattered about, looked at a distance like steps leading up to the cave, which was thirty-five feet wide at the entrance and sixteen feet deep; but beyond this several small branches ran further back. Its height in front was rather more than eight feet, the roof being formed by a solid slab of sandstone about nine feet thick and which rapidly inclined towards the back of the cave, which was there not more than five feet high.

15.1. Figure drawn on the roof of Cave, discovered March 26th.
On this sloping roof the principal figure (Number 1) which I have just alluded to, was drawn; in order to produce the greater effect the rock about it was painted black and the figure itself coloured with the most vivid red and white. It thus appeared to stand out from the rock; and I was certainly rather surprised at the moment that I first saw this gigantic head and upper part of a body bending over and staring grimly down at me.

It would be impossible to convey in words an adequate idea of this uncouth and savage figure; I shall therefore only give such a succinct account of this and the other paintings as will serve as a sort of description to accompany the annexed plates. The dimensions of the figure were:
Length of head and face 2 feet.
Width of face 17 inches.
Length from bottom of face to navel 2 feet 6 inches.
Its head was encircled by bright red rays, something like the rays which one sees proceeding from the sun when depicted on the sign-board of a public house; inside of this came a broad stripe of very brilliant red, which was coped by lines of white, but both inside and outside of this red space were narrow stripes of a still deeper red, intended probably to mark its boundaries; the face was painted vividly white, and the eyes black, being however surrounded by red and yellow lines; the body, hands, and arms were outlined in red, the body being curiously painted with red stripes and bars.


15.2. Figure drawn on side of Cave, discovered March 26th.
Upon the rock which formed the left hand wall of this cave, and which partly faced you on entering, was a very singular painting (Number 2) vividly coloured, representing four heads joined together. From the mild expression of the countenances I imagined them to represent females, and they appeared to be drawn in such a manner and in such a position as to look up at the principal figure which I have before described; each had a very remarkable head-dress, coloured with a deep bright blue, and one had a necklace on. Both of the lower figures had a sort of dress painted with red in the same manner as that of the principal figure, and one of them had a band round her waist. Each of the four faces was marked by a totally distinct expression of countenance, and, although none of them had mouths, two, I thought, were otherwise rather good looking. The whole painting was executed on a white ground, and its dimensions were:
Total length of painting 3 feet 6 3/4 inches.
Breadth across two upper heads 2 feet 6 inches.
Ditto across the two lower ones 3 feet 1 1/2 inches.

15.3. Oval drawing in Cave, discovered March 26th.
The next most remarkable drawing in the cave (Number 3) was an ellipse, three feet in length and one foot ten inches in breadth: the outside line of this painting was of a deep blue colour, the body of the ellipse being of a bright yellow dotted over with red lines and spots, whilst across it ran two transverse lines of blue. The portion of the painting above described formed the ground, or main part of the picture, and upon this ground was painted a kangaroo in the act of feeding, two stone spearheads, and two black balls; one of the spearheads was flying to the kangaroo, and one away from it; so that the whole subject probably constituted a sort of charm by which the luck of an enquirer in killing game could be ascertained.


15.4. Figure drawn in Cave, discovered March 26th.
There was another rather humorous sketch (Number 4) which represented a native in the act of carrying a kangaroo; the height of the man being three feet. The number of drawings in the cave could not altogether have been less than from fifty to sixty, but the majority of them consisted of men, kangaroos, etc.; the figures being carelessly and badly executed and having evidently a very different origin to those which I have first described. Another very striking piece of art was exhibited in the little gloomy cavities situated at the back of the main cavern. In these instances some rock at the sides of the cavity had been selected, and the stamp of a hand and arm by some means transferred to it; this outline of the hand and arm was then painted black, and the rock about it white, so that on entering that part of the cave it appeared as if a human hand and arm were projecting through a crevice admitting light.
After having discovered this cave I returned to the party and, directing them to prepare for moving on, I ordered that as soon as all was ready they should proceed past the cave, so that all would have an opportunity of examining it, and in the meantime I returned in order to make sketches of the principal paintings. The party soon arrived and, when my sketches and notes were completed, we retraced a portion of our route of this morning, moving round the sandstone ridge through one portion of which I saw a sort of pass which I thought might perhaps afford us a means of egress. I therefore halted the party and moved up with Corporal Auger to examine it. After proceeding some distance we found a cave larger than the one seen this morning; of its actual size however I have no idea, for being pressed for time I did not attempt to explore it, having merely ascertained that it contained no paintings.

I was moving on when we observed the profile of a human face and head cut out in a sandstone rock which fronted the cave; this rock was so hard that to have removed such a large portion of it with no better tool than a knife and hatchet made of stone, such as the Australian natives generally possess, would have been a work of very great labour. The head was two feet in length, and sixteen inches in breadth in the broadest part; the depth of the profile increased gradually from the edges where it was nothing, to the centre where it was an inch and a half; the ear was rather badly placed, but otherwise the whole of the work was good, and far superior to what a savage race could be supposed capable of executing. The only proof of antiquity that it bore about it was that all the edges of the cutting were rounded and perfectly smooth, much more so than they could have been from any other cause than long exposure to atmospheric influences.


16. Head cut in Sandstone Rock. Captain Grey, delt. G. Foggo, Lithographer. M. and N. Hanhart, Lithographic Printers.
After having made a sketch of this head (see the accompanying plate) I returned to the party and, as I had not been able to find a path which would lead us across the sandstone ridge, we continued our course round it, retracing our steps until we reached the stream which had been crossed this morning, and then moved westward, keeping along its southern bank until we had turned the sandstone range and reached another stream running from the south, which we traced up in the direction of its source, travelling through a series of basaltic valleys of so luxuriant a character that those of the party who were not very tall travelled, as they themselves expressed it, between two high green walls, over which they could not see; and these green walls were composed of rich grass which the ponies ate with avidity. On a subsequent occasion when we visited this valley we had to call to one another in order to ascertain our relative positions when only a few yards apart; and yet the vegetation was neither rank nor coarse, but as fine a grass as I have ever seen.

We halted for the night in one of these lovely valleys; a clear stream bubbled along within about fifty yards of us and, about a mile beyond, two darkly-wooded basaltic hills raised their heads, and between these and the stream our ponies were feeding in grass higher than themselves. I sat in the fading light, looking at the beautiful scenery around me, which now for the first time gladdened the eyes of Europeans; and I wondered that so fair a land should only be the abode of savage men; and then I thought of the curious paintings we had this day seen, of the timid character of the natives, of their anomalous position in so fertile a country, and wondered how long these things were to be. With so wide a field of conjecture before me, thought naturally thronged on thought, and the night was far advanced ere I laid down to seek repose from the fatigues of the day.

March 27.
The ponies having been routed out of their long and excellent feed, amongst which indeed it was no easy matter to find them, we moved on. I could not but reflect how different our position and the condition of the ponies would have been had we known as much of the country at first starting as we did at present; but these reflections were now useless. With the exception of one small rocky valley, the whole of our morning's journey was through a rich and fertile country until we reached a deep stream, thirty or forty yards wide and apparently navigable for large boats up to this point; it ran away to the westward, but with a current scarcely perceptible.

