In this post I want to delineate more of what I hinted at in the previous posts to tie in more things that I have found to be related. I know I have the tendency to digress and get off track in my writings and it is mostly because I write different sections at different parts of the day throughout the week. I try to let everything just flow out naturally like I am speaking, but since I have to provide a lot of links (which can be INCREDIBLY convenient) I often lose my train of thought and have to re-read what I've written which can get old very quick.
I know that my use of gematria in the last few posts has been extensive, and this present post doesn't lack in that respect either.. but I just want to note that the examples I give are meant to be points of focus where various concepts can be found to converge. This sort of convergence engenders in the mind a form of yoga or union between its ordinarily disparate contents.
Whatever your position is towards either gematria or the Bible - my only aim is to show to those who are unaware, or in denial, the unquestionable consistency within systems that man had not himself fully understood in his acquisitions thereof.. a consistency that makes it more obvious why such systems are not often outwardly spoken of - because the profitization off their effectivity. If study is actually done, it would seem to appear that most ancient texts actually point to this very point in history as being extremely important of all times - determining the fate of our transcendence or ruin for all future ages. Now is more significant a time than any other and our future depends very strongly on the level of wisdom driving our decision making processes. If I had not the confidence that I do in humanity then I too would be off searching for instant gratification and entertainment while it lasts instead of trying to find a way out of the apathetic nihilism that has grabbed humanity by the balls.
We have more power available to us than ever before with the internet, personal computers, and massive communication networks. We are very well equipped. though we may not be as capable. Authority truly lies in our hands, not the government, or whatever shady term you want to call the current political circus. Although gematria, or the Bible, or books won't save you from the inevitable carnage that we all face - they can certainly serve as useful tools for appreciating the more abstruse areas of life experience. There is still much apprehension towards metaphysics, though as science and discovery show, most of what we do not understand lies just beyond our modes of perception, yet still very much natural. As Blavatsky observes: 'The whole of occultism is based on the supposition that there is nothing supernatural.' People even to this day are being persecuted and killed by others who still choose to defend their limited, and usually corrupted, worldview with violence.
"In medieval times, secrecy was resorted to more as a safeguard for the occultist than for the world of which he formed a part. The scene is not much different today, except that the tables are turned. The indiscriminate revelation of occult formulae often leads to insanity and death. The unprepared who meddle with occult processes invite trouble. In the realm of profane science the horror of the situation is today only to apparent. The magician, who was the scientist of bygone days, was more wise than his modern counterpart. He hedged his science about in order to protect not only himself but the world about him." -pg. 3, The Magical Revival (1972)
Silence as a means of protection is very useful in occultism for both the practitioner and his environment. Today it is almost an urgency that certain information makes its way to the people who need it since suppression and censorship are halting the speed of our communication while certain laws, principles, and standards are being instated without the correct foreknowledge by people unqualified to make informed decisions for the multitudes of men and women. Some things are better left unsaid and left for those who are meant to to discover internally at their own pace. A good way of learning more from what you already know is to extrapolate theories from what you don't and testing or questioning them. Just as well, sometimes what is not said says more than what is...
What I am now going to outline is just that- an outline. The importance laid upon familiarization with the books and materials I refer to cannot be over stressed. Most of the things I am saying here are not my own work. Many of the subjects are older than everyone alive on the planet right now. I am only linking various hitherto disjointed fragments of knowledge so that we may understand, gain wisdom, and reach a higher level of truth as we are to do in this Information Age. Nobody else's words, or information are able to do for you what you can not do for yourself. I am here attempting to provide my own personal outlook and knowledge as it stands to me at this point in my path and none of it is expected to be taken personally on the account of the reader. As Buddha once said:
Believe nothing,
no matter where you read it,
or who said it,
no matter if I have said it,
unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
That being said, I am attempting to bring together enough data to conclusively show that there really is something of great significance behind the terms, systems, and fragments I am linking. Too often have we discovered too late that something dire could have been avoided if only we had put all the obvious clues together. Here is my attempt at just that.
Assuming that you have read my previous posts, you already know that in 1904 Aleister Crowley claimed to have brought about the Aeon of Horus with the manifestation of Liber L vel Legis initiating an era under the forces of Mars, the Sun, and Fire; that is, to power, violence, and energy. It also relates to a child, being innocent (i.e. undifferentiated). Its manifestations may be noted in the destruction of old institutions and ideas, the discovery and liberation of new energies, and the trend towards power governments, war, homosexuality, infantilism, and schizophrenia.