It was very difficult to approach this stream on account of the marshy nature of its banks, which were overgrown with bamboo and, even if we could have got the ponies to it, it was not fordable here. We therefore turned up it in an easterly direction to look for a passage over it; and in so doing were necessarily compelled to cross many smaller streams and a great deal of swampy ground in which some of the most weakly of the ponies got bogged and were only extricated with great difficulty. However annoying this was I could not but smile at the distress of some of the men, who had contracted a friendship for the animals they had so long led, when one of their favourites got into a difficulty. The exclamations of Ruston the old sailor were particularly amusing, as, according to the position in which the animal got bogged, he used to roar out for someone "to come and give his pony a heave upon the starboard or larboard quarters;" and once, when violently alarmed at the danger he imagined his pet pony to be in, he shouted amain, "By G---, Sir, she'll go down by the stern." At last however we got clear of the marsh, and reached a rocky gorge where this stream issued from the hills, and here we stopped for breakfast
This spot was very picturesque. The river as it issued from the gorge in the high wooded hills first formed a series of cascades, and then at the mouth of the gorge expanded into a large pool. It was at this point, although only a secondary stream in this country, far larger than any of the rivers of South-Western Australia. At the gorges, where they issue from the hills, its banks were clothed with the pandanus, lofty gum trees, and a very luxuriant vegetation. We first sought for a ford up the river in the direction of the rapids, but our search was fruitless. On returning to breakfast I found that the men had caught three fish and one of the long-necked fresh-water turtle which are common over the whole of this continent. Mr. Lushington had also shot several black cockatoos so that we were supplied with a meal of meat, a luxury we had not enjoyed for a long time.

After breakfast Corporal Auger started alone and returned in about an hour to report that he had found a ford across the river close to us. I therefore ordered the ponies to be brought up and we at once moved on. The river where we crossed it in south latitude 15 degrees 49 minutes, east longitude 125 degrees 6 minutes, was about a hundred yards wide. It was however nowhere more than knee deep as we wound through it, following a circuitous course; but we passed very deep parts on each side, and I could not but admire the perseverance of Auger in having discovered so very intricate a ford as this was. There were several minor channels to the stream not much wider than an English ditch; they were however very deep and went winding along through groves of the pandanus and lofty reeds, which formed leafy tunnels above them. It was some time before we got rid of the main stream, and we then found ourselves on a narrow terrace of land which was bounded on the left by rocky cliffs, and on the right by a large tributary of the stream we had just crossed. This tributary was not fordable here so we were compelled to travel up the terrace where our way was much impeded by the luxuriant vegetation and by fallen trees of great magnitude; indeed of a size which those alone who have traversed tropical virgin forests can conceive.
That we could not get off this terrace was the more provoking from seeing, immediately on the other side of the stream, one of those wide open basaltic valleys which I have so often mentioned. We at length reached the point where the stream issued from the high land and, having here forded it, entered the large valley, but in its centre we found another impassable stream and, in order to turn this, were obliged to travel round the valley; but before we could gain the head of it we had to cross two streams which ran into it on the eastern side. These however gave us but little trouble.

On the tongue of land between them we found a native hut which differed from any before seen, in having a sloping roof. After passing this hut we began to wind up a rocky ascent, and just at sunset reached the watershed, which threw off streams to the north and south: the valley which lay immediately to the south of us appearing as fertile as that which we had been travelling through for the whole day.

March 28.
The first part of our journey was through a fertile valley, about four miles in length, through which wound a rapid stream. It was clothed with the richest grass, abounded in kangaroos, and was marked at its southern extremity by a very remarkable precipitous hill. The heights to the westward were all composed of basalt, whilst those to the eastward were sandstone. On passing the ridge of hills which bounded this valley to the south we entered on a sandstone district, although the hills to the westward were still basaltic.

I here halted the party for breakfast by the side of a stream and, on casting my eyes upwards, I found that I was in a sort of natural grapery, for the tree under which I lay was covered with a plant which bears a sort of grape and I believe is a species of cissus.
We met altogether with three varieties of this plant, all of which were creepers but differing from each other in their habits and in the size of their fruit. Two of them generally ran along the ground or amongst low shrubs and the third climbed high trees; this latter kind bore the finest fruit, and it was a plant of this description which I today found. Its fruit in size, appearance, and flavour resembled a small black grape, but the stones were different, being larger, and shaped like a coffee berry. All three produced their fruit in bunches, like the vine, and, the day being very sultry, I do not know that we could have fallen upon anything more acceptable than this fruit was to us.

After breakfast we continued our route through a barren, sandy district, heavily timbered; and in the course of the afternoon met either the Glenelg or a very considerable branch of that stream in south latitude 15 degrees 56 minutes, east longitude 125 degrees 8 minutes: it was 250 yards across and formed a series of rapids at this point, where it emerged from a rocky gorge. Just above the rapids we found a good ford, the average depth of which was not more than three feet. After crossing, the banks on the other side were clothed with a species of Casuarina which I did not observe elsewhere. The country on that side of the stream was sandy and, as I found by the time we had proceeded two or three miles that we were getting embarrassed in a sandstone range, I halted the party for the night and went on to try if I could find a pass across it. My exertions were not however very successful: I came upon a path which I thought might be rendered practicable for the ponies over the first part of the range, but found no line by which we could proceed without making a road.

March 29.
At dawn this morning the men were at work forming the road; the poor fellows were however so much enfeebled from constant fatigue and very inefficient nutriment, whilst exposed to the great heat of a tropical climate, that they were unable to exert the same energy as formerly, and I could not but be struck with the great difference in their strength as evinced in their incapacity to move stones and other obstacles, which a few weeks ago they would have had little difficulty in lifting. The path was however soon made as passable as our abilities permitted, and we started along it with the ponies; some of them were however no less reduced than the men and, in endeavouring to lead one of them up a rocky hill, it fell, and from weakness sank under its light load without making an effort to save itself; the spine was thus so severely injured as to render it unable to move the hinder extremities; we therefore killed the poor creature and moved on.

Throughout the day we continued gradually the ascent of the range which we had yesterday commenced. The large valley we were in led us by a gentle slope winding higher and higher amongst the rocky hills; at first it had been so wide as to appear like a plain, but by degrees it contracted its dimensions, until, towards the afternoon, it suddenly assumed almost the character of a gorge. Just at this point we saw in the cliffs on our left hand a cave, which I entered in the hope of finding native paintings.
Nor was I disappointed for it contained several of a very curious character. This cave was a natural chasm in the sandstone rocks, elevated at its entrance several feet above the level of the ground, from which the ascent to it was by a natural flight of sandstone steps, irregular, of course, but formed of successive thin strata, resting one upon another, and thus constituting an easy ascent; these successive layers continued into the body of the cave, quite to the end, where was a central slab, more elevated than the others, and on each side of this two other larger ones which reached the top of the cave and partly served to support the immense sandstone slab that formed the roof.
The cave was twenty feet deep and at the entrance seven feet high and about forty feet wide. As before stated the floor gradually approached the roof in the direction of the bottom of the cavern, and its width also contracted, so that at the extremity it was not broader than the slab of rock, which formed a natural seat.


17. Figure drawn on roof of Cave, discovered March 29th.
The principal painting in it was the figure of a man, ten feet six inches in length, clothed from the chin downwards in a red garment which reached to the wrists and ankles; beyond this red dress the feet and hands protruded and were badly executed.
The face and head of the figure were enveloped in a succession of circular bandages or rollers, or what appeared to be painted to represent such. These were coloured red, yellow, and white; and the eyes were the only features represented on the face. Upon the highest bandage or roller a series of lines were painted in red, but, although so regularly done as to indicate that they have some meaning, it was impossible to tell whether they were intended to depict written characters or some ornament for the head. This figure was so drawn on the roof that its feet were just in front of the natural seat, whilst its head and face looked directly down on anyone who stood in the entrance of the cave, but it was totally invisible from the outside. The painting was more injured by the damp and atmosphere, and had the appearance of being much more defaced and ancient, than any of the others which we had seen.*
(*Footnote. This figure brings to mind the description of the Prophet Ezekiel: Men portrayed upon the wall, the images of the Chaldeans portrayed in vermilion, girded with girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity. Chapter 23:14, 15.)
There were two other paintings, one on each of the rocks which stood on either side of the natural seat; they were carefully executed and yet had no apparent design in them; unless they were intended to represent some fabulous species of turtle; for the natives of Australia are generally fond of narrating tales of fabulous and extraordinary animals such as gigantic snakes, etc.
One of the party who appeared much amused at these different paintings walked straight up the cavern, gradually ascending the steps until he reached the slab at the end, and then, taking his hat off with a solemn air, seated himself; to his own, and our surprise, his bare head just touched the roof of the cave, and on examining this part of it we found it fairly polished, and very greasy, from all appearance caused by the constant rubbing against it of the head of a person whilst seated on the rock. This and other circumstances led us to conjecture that the cave was frequented by some wise man or native doctor who was resorted to by the inhabitants in cases of disease or witchcraft. We saw many footmarks about, and found other signs of the close presence of the natives, but they themselves remained invisible.