Adding 44 years = 1948 = The Incoming of The Aeon of Maat (MA-ION) as prophesized by Frater Achad. The Aeon of Truth and Justice, of which his prophecy was just the signal of a future manifestation.
+ 44 years = 1992 = The year of my birth; The publication of Kenneth Grant's sixth Typhonian Trilogy - Hecate's Fountain to which I will refer many times.
Verse 46 of the Chapter of Nuit says:
"Nothing is a secret key of this law
Sixty-one the Jews call it;
I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen."
The 'Nothing' which is the 'secret key', called '61' by the Jews, is the AIN (אין)- the unmanifest state of non-being from which everything manifests.
Nuit calls this 'eight, eighty, four hundred and eighteen.'
So I was born eight and eighty years into the Aeon of Horus on August 21st, 1992.
821 - 418(13~31) = 403(13x31)
These two forms of 13 and 31 total to 88 and 821 = MA-ION: The Aeon of Ma (daughter aspect of Maat). The Lesser Cycle relating to daughter darkenss. As Set is to the Aeon of Horus so is Ma to the Aeon of Maat, or the aeon of Full Manifestation, i.e. materialism or Materialisation at its height. 821+88 = 909, the number of the Hebrew word for 'Bat' (עטלף), one of the supreme zootypes of the Typhonian Tradition. (See Hecate's Fountain)
So I was born eight and eighty years into the Aeon of Horus on August 21st, 1992.
821 - 418(13~31) = 403(13x31)
These two forms of 13 and 31 total to 88 and 821 = MA-ION: The Aeon of Ma (daughter aspect of Maat). The Lesser Cycle relating to daughter darkenss. As Set is to the Aeon of Horus so is Ma to the Aeon of Maat, or the aeon of Full Manifestation, i.e. materialism or Materialisation at its height. 821+88 = 909, the number of the Hebrew word for 'Bat' (עטלף), one of the supreme zootypes of the Typhonian Tradition. (See Hecate's Fountain)
8 + 80 + 418 = 506
506 is an expansion of the number of Nuit's name NU (56) with the 'nothing' in the center symbolizing the function of Nuit as 'Queen of Infinite Space'.
506 is 11 x 46 (ADAM), showing Adam's descent from 8.80.418/61 (Ain) by way of Daath (11). [Note the verse number is 46.] 506 is the number of the Paths of the Front and back sides of the Tree (1~22 = 253 /// 253+253 = 506) or it can be considered as the 10 sephirah, the 22 paths + Daath (474).
506 is 11 x 46 (ADAM), showing Adam's descent from 8.80.418/61 (Ain) by way of Daath (11). [Note the verse number is 46.] 506 is the number of the Paths of the Front and back sides of the Tree (1~22 = 253 /// 253+253 = 506) or it can be considered as the 10 sephirah, the 22 paths + Daath (474).
The 8th Hebrew letter is Cheth (ח), symbolic of life, which happens to equal 418 spelled in full. The correspondent Tarot card is The Chariot.
80 is the 17th Hebrew letter Peh (פ), the 'mouth'. 80 is also the number of כס 'throne', as well as the word Throne itself. Yesod spelled in Hebrew equals 80, and means 'Foundation' - the 9th sephira.
418 is a highly charge formula in the Aeon of Horus as the number of Aiwass, as well as
ABRAHADABRA- the formula of the Great Work of the Aeon of Horus.
418 is composed of the numbers of the sum of 13 through 31 and the Word of the Aeon
MAKAShANAH also equals 418.
My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us.
The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle,
& the circle is Red.
My colour is black to the blind,
but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing.
Tzaddi (צ) is NOT the Star, for Tzaddi = 90 and the Star = 88.
Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God.
All these old letters of my Book are aright; but צ is not the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.
The KHABS (Egyptian 'Star) is said to be in the KHU (Egy. 'Spirit') in AL.I.8;
KHU = 31, (the Key of Liber AL) - 88 = -57 (See verse 57 above), the negative showing the Secret Key of NOTHING, Not, or Nuit.
NOTHING = 588, showing the 5 pointed KHABS (88). 588 also = 'KEY TO DAATH', and 'THE DOUBLE WAND'.
The Star is the 17th tarot card, to which the sign of Aquarius is attributed signifying the Dual Current (♒) of the Aeons of Horus and Maat. The card is switched from the 28th Path of Tzaddi (צ) to the 15th Path Heh (ה, 5) since 5 is the number of the Star.
In Chapter 9 of Outside the Circles of Time, Kenneth Grant says:
"Frater Achad claimed that the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius occurred on April 8th, 1948, six days after the 'Incoming of the Aeon of Maat' [April 2].
Aquarius is the Sign of the Waterbearer, and the Diamond is the Stone of Precious Water."
The Diamond is the 13-pointed Star-Diamond Frater Achad claimed symbolized the New Manifestation:
"It is evident from the documents relating to the Incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice (Maat), and of Ma-Ion, that Achad was reffering to two distinct manifestations. The former occured on April 2, 1948 at 1:11p.m., and was symbolized by the 13-fold Star-Diamond of Manifestation, with the number 438 at its heart; the latter occurred on April 14, at 1:06p.m., and was symbolized by the Star Sapphire containing the number 403. Achad regarded both of these manifestations as the coalescence of a Greater and Lesser Cycle of which the Greater concerns the inauguration of the Equinox of the Gods, and the Lesser Cycle with that of Ma-ion 'as the Daughter is the continuation and the other half of the Aeon of Horus, the Son.'
The Great Circle of Time represented by the whole or Perfect Stone [ABN ShLDMH ( ) = 438 = PERFECTION.] {which} is the perfect-ion. This is symbolized by a 13-pointed Star-Diamond. According to Achad 'the Great Cycle of Perfection represents the 'Tree' as having folded up into a single perfect sphere-with no Grades or Paths-a truly Concentric System which is for the future to manifest...' 'In the Lesser aspect of the Aeon (i.e. Ma-ion), grades and sephiroth and the 'Tree' are still taken into account'.
Achad therefore drew attention to verse 45 of the first chapter of AL, which reads: 'The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect, and not two; nay, are none!'
The number of this verse, 45, is the Mystic Number of Yesod {1~9}, and of ADM (Adam), which signifies the 'red earth', or 'clay' from which man derives. The mystical nature of the 13-pointed Star is therefore clearly connected with the Mother-Goddess of Time, or periodicity...
"Achad's reference to the sphericl Tree is of vital importance as signifying the nature of consciousness in a future aeon. We shall not at the moment seek to specify which aeon is indicated, it is sufficient to note that it is beyond time; the sephiroth have collapsed inwards, the paths are made void, the Tree has folded up into a single perfect sphere. It is the aeon without a Word, the aeon of Non-being that is yet Perfect Being. 'For I am perfect, being Not',,, 'thus ye have star and star, system and system'. Perhaps the two stars are the two stones discovered by Achad, and, again, perhaps the two systems relate to the two aspects of the Perfect-ion, the aeons of Maat and Ma-Ion; or perhaps, even the twin-system connected with Sirius."
[More words of these Stones of Precious Water as they are called will be spoken of more exhaustively in a future post.] ![]()
841 is a metathesis (temurah) of 418, which again is 13 ~ 31.
418 + 403 = 821 = MA-ION
+ 438 (PERFECTION)= 1259 = 418+841 = Προφητας
1259 also happens to be 88 (KHABS) more than 1171, another number for my name. When 1171 is added to MA-ION (821), the number of my birth year is obtained: 1992
1992 was the year Kenneth Grant published Hecate's Fountain. What's even more odd is that ['Hecate's Fountain'] = 161, which when added to my name (102), the number for ['Outside the Circles of Time'] is obtained (263). And when my name is added to that again (102+263) the number 365 is obtained, the number of days for one terrestrial cycle of time. After using Hebrew I found that

[מארכ אלאן להבאש] = [Gen. 37.19]= HECATE's FOUNTAIN [11 x 11 x 11] = 1331 [Note: I reference the Genesis verse because it happens to equal 1331, and the word for the 'dreamer' that cometh = 102.
And as what's more is 1331 + 681 = 2012, the very year I am unlocking and expounding this.
And excuse me if I am mistaken, but the top central sigil on the cover of OTCOT looks a lot like a sigilized version of my name.
One other very important discovery I have made regarding the Aeons of Horus and Maat is that the
THE AEON OF HORUS = 1212, and
12 is the number of Horus, as 12 is the number of solar hours in a day and signs of the Zodiac.
13 is the number of Maat in Achad's dual Star-Stone of Manifestation signifying timeless-ness and reversal.