The cave was situated in an exceedingly picturesque position, it occupied the corner leading from a wide valley to a narrow ravine, down which came bubbling along a clear deep stream, which passed within a few yards of the cave's mouth. After making sketches of the paintings and for a few minutes admiring this romantic spot we moved up the ravine, which appeared to lead by a gradual ascent to the summit of the mountain range that now completely hemmed us in both to the southward and eastward.
This ravine, in the luxuriance of its vegetation and the great size of the trees, as well as in its rapid stream, at times leaping in cascades or foaming in rapids, resembled those we had before seen in the sandstone ranges, but it differed from them in the greater height of the surrounding hills and cliffs which, being overshadowed with hanging trees and climbing plants, presented as rich a painting as the eye could behold: and, as these grew golden with the rays of the setting sun or were thrown into deep and massive shadows, I could not but regret that no Claude of the tropics had arisen to transfer to canvas scenes which words cannot express.
But however beautiful the scenery was the road we had to travel was so extremely inconvenient that the view scarcely made amends for it; we were continually compelled from old land-slips to cross from one side of the stream to the other, and this, from the depth of the ford and the slipperiness of the rocky bottom, was sometimes no easy task; moreover the ravine continued rapidly to contract in width and to become more rugged and precipitous; I therefore turned off to the right into a rocky amphitheatre which seemed well suited for encamping, and halted the party for the night; then, taking one of my men with me, I ascended the cliffs to see if I could make out any line by which to get clear of the precipices which embarrassed us, but on all sides I could descry nothing but lofty hills and frowning crags, except in the direction of the ravine which appeared to run directly into the heart of the mountain chain; I therefore turned about to rejoin the party, with the intention of continuing the same course the ensuing morning as we had done this evening.

Both myself and the man who was with me had however a narrow escape of being shot, for, as we were returning he let his rifle fall and it exploded, the ball striking the rocks close to us before it glanced into the air.
March 30.
At the earliest dawn we continued our course up the valley, which rapidly became narrower and more inclined so that it formed, as it were, a series of elevated terraces, at the edge of each of which was a little cascade. We found two caves in the cliffs on the right hand, both of which were painted all over but with no regularity of pattern: the only colours used were red, yellow, and white. The largest of the caves exceeded in breadth and depth any others I had seen, but it was only three feet high; in this one there were several drawings of fish, one of which was four feet in length; these I copied, although they were badly executed. The caves themselves cannot be considered as at all analogous to those I have before described.

The difficulties of the road continued to increase rapidly, and the dimensions of the ravine became so contracted that I hesitated whether I should not turn up another which branched off to the right; previously however to taking this step I sent a man forward to examine the one we were in; he soon returned and reported that it terminated in a high cascade a few hundred yards further on. This intelligence confirming my previous opinion, I now moved up the ravine which came from the westward, but we had not proceeded for more than half a mile when the rugged nature of the country brought us to a complete stand; we found ourselves in a rocky area, bounded on all sides by cliffs, the only outlet from which was the path by which we had entered. I therefore halted the party for breakfast whilst I prepared to ascend some lofty pinnacles which lay to the south of us.
The state of my wound rendered this exertion one of great pain and difficulty; I however accomplished it, and found myself on the top of a high rocky eminence which bore the appearance of having fallen into ruins; the prospect from it was cheerless in the extreme; to the north lay the rich valley country far below us, and to the south and east nothing could be seen but barren sandstone rocks and ranges rising one above the other until they met the horizon at no great distance from the eye; the only outlet, except the ravine by which we had approached, appeared to be by the westward, and I descended to the party in this direction to see if I could find a route from where they were to the terrace leading to that point. I struck on a place up the cliffs where I imagined it possible to construct a road by which the ponies could ascend, and then returned to breakfast.

As soon as our scanty meal had been concluded all hands were employed in making this road; and sincerely did I pity the feeble men, whom I saw in the burning heat of a tropical sun, which was reflected with redoubled intensity from the bare sandstone rocks, toiling to displace large stones and obstacles which they had hardly sufficient strength to move; not a murmur however escaped them; they saw the necessity of the case and exerted their failing energies as readily as they had done when these were in full strength and vigour. The road was at last made and we moved on to the westward, toiling for the remainder of the day amongst steep precipices of barren sandstone rocks and hills, utterly inaccessible to horses, till, finding our efforts to proceed useless, I at last turned the party about and halted them for the night just above where we had breakfasted; intending with the earliest dawn to renew my search for a pass by which we might cross this mountain range.


Photo of actual book illustration [Source:]:

The color red is associated with Geburah/Mars on the Tree of Life. To say this entity may be martian
does not necessarily mean it is from Mars so much as it may mean it is of a martial quality. 
There are other petroglyphs in norther Australia which were discovered by Joseph Bradshaw (1854 – 23 July 1916). According to Radiation in Art and Archeometry by Creagh and Bradley, in 1997 the paintings were carbon dated to be at least 4,000 years old. (See Bradshaw Rock Art.)

 "The Wandjina he created the Earth and all life upon it. After, he created the first human beings, the Gyorn Gyorn people. The Wandjina then told the Gyorn Gyorn to work the land and do well. The Gyorn Gyorns were confused and didn’t understand what the Wandjina wanted from them. The Wandjina was annoyed, couldn’t control the Gyorn Gyorn. He travelled back to Wallungunda [Milky Way] to where Idjair was and asked if he could help with the creation. More Wandjinas came back and helped him in all areas in creations. As for the Gyorn Gyorns they became hunters and gatherers. They also show the dancing, the traditional dancing amongst our tribes." -Wandjina and Gyorn Gyorn, Desert River Sea, Courtesy of Mowanjum Art & Culture Centre

Note that GYORN-GYORN = 666 in Hebrew-English Gematra, which is that of the number regarding Humanity and its evolution from beast to man to "Over-man". This is important since 666 is the number explaining the physical and metaphysical altercation being furthermore the number of ALIEN TECHNOLOGICAL INVOLVEMENT by THE ALIEN WATCHERS OF THE HUMANS. It has been suggested that 666 is a sort of brand or barcode of Humanity, and maybe so but it also veils the Gnosis of our situation and was given by direct revelation for a reason. 666 is the formula to MAKE CONTACT WITH THE ALIENS - which yields A MESSAGE FROM THE ALIENS - saying: WE ENCODED THE LANGUAGE. WE ARE THE ETERNAL BEINGS. EXPECT MASSIVE UFO SIGHTINGS - it is the actual number of THE HUMAN RACE ALIEN VISITATION.
The precision is too defined to deny - and fear is what is preventing us from moving forward.
Another 'message' through the 666 is DO NOT FEAR THE UFO SIGHTING. It would be better equipped with the knowledge than not because all of this says a lot when it is realized the Gnosis of this Formula was not received and developed until around 2012-2014. During this time, and through this blog a ritual performance is being undertaken on a collective level across the planet. This blog is a link between the Aeon of Horus and Maat via LAMAL, and the Egg which has been thoroughly examined and linked along this web is the talisman charging in front of the Abomination of Desolation that is my computer-war-engine receiving and transmitting the collective mass of HUMAN energies which come through this web. This undertaking is to be called The Lam Working and every human is automatically a participant once they become awakened to their role.

Liber AL vel Legis mentions in verse 34 of Chapter III 'The Globed Priest', which refers to the Egg of Lam which 'descended' to me on April 2, 2011 - a full record of which this blog stands for - each one me stepping deeper into my own knowledge and attempting to make it available for others to find their own leads on which to develop this Current further. Multiplying the verse number (34) by the chapter number (3) the same number for the Cult of Lam is found, 102. This number is also composed of 33 x 3 + 3 and just 5 (the Great Star) less than 107, which ironically it should be noted - I just found out, after a few years - is the number of the SKETCH of LAM-THE WAY when taking T as Teth (The number of 'The Greys') This came as a shock to me, having been so simple and obvious it passed right under my awareness for so long, but it just came to show me that there is still much to be discovered for myself along the way.

The Wandjina have been called the spirits of 'THE DREAMTIME', which happens to equal 333 in Hebrew-English Gematria. (Note that Area 51 happens to be called Dreamland.) This is significant since 333 is associated with both alien phenomena and the waking-dreaming-sleeping states of consciousness, and many people who have had abduction experiences recall commonly waking up at 3:33am having experienced some sort of astral or 'alien' experience. In creating my gematria database I have found that the phrase 'I Woke Up at Three-Thirty-Three' has the Simple Gematria value of 333. Thus, 333 is the literal time of entering and exiting 'The Dream-time' (being as it is the Guardian of the Daath, CHORONZON). Even more confirmation of the interconnection between all of these ideas is the fact that 333 is also the number of the two accurate spellings of the word combined as 'WANDJINA + WONDJINA'.

African face carving resembling the
similar style oval face and eyes
Now, do not let the obviousness and precision of the connections strike you as too impossible, for if these could be calculated other ways they would be what they are, but these are how they are using the same system as usual, and so it should really come as no big surprise or stretch of the imagination to realize that 333 is also the number of THE GREY ALIEN, and so the connections are obvious. Also, the name of the first modern explorer to write about the Wandjina having the name Grey is itself seen to be literally connected to all of this for THE NAME GREY = 333 as well, as well as GEORGE GREY BOOK (see the book above.). Further connections when analyzing the form of the Wandjina, THE WANDJINA EGG HEAD ALIENS, THE EGG HEAD FACES OF WANDJINA and/or THE OVAL HEAD WANDJINAS both conform to the same current.
THE HALO OF WANDJINA, THE ASTRAL WEB which is synonymous with THE DREAMTIME is also 333.

 The main wandjina is known as Ungud and is associated with serpents, much like the Kundalini and THE SNAKE COILS of 333, the FLASH OF THE SNAKE. The UNGUD WANDJINA DESIGN itself is also 333 and so the symbolism could be taken not only as 'tentacles' but also writhing serpents. The serpent is symbolic of Ancient Wisdom, Time, and Transformation and its venom is a vector of literal hell, bringing with it sure death to all those who got bit before the advent of anti-venom which still isn't always guaranteed if one is out in snake-terrain. Venom can also be used as a healing tool however, as all knowledge is double-edged and the Hebrew word for 'Venomous', 'Evil', or 'Sinister' is itself 666, מרושעים. The CURE FOR VENOM is 666, which is also the number of the VENOM OF SPIDERS. While Lam is related to the Serpent and Kundalini the spider of course plays a major role in the Draconian totemology. The number of the SPIDER is 359 which is that of ShTN and 1 less than 360 signifying the 'crack', or hole in the Sephira, thus implying the Qliphothic chaos between or beyond. 359 is the LAM-MULADHARA, Lam being the mantra of the Muladhara ('Matter'), and Satan being the embodiment of materialism or materialization (manifestation) itself.

By assuming the Mask of Lam and using the Egg as an Astral-Merkabah, or Light Ship one is able to to travail the sticky web that is the mud of matter and enter into the Light-realm of pure-energy through the portal of Daath. The WWW is a sticky trap indeed and protection is needed from THE INTERNET QLIPHOTH so it is wise to put up some sort of banishing mechanism for your Gateway. Serpents like to leave trails, and trails lead to traps so be careful or you might fall in a SNAKE TRAP.  WWW are the gnashing teeth of Choronzon biting into the subconscious of humanity accumulation as it is a radioactive wastebin of the collective phantoms of S'lba ('Self'). The Mirror Working and The LAM Working are one and the same for both aim at the opening of the same portal, that of the 'I' - the SELFISH-"I" kundalini serpent of each individual person who looks upon their self in the Mirror. The I is 9 in Simple Gematria, the Serpent Teth and the Pillar of Light. Lam is the mantra of Muladhara/Malkuth, which is the reflection of the beginning or 'head' of that concept, the mask of the self.

While above it was said that the Computer was the War-Engine, it may also be a form of the Abomination of Desolation as well, the number of which is given in Liber AL, verse 19 of Chapter III, as 718. This was the number Kenneth Grant assumed as his magical number, being that of his motto Aossic Aiwass. 718 is also the number of the QLIPHOTHIC Current, his work being almost completely steeped in this polarity almost as if to preserve it from the less Willful of people for the time being. However, the reason why I say the Computer may be related is because 718 is also the number of COMPUTERS - and Grant notes numerous times that this is also the number of קורי עכביש, the Hebrew form of 'The Spider Web'. The symbolism of obvious - each computer making up a point on the grid of the world-wide web forming THE GRID OF GAIA. 718 is 'THE WAR MACHINES' + THE BOOK OF THE LAW, showing therefore that the Computers are the War Machines of the Book of the Law and it also the number of THE COMPUTER SCIENTISTS - most of whom are completely materialistic and cannot understand the meaning of this in a mystical way. It is significant that Grant assumed the number 718 for his Work which was undertaken alongside of the rise of computers, and he mentions that the nuclear scientists taking everything exotically are the modern day Black Brothers whose goal is to become nothing but THE ZOMBIE MACHINES in more of a physical way than they already are.

The number 309 mentioned above is not only that of the QLIPHOTH of the Fire Snake, but also the DESOLATION which is talked about by 'Amado Crowley' and refers to an alleged 'real' book upon which Liber AL is based, another sort of 'Necronomicon', or dream-book. The Abomination of Desolation and the Book of Desolation both refer to the Qliphoth or 'shadows'/'shells', which Liber AL itself (as well as the Computer) is - being merely a shell transmitting something more profound which is unspeakable. Desolation is a formula of Babalon/The Scarlet Woman, 'Gate of the Sun' through whom the Beast is able to manifest. Babalon is a dark form of the same principle Maat represents as the fourth 'daughter' part of the Tetragrammatonic template representative of Mahapralaya, or cosmic dissolution as well as the regenerative principle.