12 x 13 = 156,
The number of BABALON , which in Hecate's Fountain is decribed as 'A name applicable to any woman magically competent to channel and/or transmit extraterrestrial forces.' And in O.T.C.O.T.: 'The Gateway (Babel) of the Sun (On), A title of the Scarlet Woman who is the symbolic gateway of the Sun.
(77 + (7+7) / 7 + 77= 156)
156 is 6 x 26, and it is the number of the word(s)
The Grey Alien Race (Most common extraterrestrial typology)
Six Six Six (The number of the Beast in full)
TIAHUANACO (Location of the Incan 'Gate of the Sun')
Here it is necessary to allude to another important fragment that ties much of this all together that was happening in the years right before Frater Achad was making his discoveries.
Both Outside the Circles of Time and Hecate's Fountain refer to the occultist/rocket scientist named Jack Parsons. Jack, (or John) Whiteside Parsons was a founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California in 1936, and in 1942 he was appointed by Aleister Crowley as head of the Agapé Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis. Parson's deep interest in Crowley's writings ended up propelling him to write a magical ritual intending to evoke an elemental and then the Force of Babalon using Enochian magic of the system of Dr. John Dee out in the Mojave Desert in 1946 as a "necessary counterbalance or correspondence to the manifestation of Horus." During this magical working, Parsons was commanded by Babalon to write The Book of Babalon (Liber 49) which is described as the "fourth chapter of The Book of the Law", corresonding to the 'daughter-aspect' of the Tetragrammaton.
The elemental manifested was received as Marjorie Cameron who was waiting at Parsons' door when he came back from the desert, who was to have a child born unto her who would be 'mightier than all the kings of earth'. Parsons ended up dying in 1952 from being set aflame after allegedly dropping a vial of fulminate mercury, which was actually predicted in Liber 49 when Babalon says to Parsons:
The elemental manifested was received as Marjorie Cameron who was waiting at Parsons' door when he came back from the desert, who was to have a child born unto her who would be 'mightier than all the kings of earth'. Parsons ended up dying in 1952 from being set aflame after allegedly dropping a vial of fulminate mercury, which was actually predicted in Liber 49 when Babalon says to Parsons:
"Display thyself to Our Lady; dedicate thy organs to Her,
dedicate thy heart to Her, dedicate thy mind to Her,
dedicate thy soul to Her, for She shall absorb thee,
and thou shalt become living flame before She incarnates.
For it shall be through you alone,
and no one else can help in this endeavour."
On page 28 of Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant says that;
'Parsons died in 1952. Six months later, in a series of letters to Jane Wolfe, Cameron claimed that she had gone through one of the "strangest and wildest voyages into the unknown that has ever been told". Because of it she was considered insane and shunned by all but a 'peculiar few'. She claimed that the Babalon Working which Parsons had begun in 1946 "set in motion the second part of a great force which divided into three. A{leister} C{rowley} began the first, three years before I was born. I never knew the man, yet his desire gave me birth. His paternity sings in veins".[1922 - 3 = 1919, the year Crowley contacted LAM.
'The stage was set for a Great Magical Operation began at the time that Crowley was undergoing his supreme ordeal on the way to attaining the Grade of Ipsissimus, 10 = A..A.., i.e. in 1924. This happened to be also the birthtime of the present author {K.G.}, who later became Aossic-Aiwass 718 and Crowley's successor as Outer Head of the Ordo Templi Orientis. Thus, like Cameron Parsons, Aossic too was engendered by the magical operations set in motion by Crowley in the Mauve Zone."
Page 49 of Outside the Circles of Times relates The Babalon Working with the work of Achad;
"The work of Achad and Parsons exhibited profound awareness of a cosmic unfoldment that may not always be consciously recognized even by those who are able 'unconsciously' to pick up and express aspects of the Current. How complex the pattern is may be appreciated by the fact that when Parsons received Liber 49 (The Book of Babalon), which he proclaimed to be the fourth chapter of AL, it was in magical concert with L.R. Hubbard that extraterrestrial contact was established. It remains to be seen what part of the puzzle Hubbard may manifest, but that he clutched at it through the door opened by Parsons is shown by the circumstances attendant upon the Babalon Working, for an account of which see The Magical Revival. The Working began in 1945-6, a few months before Crowley's death in 1947, and just prior to the wave of unexplainable aerial phenomena now recalled as the 'Great Flying Saucer Flap'. Parsons opened a door and something flew in; he supposed it was Babalon and the fourth chapter of AL;
others have supposed other things but all are agreed that something unusual, something inexplicable by mundane laws, occurred around that time. Both Crowley's and Achad's prolonged initiations led up to this phenomenon which charged the 'forties with the atmosphere of menace adumbrated in 1904 (in AL.III.46) and which formulated in Hiroshima in 1945. And perhaps the revelation of these mysteries is likewise preparing the way for the 'eighties that cower before me and are abased' (AL.III.46) - pgs. 49-50, OTCOT (1980)
It is therefore highly significant that in the early results of of Parsons invocations that among poltergeist phenomena, loud knocks at night, and heavy wind storms - he heard a 'buzzing, metallic voice crying 'Let Me Go Free''. It just so happens that 'Let Me Go Free' equals 666.