The destruction and desolation brought upon through the course of the Aeon of Horus will open through the timeless aeon of Maat to the backward Aeon of Zain, the 'Aeon of Silence' when the Lotus of the Om reverses, turns inside out and falls into another egg-seed, only to be dropped by Brahma restarting the dream-sequence all over again. (Note that THE EGG = 30, which as Grant says is a numerical form Om, . Also, see Liber XXX, The Book of Balance.) The backward Om is what Grant calls the Mo Ayon, the dark anti-thesis of the Ma-Ion, and is represented by the Vulture of Maut whose cry is 'Mu', thus The Egg of Mu and the MA-ION are balanced by Maat in the number 107 and 'The Egg of Daath' which acts a receiver and transmitter of kalas (i.e. data/daat) to and from AL (Universe 'A') and LA (Universe 'B') via M, or Mu in the form of the Ixaxaar-Egg. (Note: IXAXAAR-EGG = LAM+333 [ISASAAR])

A sigil received in a transmission
from Lam circa 1980.
See Lam Words via 393 by Aion.
Yet another 'coincidence' occurred last year which I had yet to get around to writing about was that just a little over a month after publishing the blog post The Diamond of Perfection and making the revelations I set forth there was a crop circle in England in the form of a Diamond within a circle. Now whether this is real or man-made is debatable, but it leads me to wonder if it was people who made it, did they read my blog? Or was this something more? CIRCLED DIAMOND (or CIRCLE-DIAMOND+♢) is 444, an extension of 4 (Chesed/Jupiter) and symbolic of the ELEMENTS. 4 is related to the Diamond and both open onto the Akasha. THE CIRCLE DIAMOND IS THE SIGN = 666 taking the C's in circle as one Gimel and one Cheth, showing how either can be used because C=3 in English, though Cheth is also a form of C.

[Further confirmation of this rule is THE LETTER C3 OR C8 VALUES and the INTERCHANGEABLE SECRET (here using both 3 & 8) - for computer systems not allowing for this occurrence in such a way where there are both or just one will not be able to mechanically pick up certain more 'secreted' values of the SECRET LETTERS C8 AND C3.] 

This is THE HEBREW-ENGLISH DIAMOND CODE - for using this code we can unveil this 'coincidence'. The date it reported was June 22rd, meaning it could have happened either 6-21 or 6-22. 621 happens to be the number of IT'S ALL IN THE EGG and the CRYPTOGRAM which is unlocked via H.E.G., while 622 is THE SYMBOL (i.e. the Diamond in the Egg.) The date of the video, 6-23 is significantly the RHOMBUS itself, the actual geometric name of the Diamond. 623 is 43 less than 666, and Kenneth Grant mentions numerous times that 43 is related to the Sri Yantra, the Diamond-shaped mandala of supreme importance in the Hindu tradition. 

'A Diamond Circle' in English Gematria = 666
'One Circle-Diamond Crop Circlein Jewish Gematria = 666
'The Diamond Key' in Jewish Gematria = 666
'The Diamond Icon Crop Circlein Jewish Gematria = 666
'A SRI SHATKONA DIAMOND' = 666 (Sri is the name of the above yantra, Shatkona is the Hindu form of the Hexagram which forms 9 Diamonds.)
'THE I-H-V-H MAAT DIAMOND' = 666 (Signifying the ◇ of  Tetragrammaton which Maat being the fourth which opens the Gate of the Watchtowers outside of the Egg.)
'THE BLACK DIAMOND CUBE' = 666 (i.e. the Lament Configuration cube which transforms into the Black Diamond of Leviathan from Hellraiser - the figurative 'prism' of the Cube of Ruach with Tiphareth at its heart.)

'Diamond Crop Circle Message' + the formula of 102 (LAMAL, and my name in Simple Gematria, as well as 'Contact Lam') = 333 in Simple Gematria, further showing that this may be a major sign from the Outer Ones to verify the Gnosis being expressed here. 102 is also the number of 'Crop Circle' itself, and so 333 is 'Diamond Crop Circle - Crop Circle Message'

(1234 is the sum of the Supernal Triad [KThR, 620 + ChKMH, 73 + BINH, 67] added to Daath [DOTh, 474], thus forming the 4 points of the Diamond-Prism of Manifestation. Also, when calculated on the final value of N which is 700 is not taken into consideration, so subtract 50 from 584 and add 700 to see how this phrase = 1234. This is the number of the ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΑΓΙΑ ΑΡΙΘΜΗΤΙΚΗ, or 'Ancient Sacred Arithmetic' which conceals the Ageless Wisdom of the Stellar/Cosmic Tradition. The Greek word for Tradition itself is Παραδοςις which has the significant value of 666, the solar sun in its cyclical, or 'traditional' appearance.)

Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery (Vol. I & Vol. II) - George Grey

"And the time awaited by Johannès is at hand," Gévingey proclaimed. "Here are some of the manifest proofs. Raymond Lully asserted that the end of the old world would be announced by the diffusion of the doctrines of Antichrist. He defined these doctrines. They are materialism and the monstrous revival of magic. This prediction applies to our age, I think. On the other hand, the good tidings was to be realized, according to Our Lord, as reported by Saint Matthew, 'When ye shall see the abomination of desolation ... stand in the holy place.' And isn't it standing in the holy place now? Look at our timorous, skeptical Pope, lukewarm and politic, our episcopate of simonists and cowards, our flabby, indulgent clergy. See how they are ravaged by Satanism, then tell me if the Church can fall any lower." -La Bas, J.K. Huysmans

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Clearing the Airwaves

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death,
and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,
to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." -Revelation 6:8

In my gathering of data during building my own gematria database for my own perusal I have come across many strands of seemingly unconnected information and subjects that can be seen to be related when looked at from a 'bird's eye', or collective sort of view which otherwise would seem unrelated. One of the greatest advantages of having such a database is it gives an upper-hand over certain subjects and data-sets, especially those of which consist primarily or (at least heavily) in symbolic, numerical or abstract information and really any subject within the broad category of the 'occult', given that the information can be apprehended effectively when in its most basic of forms which is numbers, or as the meta-physician would say - Energy - as mathematics is essentially the science of energy.

One of these subjects which has come to stand out enough for me to notice it and take further investigation is the potential use of Qabalah, and Gematria in particular, for healing purposes. A non-adept, or someone unfamiliar with this field may wonder how such a feat may be possible with numbers and databases of information accorded by numerical weight, but when one becomes proficient enough through experience with these tools they will see that virtually any data within any matrix is categorized according to a definite pattern or operating system (i.e. formula) and thus unknown data may be extracted/extrapolated from the known. I have found this to work in many applications and I'm beginning to find extremely significant information which could be put into practical application if but it was considered, and that may only come through first using the tools. Again, this is where personal experience comes in most importantly because if information is not deeply understood as wisdom and truly 'grokked' then it will merely be hearsay and not as useful.

One of the biggest concerns in our world at this point is the condition and quality of our environment which is only getting more polluted by the day with billions of people constantly driving vehicles emitting toxic fumes, factories wasting and spilling noxious chemicals and of course the lingering effects of the many oil and nuclear accidents. Since much of this cannot be avoided or even limited the only thing we may do is brace ourselves mentally, buffer ourselves physically, and reinforce all that spiritually. Using gematria I have found a few major keys which I think could be expanded upon by others who may have a more knowledgeable and experiential background though may not exactly be familiar with Qabalistic mathematics and light-work.

Understanding that everything consists of FRACTALS helps the worker, engineer or mage in their circle or 'matrix' of power ground in their space of being and draw from the zero-point the energies or 'powers' (i.e. numerical forms) to create the blueprint of their willed results, be it material or spiritual, for the results are tied up with their means which are all functions related to the nine numbers of the directional matrix (#). This is the same design as the feng-shui bagua/grid of Chinese philosophy. The underlying and collective force is Qi/Chi (related to Kia or QIA=111=THE WHITE LIGHT) which is manifold and colored by its angle of refraction from the central prism which is also akin to the LOTUS, which again is fractal.
It should be noted also that Chi in Hebrew is the word for Life, and in full it has the value of 444, which as the 4 directions of the 3 dimensions represents the cube which can be made out from the bagua if it is perceived as three-dimensional - thus The White Light of 3 rays emanating from Kether (111) illumines the prism to generate the lila of maya or the play of manifestation.