For more information about this topic the reader is advised to consult the Typhonian Trilogies, The Key to the Abyss by Anthony Testa, and other related well-documented research material.

"The work of Achad and Parsons exhibited profound awareness of a cosmic unfoldment that may not always be consciously recognized even by those who are able 'unconsciously' to pick up and express aspects of the Current. How complex the pattern is may be appreciated by the fact that when Parsons received Liber 49 (The Book of Babalon), which he proclaimed to be the fourth chapter of AL, it was in magical concert with L.R. Hubbard that extraterrestrial contact was established. It remains to be seen what part of the puzzle Hubbard may manifest, but that he clutched at it through the door opened by Parsons is shown by the circumstances attendant upon the Babalon Working, for an account of which see The Magical Revival. The Working began in 1945-6, a few months before Crowley's death in 1947, and just prior to the wave of unexplainable aerial phenomena now recalled as the 'Great Flying Saucer Flap'. Parsons opened a door and something flew in; he supposed it was Babalon and the fourth chapter of AL;

It is therefore highly significant that in the early results of of Parsons invocations that among poltergeist phenomena, loud knocks at night, and heavy wind storms - he heard a 'buzzing, metallic voice crying 'Let Me Go Free''. It just so happens that 'Let Me Go Free' equals 666.
For more information about this topic the reader is advised to consult the Typhonian Trilogies, The Key to the Abyss by Anthony Testa, and other related well-documented research material.
The point of all this is that we are now 66 (1~11) years after 1946, and by simply looking at all the various connections it becomes clear to see that ancient cultures such as the Dogon may actually have been telling more than legends. More importantly, the culmination of 13th and final baktun (394 yr. cycle) of the Mayan Long Count Calendar is increasingly becoming more relevant as a point in our ontogenesis.
The end of this cycle is said to mark a great transformation, though the nature of such a transformation has remained ambiguous. Some have suggested that there may be geological upheaval, solar events, extraterrestrial disclosure of some sort, induction of a fascist global dictatorship or New World Order, the outbreak of a Third World War, and a whole gamut of potentialities.
The present cycle began in Aug. 13, 3113 BC, and will end on Dec. 21, 2012.
This day marks the first time in 26,000 years that the Earth and the Sun are aligned with the Galactic Center.
The Serpent in Mayan mythology symbolized the celestial vehicle of the gods who sometimes appeared coming from the mouth of a serpent they apparently used as a vehicle to travel across celestial bodies and the heavens. The Mayan's called their serpent deity Kukulkan who is commonly confused with the Aztec equivalent Quetzalcoatl. Both are known as the 'feather', or 'plumed' serpent.

The Sword is the downward energy projected into being from the Ain as Kether densified in distinct levels down to Malkuth. The Serpent is the reawakened energy that travels back up to the source by climbing the paths. The Sword is said to have descended like a 'lightning flash', and there is a qabalistic way of showing the path of the Sword as it travelled from Kether to Malkuth along the paths of Aleph (1), Gimel (3), Daleth (4), Teth (9), Lamed (30), Nun (50), Peh (80), Resh (200), and Tau (400) = 777 = נמלא יומם 'Filled with Light', and REVELATION.
Incidentally, KUKULKAN can equal 153 (1~17, the path of Zain the sword), or 803, the number of Μαχαιραν 'sword' the instrument of the mission of Christ;
Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. |
153 is 9 (the number of the Serpent [ט]) times 17 (the number of the Path of the Sword).
On page 214 of Outer Gateways Kenneth Grant ends chapter 16 by saying that "The number 153 is also of the highest mystical significance, the gnosis of which awaits adequate exposition."
The number is referred to explicitly in the Bible (John 21:11), but for some reason it is not available on The Biblewheel website, though the total enumeration of the verse is 17,340, yet another multiple of 17.
Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes,
an hundred and fifty and three:
and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.
There are many websites offering insight to this verse, and it will be left for the readers to examine for themselves. Just know that 153 x 6 = 918 = CHRIST, The Water of Life (mentioned in Rev. 21:6), The Number of God, Letter+Number, Prime Numbers, Triple Number, DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE, MAGICK POWER, and THE HOLY BOOKS OF THELEMA.. this all shows the essentially Typhonian symbology.
And to tie this all in with what I said before about The Babalon Working and its relation to inexplicable phenomena; BABALON also = 806, which = MOJAVE DESERT, as well as THE MAYAN CALENDAR
[Note: The Crop Circle that appeared in Crabwood. England happened to be the same year as Kenneth Grant's final Trilogy The Ninth Arch (2002).]
THE GRAY ALIEN RACE = 1188 = IN THE GLOBED PRIEST = PERICHORESIS (Interpenetration of Planes/Worlds) = Ζετα Ρετικυλι (Zeta Reticuli)
Also, the number I referred to above (2051) when added to 2012 equals 4063. In Liber 49, it specifically says "The year of BABALON is 4063."
The reason I attributed Daath to the Galactic Center in my equation above is because scientists have found evidence that located in the center of our Milky Way is a supermassive black hole.
Daath is more likely the Galactic Center than Kether since a black holebetter represents the Abyss of Daath than does the supreme unity of the One Thing that is Kether.
In OTCOT, Grant quotes Nema Andahadna's magical record which is here relevant;
"{The Black Flame of Maat} is Maat perceived as the twin of Nuit, Nuit being the stars and Maat the spaces between them.She is not darkness, but a turned light, a black radiance. She would be the anti-particle of the photon. The physical analogue of Maat is the neutron star, the Black Hole. The alchemical unity of Nuit and Maat {i.e. the Mother and the Daughter} would be akin to the progression of the Black Hole - the astronomical Singularity."
If I had used Kether instead (620+1,081+496) I would have ended up with 2,197 which is the cube of 13, the number of Maat and the Mayan calendar. If the alignment includes both Kether and Daath - the number would be 2,277 and the only word in the Bible that equals 2,277 is Δεσμωτηριωι [desmoterion, 'Prison']. Some people have suggested that Dec. 21 will mark a spontaneous DMT release on a planetary scale, though there is little evidence supporting this. The fact that the alignment of the Sephira on the Middle Pillar equal the word for prison may refer to the fact that the Tree as it is may be the prison of the fallen Malkuth will finally reach a point of resurrection and redemption to Perfection, Order, and Truth.
[PERFECTION = 438 = Κετηερ (Kether)]
[TRUTH = 620 = כתר (Kether) = ISIS (the Mother; he name means 'throne')]
It is my contention that the winter solstice of 2012 marks the full initiation of the Aeon of Maat.
I am not going to say that I think this event will mark 'the end of the world', or the time when some alien race establishes contact because as far as the end of the world is concerned- we are effecting that everyday with the way our civilization is going. If enough things don't take place simultaneously on Dec. 21st then it is inevitable that soon enough they will. And there is ore evidence than not making clear the presence of extraterrestrial or interdimensional intelligence on and around our planet for millenia. Instead, what I think this date symbolizes is the full influx of the Maatian Current into the Aeon of Horus thus transforming the consciousness of humanity from the purely individual subjective awareness to a more collective nuclear awareness. The very real threat of our global communications and power grids failing as a result of either a solar flare, CME, EMP, etc. would quickly institute such a drastic change in the structure of our civilization that we would face the danger of loosing control of our many nuclear reactors and facilities, and the stockpiles of atomic, biological, and chemical weapons. These threats are further conduced by the compartmentalization of the social and economic systems and the psychological undermining and usurpation of the primary unit of society (the individual) through television/media programming, chemicals, and institutional indoctrination in schools, work and churches. The only illumination to be found will be after materialism is overcome and an archaic revival is willingly pursued and the entertainment, pharmaceutical, and military industries are completely renovated if not altogether abolished. This seems impossible, but it may be our only choice if we wish to survive at all.