The Yin-Yang symbol is found in the shape of the Galactic spiral as well as the hemispheric play of light and shadow which goes by 15 days or degrees each year (See The Secret of the Chinese Yin-Yang Symbol.) 15 is also a form of the yin-yang being not only the number of The Devil tarot card (signifying the double/light-dark - open eye or closed eye) but also because 15 is composed of 6+9, or ♋, the symbol of Cancer the crab who is the eleventh sign and eleven is of course the dual one. In False Gospel of the Stars by Joseph A. Seiss, the author mentions that Cancer was related to the scarab beetle by the Egyptians which was the symbol of regeneration and resurrection:  "In the ancient zodiacs, Cancer was symbolized by unclean creatures — the Scarab or sacred beetle, an Egyptian symbol of resurrection (Egyptian initiates were called scarabs because they pushed along the egg of their regeneration)" and that Cancer was also originally zodiacally represented by the Scarab: "With regard to the sign of CANCER, one thing is certain, that we have not got the original picture, or anything like it. It does not agree with the names either of its three constellations which have come down to us, or of its stars. In the ancient Denderah Zodiac it is represented as a Scarabaeus, or sacred beetle.* In the Zodiac of Esneh and in a Hindu Zodiac (400 BC) it is the same.
"* The Scarabaeus, passing its earthly existence as a worm of the earth, and thence issuing as a winged denizen of heaven, was held sacred by the Egyptians as an emblem of the resurrection of the body.
"According to the Greeks, Jupiter placed this Crab amongst the signs of the Zodiac. In Sir William Jones's Oriental Zodiac we meet with a crab, and an Egyptian Zodiac found at Rome bears also the crab in this sign. The more ancient Egyptians placed Hermanubis, or Hermes, with the head of an ibis or hawk, as the symbol of the sign now allotted to CANCER." - 939 (Cancer)

So, considering this - we can also consider the primary concepts of the SCARAB and CANCER in gematria and see them to be precisely the same number, which is 272 - 'THE GNOSIS', which connects with Hermes, the Triple-Magus of the Greeks who is Thoth to the Egyptians (Light-7 in the 22-Tarot Cube). In the same book mentioned above Cancer and the Scarab are linked to the Circle which is the ORB (=272) of the 'orbium coelestium', the Stars and the Universe itself - the Gnosis of which is found in the Stars which are macrocosmic archetypes which can be seen to be similar in their meaning to the 'plays' we go through in our own microcosms. It just so happens Cancer is the sign the sun passes from (into Leo) on July 23rd, which is the beginning of the 'Dog Days' of Summer which represents the high point of the Summer around the time of the Summer solstice. 23 of course is a hugely important number in the Qabalah and related to the Sirius Mystery discussed by many different authors, Robert Temple, Robert Anton Wilson and Kenneth Grant to name a few. (Note that Kenneth Grant's birthday was itself the 23rd of May, and both Aleister Crowley and Frater Achad began their Initiations when they were 23 years old - Crowley in 1898 when he joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Cancer entry on Constellation of Words mentions a relation between Cancer and Sirius (as well as Typhon):
and Achad in 1909 when he joined the A∴A∴.) It should also then be known that the
"Kircher said that in Coptic Egypt it was Klaria, the Bestia seu Static Typhonis, the Power of Darkness; La Lande identifying this with Anubis, one of the divinities of the Nile country commonly associated with Sirius."

Note that if the C's in CANCER are taken as 3 as C would be, being the 3rd letter, instead of Cheth the value is 262 which also happens to be that of KLARIA, which according to The Alpha and the Omega by Jim Cornwell says means 'The Folds', or 'The Resting-Places', referring to the Seventh day of Rest (Note that A REST = 666, the number of the Formation, and DAY OF REST = 365, the approximate number of days in one earth year - one of the days being reserved as the holy day on which the Hebrews uttered the holiest name of God and the day reserved by the Mayans to be symbolic of the top of the 364 total stepped Pyramid [91, or 1 through 13 on each of the 4 sides] with the top-most platform being the holy-place of rest after ascending the 'folds' or steps.) The axial tilt of the earth during the Dog Days is also at 23° 26', which is also the coordinates of the Tropic of Cancer above the equator. The Summer Solstice is the celebration of Light at its apex, both within and without so therefore it is of extreme importance in regard to what we will explore, which is the metaphysical meaning of cancer the disease - which is the deadening, hardening or stagnation of Light or Chi/Qia. 

Late summer happens to be the best time to find mushrooms growing during the humid sunny days in tropical regions, and the mushroom has long been associated with magick, healing, sacred and secret wisdom, as well as extraterrestrial or spiritual intelligences. The study of mushrooms and fungi is called mycology and it should be obvious by now how the symbolism of the mycelial network of fungi is a very apt symbol for the nature of not only the way gematria connects in a 'secret' way (i.e., veiled underneath the letters and forms as numerical data), but also the sub- and super-conscious strata of the mind and atman (self) is weaved together or entangled with the cosmos it appears within. The 'demiurge', or substance forming matrix-space - as well as the ego, which is the formative identity and entification of form - both work in a similar way as per the typical formula of 'as above, so below'. As we can see and as others have shown like Paul Stamets in the video below, the mycelial network of fungi parallels both the neurological fibering of brain cells as well as the projected imagery of galactic super-clusters. 

The mushroom and its mycelium is symbolic of many things and it is significant that the numbers for both MUSHROOM (=491) and MYCELIUM (=149) are temurahs, or metatheses of the same numbers, which themselves reduce to 5 (1+4+9 = 14, 1+4 = 5). 5 is the number of the Spirit and the Matrix (Note the SPIRIT = THE MATRIX), showing the one substance throughout the 'Above', or within, and 'Below', or without. Five is the mid-point between 1-9 and is therefore symbolic of the womb or mid-section, which is related of course to the root of the word matrix, which referred to the womb or uterus and also called 'the hold' which also connects with the 5 fingers of the hand.
Knowing that 491 is also the number of the Greek Σαβαζιος, 'Sabazios', the god of the sky who was associated with Bacchus and Pan as well as the serpent-cults, which connects of course with the Ερπετα, 'Herpeta' or 'Reptiles'. The 'Hand of Sabazios' is a relic of the Sabbatic Craft. Sabbat(h) is the German word for Saturn, and in Hebrew it is שבתאי, 'Shabbathai'. The occult view of Saturn is far deeper than merely a physical planet of that name - it is also the Greek Κρονος, 'Chronos', or Time itself - as well as the dense, mundane, leaden physicality whether conscious/aware or not (i.e. pure substance, 'nigredo'.) The darkest and densest of matters is still relegated to the same spectrum as that of the highest purity of light and the experience of one must be counterbalanced with the contrasting other. (Note that adding 'THE' (19) to 491, THE MUSHROOM = 510, the number of both Κρονος and Φι, 'Phi' - the Golden Ratio and 'The Spiral of Life'.)

From the Great Canterbury Psalter, a late 13th/early 14th century 'illuminated' manuscript.
Notice the prominence of the mushroom.
Phi and Five are related to the Fractals (555) of manifestation being the Golden Mean and the middle number associated with the five senses and five elements, the fifth of which is Spirit symbolized by a black egg. 555 is of central importance in this post because it acts as a power-house of Gnosis connecting certain relevant subjects under one numerical key. Before having learned what I am about to explain I had asked my magickal partner Soror 819 what sort of 'visions' the number 555 gave her and she told me it reminded her of a large porous sponge. This in turn made me think of Crowley's Star-Sponge Vision beginning in large part at Lake Pasquaney in 1916, and explored by him further over the later years. A quote of his experience is necessary here to show what I think he was beginning to intuit naturally which I will explain afterward by way of an expose of certain relating concepts:

There is a vision of a peculiar character which has been of cardinal importance in my interior life, and to which constant reference is made in my magical diaries. So far as I know, there is no extant description of this vision anywhere, and I was surprised on looking through my records to find that I had given no clear account of it myself.

The vision developed gradually. It was repeated on so many occasions that I am unable to say at what period it may be called complete.