About such circumstances, Kenneth Grant also demonstrates ;
"Wilhelm Reich maintained that fear of imminent catastrophe, so prevalent in our age is generated by a morbid fascination of imminent internal disintegration due to dammed up vegetative energy; hence the massive nature of the neuroses, psychoses, and similar disorders characteristic of the present day. But why has this occurred at this particular period in man's history? Can it be that he senses the shadows of catastrophe cast by his sudden advance in technical and philosophical knowledge, and its almost exclusive direction towards destructive ends? The latter is, of course, caused by the enormous gulf that widens daily between his spiritual immaturity and his technological ability. More and more people are becoming alive to the threat that hangs like a cloud over the planet, and which has resulted in massive hysteria and a return to superstition and infantilism. Crowley noted in his introduction to Liber AL:
against which we are yet half willing to take precautions.
Consider the outcrop of dictatorships, only possible when moral growth is in its earliest stages,
and the prevalence of infantile cults like Communism, Fascism, Pacifism,
Health Crazes, Occultism in nearly all its forms, religions sentimentalized to the point of practical extinction.
Consider the popularity of the cinema, the wireless, the football pools and guessing competitions, all devices for soothing fractious infants, no seed of purpose in them.
Consider sport,
the babyish enthusiasms and rages which it excites,
whole nations disturbed by disputes between boys..."
On the other hand, if Reich is right and the inner stresses are building up so enormously, a compensating explosion is bound to occur in the outer, so whichever way the phenomena is interpreted, the result in either case will be catastrophic in the external world.
Grant goes on to say;
"Man has now reached the stage where he is unable to right himself unaided by external intervention; a veritable 'miracle' is needed. Man's irresponsible tampering with transmundane energies has undoubtedly excited the curiosity of other inhabitants of the universe, and it is just possible that in order to safeguard their own position, which may be jeopardized by the ignorance of humanity, or even out of compassion for less advanced entities which they see as tobogganing to certain destruction, that intervention may occur in the nick of time. Some believe that the UFO phenomena are part of the 'miracle', and a mounting mass of evidence seems to suggest that mysterious entities have been located within earth's ambience for countless centuries and that more and more people are being born with innate ability to see, or in some way sense, their presence. -pgs. 109-110, OTCOT.
It has now been 108 years since The Aeon of Horus began, and I have also discovered with gematria that this year is pretty important since 'Two Thousand and Twelve' equals 266, as does 'The One-Hundred and Eighth Year'. Such a synchronicity is not reproducible with any other previous year and year numbers as far as I am aware. The reason I am writing about all of this is so that in the case that it something inexplicable happens in the future we won't be completely clueless. Neither governmental, academic, nor religious groups are taking the necessary steps to prepare people for the very real possibilities that have only a matter of time before coming to pass. The simple reason is that they can't. It is up to each of us to find for ourselves the truths that we may not want to face so that our children do not have to suffer. Much of what I have related so far cannot be apprehended from a superficial reading. It has to be experienced from a level that dives deeper than a mere reading of words. I can guarantee that if you were to make a list of numbers, or even simply a folder of files, listed to about 2,000 so you could enter in any significant words or phrases that you know of you would begin to see multiple transcendental patterns emerge. You wouldn't only find connections between the words and concepts themselves, but that the times and circumstances in which you learn and even think things is all 'meant to be' and tied in with everything else. We really need to aspire towards being magicians, viewing every single thing as a facet of Magical Reality, before we fall too deeply into the spiritual coma that we are in.
I will give one last magical key that I have found before beginning my next post,and that is:
'The Secret of Forty Two' is 'The Philosopher's Stone' (both equal 266), and that secret is that 42, which is one of biggest key numbers is 42 x 42 = 1764. 17 is the Sword (Zayin), 64 is Truth (Αληθεια) ~ i.e. The Sword of Truth.
2013 Update:
Well nothing too drastic happened, but after a few months of lots of work and grounding, I have come to the conclusion that 2012 was a major year of Initiation for many into their pre+post-mortal magical lineages. It certainly was for me. I still hold the view that 2012 was a big leap for the Maatian Current, and 2013 has been as well. The current sure is flowing, and many people are tuning into it. There are more people aware of the global situation now than ever through social networking and news sites on the internet and the previously mentioned 'nuclear awareness' is certainly blossoming. Much is changing swiftly and I see a bright future not too far past the bumpy part of this road.
The Phoenix will always rise from the ashes.
The Ever-Coming One is already enthroned as the Crowned and Conquering Child.
You just have to realize it.