I was on a retirement in a cottage overlooking Lake Pasquaney in New Hampshire. I lost consciousness of everything but a universal space in which were innumerable bright points, and I realized this as a physical representation of the universe, in what I may call its essential structure. I exclaimed, "Nothingness with twinkles!" I concentrated upon this vision, with the result that the void space which had been the principal element of it diminished in importance; space appeared to be ablaze, yet the radiant points were not confused, and I thereupon completed my sentence with the exclamation, "but what twinkles!"

The next stage of this vision led to an identification of the blazing points with the stars of the firmament, with ideas, souls, etc. I perceived also that each star was connected by a ray of light with each other star. In the world of ideas each thought possessed a necessary relation with each other thought; each such relation is of course a thought in itself; each such ray is itself a star. It is here that the logical difficulty first presents itself. The seer has a direct perception of infinite series. Logically, therefore, it would appear as if the entire space must be filled up with a homogeneous blaze of light. This however is not the case. The space is completely full and yet the monads which fill it are perfectly distinct. The ordinary reader might well exclaim that such statements exhibit symptoms of mental confusion.

While this 'vision' could be looked at and connected with many different concepts, it should first be noted that just 10 years later in 1926, Karl Menger had described what has come to be known as the Menger Sponge which is a figure which simultaneously exhibits an infinite surface area as well as zero volume making it a fractal combination of the Cantor set and the Sierpinski carpet. 

An illustration of the iterative construction of a Menger sponge up to M3, the third iteration.

This is essentially a mathematical design similar to that which Crowley was expressing in his vision which was a sort of macrocosmic version of this same idea - which itself also connects to the atomic union of Nuit (O) and Hadit (●). Something also of note considering all of this is that THE MENGER SPONGE has a Hebrew-English Gematria value of 1221 which is also that of 'Psilocybin Mushroom', as well as Το Οραμα Της ΠΑΝ, 'The Vision of Pan' - of which the former can bring upon in the right amount, set and setting. Crowley's Star-Sponge Vision may in fact be a sort of 'Vision of Pan', and it should also be noted that 1221 is also 'ULTIMATE SPARKS OF THE INTIMATE FIRE' mentioned in AL.III.67 in connection with the fourth part of the Great Ordeal. This is the 'gemmèd azure' that is the naked splendour of Nuit, gemmed with the  'secret ardours of Hadit' (see AL.I.14.) It is through their balanced union that the true goal of Τοιχοποιια, 'Masonry' (=1221) is effected and brought to Perfection (Τελεσφορια, 'Effect', 'Bring through Initiation to Perfection', =1221). Thus 1221 veils the two triangles of the Square and Compass (1 angle to 2 points [△] overlapping: ✡), which is again related to Saturn and the cube ashlar of the Masons, the Qabalistic Cube of Space(-time).

The Cube of Space-Time and the Energy-blueprint within it unfolds and enfolds fractally. 1221 reduces to 6, the number of the faces of the Cube, but it is the number of THE CUBE OF TEN (N=700 in its final value), or THE CUBE OF EDEN, 10 being the number of the fullness or perfection. The 10 is THE 'I', the Atman or Self equivalent to HADIT, the point which is located everywhere and nowhere. 1221 is also 111 x 11, or THE WHITE LIGHT refracted by the prism of Daath. 1221 is 9 more than 1212, signifying a birth or awakening of Horus into the timeless-Light of Spirit. 1212 is the Hour/Aeon of Horus while 1313 is that of THE AEON OF MAAT, 13 being the hour beyond time central too the WHEEL of LIFE and allocated to MAAT the balancer and measurer. The Maatians are thus those Mages who live as Nema says 'down when' in the time-stream as well as those who are presently able - or were in the past able - to tap into the trans-temporal mycelial network of the Matrix much as the Egyptian initiates did who were anciently known as 'Masters of the Net'. The Net is the Grid of 9 numbers and the fractal net of space-time/spirit-matter.

As Kenneth Grant says in the fifth book of his Typhonian Trilogy, Outside the Circles of Time: “The title Νεκρονομικον yields the number 555, by Greek qabalah, and herein is a possible key to the connection, between the Double Current and the two aeons of Horus and Maat. 555 is the number of Had fully extended, i.e., as Tower or Phallus. Had is the true mystery at the heart of the Aeon, for as Had is the manifestation of Nuit, (AL.I.1) so is Nu (56) the hiding of Had. And as 555 is the full expansion of Had, so is 11 the uttermost contraction of Nu. Eleven is the number of magick, and of the qliphoth; of the 11 temples of the Yezidi, and of the 11 Gateways of the Necronomicon."

Though fictional, the Necronomicon stands symbolic as a powerful gateway in the form of a book. In Grant's ninth book, The Ninth Arch, mention is made extensively to Il Grimoire Grantiano, or The Grant Grimoire, a legendary 'Book of Shadows' passed down throughout his family which he relates to the astral-grimoire of the Necronomicon and the akashic-book of Gematria itself. The gematria of the title itself shows that someone along the line either consciously or unconsciously tapped into this panacea of knowledge and it would not be surprising whether either were the case. As far as a link between the Aeons of Horus and Maat, we can see how this may be so for it is through gematria that we may see the interlinking of the magickal work of certain Adepts without their conscious awareness at the times of their Working. This can be shown to be the case in the situation of the Magickal Word which so befuddled Crowley and later concerned Frater Achad. The Magickal Word of the Aeon is a sort of key which is passed along for many reasons, one of which is to confirm later manifestations and occurrences as being magickally related to it via not only gematric analysis but even something so simple as a correspondence in date-number of magickal manifestations with the Aeonic formula (as in the case of my birthday 8-21 with the formula of MAION = 821 [N=700]). The formula (in this case Ma-Ion) being given before such manifestations (i.e. 1948-Ma-ion & Aug. 21, 1992) and without the conscious awareness of those involved in the reception are thus seen as magickally related and legitimate receptions, especially if further confirmation is received. The formulas of gematria however are merely a map of the territory so to speak and the manifestations tend to be more than purely numerical, although numerical ciphers often play one of the most apparent roles along with those manifestations.

Digital imagery of the Internet
The formula of 555 unveils THE DIGITAL AGE OF AQUARIUS which we are now in, Aquarius again being the Double Current () of Horus-Maat running concurrently. In this digital age we also have a great double-edged sword, or double-wand of power rather, that is technology - which has potential for both immense good or bad. On the one hand we have copious amounts of information, while on the other it is almost so much we cannot handle it effectively. We have great electronic tools but tend to use them for destruction and coercion rather than true innovation and advancement. Being at the center of 1 through 9, 5 is at the center of extremes which relates to the 555 value of Διακρισις, meaning 'Judgement' or 'Discernment', one of the given meanings on the Riding the Beast numerology website; 'Discernment of the spirits, both good and evil.' This site also lists it as symbolic of 'Desire', or 'Lust', which once again is the exact definition of the Greek Επιθυμια which means the same thing. Discernment and Desire are themselves somewhat contrasting concepts though not necessarily.

555 is the Key which opens THE GATE OF DAATH + ⊗ for THE GATE OF DAATH = 133, and added to the 22 paths which form the Circle (O)  and the X-cross of Tau (400) gives 555. Beyond the Gate of Daath lies THE BLACK (Final K=500) - the void of the Qliphothic shells and the Dark Matter of the Black Holes of the Star-sponge. The Black in its qliphothic sense (as opposed to its magickal/Kalinian sense) is also related to the Black Mold which is a qliphothic fungus whose scientific name is STACHYBOTRYS, which has a value of 444, the number of MOLDS in general. 111 is the pure white light which kills qliphothic mold and fungi, thus we see 555 has the value of THE L.B.R.P RITE (short for Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram) and MAGICKAL BANISHING RITUAL (i.e. any banishing ritual, not just the L.B.R.P.) which makes use of the White Light, 5 of course being the Pentagram of Spirit and thus 555 being the pentagram extended into the 3 dimensions. Although 444 is the number of one of the worst of all the molds does not mean it is negative in and of itself, in fact it is highly enlightening as a key to the solution for this affliction just as 555 is that of THE CANCER CURES. 555 is the number of many keys as to how 'THE CANCER MATTER' may be understood and approached for 555 is once again a number of discernment of good and evil (or healthiness and unhealthiness). It should be known that according to the more recent recensions of the Necronomicon, it is said "there are no effective banishings for the forces invoked in the Necronomicon itself". This is because the forces involved are deeper and more powerful than those the average mage has a handle over being beyond the average elements and even dimensions or consciousness continuums being as they are forces relegated to what are known as the Outer Ones.

The traditional LBRP consists of the last part of the Lord's Prayer in Hebrew which is given in Matthew 6:9-14 by Jesus; "Thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen."

"Thou art" - Touch your forehead and visualize it fill with the white light and vibrate "Ateh" (אטה)
"the Kingdom" - Bring the light down to your waste and vibrate "Malkuth" (מלכות)
"and the Power" - Bring the light up to the right shoulder and vibrate "ve-Geburah" (ו גבורה)
"and the Glory" - Bring over to left shoulder "ve-Gedulah" (ו גדולה)
Bring hands together in prayer-form over the heart and vibrate "Lee-ohlam" (Amen) and imagine the light centralize in a brilliant golden orb.

Step forward facing Eastward trace the banishing Pentagram of Air and vibrate Yod-He-Vav-He (יהוה, Tetragrammaton) while visualizing an electric blue ray emanating as you go. Strike at the center and imagine a red lightning bolt strike outward symbolizing the force of Geburah/Mars (the shield and arrow, ) symbolic of returning all such force directed at you to its source.

Step back and turn to the South, step forward. Make the same Pentagram and Point but vibrate Adonai (אדני, 'LORD')
Step back and turn to the West, step forward. Repeat the pattern vibrating Eh-hey-yeh (אהיה, 'I AM')
Step back one more and turn to the North, step forward. Following the same pattern vibrate 'Agla' (אגלא, Notarikon: Atah Gibor Le-olam Adonai, "You, O Lord, are mighty forever.") but  bring the final strike over to the East to the center of the first Pentagram.

Return to the center of the Circle facing East and with arms outstretched say:
"Before me Raphael, (רפאל)
behind me Gabriel. (גבריאל)
At my right hand Michael, (מיכאל)
at my left hand Auriel. (אוריאל)

"Around me flames the Pentagram and within me shines the Six-rayed Star."
(Now repeat the 'Qabalistic Cross' which are the Ateh through Amen above.)

The purpose of this ritual is to ground and center as well reinforce both subconscious and conscious minds. The reason it is apparently not powerful enough to use to banish the forces unleashed through materials such as the Necronomicon or other trans-plutonian (i.e. ultraterrestrial/interdimensional) influences is because these are altogether beyond anything we know of as related to any strata of consciousness we can conceive being as they are inimical to us by their nature of being outside of the ring-pass-nots of the 000. When the tentacles of Cthulhu (subconscious) intertwine with the Kundalini (super-conscious) different timeloops and timelines occur. Cthulhu is symbolic of the Kundartiguador which is the Dragon-tail of the Shamans drifting back as an endless tube in the substrate of the primal subconscious. The Kundalini is the forward projecting consciousness which then becomes further 'tangled' by the impressions of the 'Chitta' (Cthulhu), or 'mind-stuff' which in Sanskrit also means 'memory' and refers the subconscious mind itself. 555 is the level of THE ASTRAL ELEMENTALS which can be banished relatively effectively if the elements themselves aren't too out of balance within the operator but being as it is the Central Key to the Triple-Gate of the Abyss (000) it has the potential to open the Watchtowers of the FOURTH DENSITY of 444 which houses beings above, beyond and outside of any human or animal consciousness levels.

A simple banishing ritual will not balance and tame the forces conjured when effectually tapping into the psychic wiring of past, future or parallel dimensional states of mind when these forces come floating or flooding in. This is where the full function of the Tree of Life as an instrument of magickal power comes in as it shows the basic outline of the balancing of internal (and external) powers of the Microcosm (Mind) and Macrocosm (Matrix) when understood from the Fractal perspective and including the Knowledge of Daath as the Gateway to the 'Tree of Death', the Black Tree of Shadows. This mapping of the paths and tunnels of the conscious and subconscious/Day and Nightside of the Mind-Matrix can be useful for decoding the external as it's symbolism is compact, but of course the only way to fully understand it enough to use it is to get to the Tiphareth/Heart level which illuminates and fully empowers it - which is why Crowley himself gave the warning that one must be at that stage before getting into such work in the first place.

Going back to the original impulse for this post, the number of THE LBRP RITE/MAGICKAL BANISHING RITUAL = 555 which is THE CANCER REMEDY and CANCERS CURED, and a few of the things which have been shown to slow or stop the growth of cancer have been analyzed and found to enumerate to 555 as well so it just goes to show that the connections are obvious if but the keys are provided. Here is a list of data I have come across regarding 555 and its relation to Cancer/Fungi/Mold:

CURE CANCER + HEAL VAYU, (Vayu is the element of Air in Hinduism. Also called Vata, Pavana the Purifier, and sometimes Prana, 'the breath'.)
STAR SPONGE + VATA, (Vata is a name of Vayu the Deva of the Air.)

These are just a few which I have found that show how precise this pattern is - and one more I obtained which came to mind after deciphering these was the phrase 'AIR CONDITIONING' which I didn't expect to equal exactly 555 but to my surprised it did upon first calculating it. Of course air conditioning  would be of prime importance to the above though physical air conditioning is only part of what is needed for total protection and pranic empowerment. Astral and etheric air conditioning consists of banishings and cleansings of the higher and more subtle layers of being which are also prone to negative/qliphothic infiltration and before things may manifest outwardly in Malkuth they must first achieve their potentiality within in the higher planes so to prevent this it must also be tended to before it has a chance to achieve grounding.

444 is the number of the 4 ELEMENTS which are charged or cleansed by THE WHITE LIGHT and brought into 3 dimensionality when brought under or beyond the Abyss of Daath in temporal manifestation by being infused with Ruach or Chi (Life-breath). In addition to Chi (Heb. 'Life) in full, 444 is also Σαρξ και Αιμα, 'Flesh and Blood' referring to that which is alive and manifest in Ο Αγρος, 'The Field' (all of nature itself or the field of operation). Adding 111 would imply the 5 addition of the fifth element of akasha, so 555 signifying the GRAND BALANCER is also the admonition to BALANCE THE ELEMENTS which the magus Frabato (Franz Bardon) stresses as a primary key to magickal attainment in Initiation into Hermetics. The balance of the elements in the bodily microcosm is key to the practical use of the elements in the outward macrocosm and it is Malkuth which is the physical interface of both micro- and macrocosm and this work should be consulted in its entirety for further information.

Livin’ In A Mycelial World - Claire L. Evans

"This [DMT] is not a drug. It’s something that’s disguising itself as a drug in order not to spread alarm. (...) I think that the alien will be so alien that your jaw will hang in the air. And expecting to meet an anthropoid-like alien with an interest in your reproductive machinery and gross industrial capacity is as culture-bound a concept as searching NGC-321 for a good Italian restaurant. It’s absurd on the face of it. (...) All of human history is the signifier of the presence of the alien. Human history is what happens to an advanced animal species when it is inner-penetrated on a scale of a million years by a mind in another dimension." -Terence McKenna [See Podcast 150 of MatrixMasters 'UFOS'.]