Much has been unveiled to me since my last few posts and at an increasing rate to where I feel the need to make note of many of the corroborating bits of information and present it to those who have seen the unfolding of this publication and my findings regarding the Egg of Ma-Ion. This information can be of use to anyone so long as you are able to discern, extract and extrapolate your own ideas from the material set forth, that is in this post as well as others. In this post I will focus on a recent situation regarding a cascade of coincidental events which all connect to various materials I have been researching and widely different strands of wisdom which come together to the same Point.
Really, it actually starts with me searching for stuff on eBay, which is how I found out about Kenneth Grant through his book Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God (somewhat shortly after I began reading about Crowley). I found a shirt of this band I admire called Daath, ironically, and it happened to have the symbol of an eye within, not one triangle, but four. This was odd because later that night, completely by chance, I came across that very symbol again. I was reading a book by Jim Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, and it mentioned an older writer on such subjects named George Williamson Hunt. I was reading what I could about him and came across his book Other Tongues, Other Flesh (which I also found in an original 1953 first edition for a good price), and it contains the very same symbol on page 72. The book goes on to talk about many things, but there is an emphasis on the symbolism of the 'tongue' and its spiritual meaning, as well as that of language itself. Chapter 1 is called 'The Solex-Mal', and explains how this phrase means the 'Mother', or 'Solar' 'Tongue'. Solex means 'Solar', and Mal is said by Hunt to mean 'Tongue'. Mal is generally known to mean 'evil' or 'bad', as in Les fleurs du Mal, Malice, or Malevolent. Incidentally my own initials are M.A.L., the reverse of Lam (meaning 'He who Goeth', see The Voice of the Silence.) {Note: I have no connection with any members of the band Daath, and to my knowledge they are no longer producing albums, I have just been a fan for years and if they aren't you 'taste' that is fine, I am merely just noting that I found it odd this symbol came up in a book after years of seeing this album, to learn about its meaning the very day I bought a shirt which had this same symbol on it.}
The tongue is a magickal organ of manifestation of which the materialistic Western mind fails to understand or adequately control. The symbolism of the tongue has been described excessively in my previous material, and Grant has explained its Maatian significance extensively in his books. One of the main things to point our is that there are said to be 17 muscles in the tongue (See the book The Sense of Taste By Harry Levi Hollingworth, Albert Theodor Poffenberger.) This is Qabalistically significant since 17 is the number of the Hebrew letter Peh (P, with a Gematria value of 80/800), and the meaning of Peh is that relating to the tongue. It should be known that 17 was seen of special enough relevance by Grant for him to have put an appendix on its occurrence in special esoteric dates in his last Typhonian Trilogy in 2002, The Ninth Arch. The tongue is a form of phallus or lingam in the oral yoni, and since 17 is associated with the mysteries of Osiris and Orion (note that there are 17 stars in the constellation of Orion that are visible to the naked eye), the tongue itself can be fathomed as the 'Lost Phallus' of Osiris whose meaning was lost to the unconscious. The Tarot card to which the letter Peh is attributed is The Tower, which of course calls to mind the legend of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of tongues.
The odd coincidences don't end here, my girlfriend and I both have been seeing both the number 17 and 107 come up all over the place and oddly enough there is even a guy on Facebook who has created a group called '107 Anomaly' because he too sees combinations of the number 1 0 and 7 all over as well. I have consulted him regarding my own qabalistic findings of this number, but he seems to have little to no knowledge of the complexities of gematria or this mass of work I have written regarding this ominous number. There has to be something to it though which someone has to know about. I have even captured screenshots of it in various movies and shows I've seen from the movie Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts to the children's cartoon Yu-Gi-Oh!, and other animes. (See below.)
Yu-Gi-Oh - Number 107 Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon
(NOTE: The main significance with this one is that the 107 is fully clad in purple/pink/fuchsia colors which I have also explained extensively in this blog as relating to Daath and the Magick-force known under various names. See Over the Rainbow.)

It is of course by way of the tongue in which we communicate in words, and even when we are not actually speaking we can feel the impressions the tongue would make if it were spoken because the tongue is the actual muscle behind our human linguistic expression. This is only so if we are communicating only via the region known as the Vishuddha or throat/vocal chakra. We are able to communicate also at higher and lower centers, via the higher mind as well as the heart and of course the sexual and mundane channels of expression as well corresponding to the far lower chakras. The idea is to open each of them.

To these two generalized categories can also be placed the seeming opposites of 'Science' and 'Religion/Mysticism', but the two are simply the basic 'Outer/Outward' and Manifest Ordeals in the world of Matter juxtaposed with the Inner or Inward Ordeals of Mind of the Individual. The two are inevitable and inescapable interchangeable. It was Aleister Crowley whose publication The Equinox stated on every copy the dictum 'The Method of Science, the Aim of Religion'. It is quite a shame that so many deny the very Arts and Sciences of those masters before them even though the Path has been outlined in numerous detailed accounts. So far, I have showed with Science, that these Hermetic or Mystic 'practices', known variously as Astrology, Qabalah, Gematria, Tarot, Symbolism, Synchronicity, etc. are in fact apt languages themselves, each connected or over-lapping and interpenetrating even though of distinct origins arising at completely separate periods of time by various peoples. The only way to analyze anything effectively is by surveying all possible categories and perspectives of the available data. From the little bit of organizing I have done of my own database I have found legitimate scientific evidence of value in the gematria and other Qabalistic principles for use in things such as Engineering and a host of other applications.

Max Heindel, in his The Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception; or Mystic Christianity, says:
"Occult science teaches that there are 777 incarnations, but that does not mean that the Earth undergoes 777 metamorphoses. It means that evolving life makes
7 Revolutions around the
7 Globes of the
7 World Periods."
Peeling Bodies by Chris Dyer
I began talking about Gematria in my second post '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' and mentioned that 777 was the number of REVELATION, but at the time I had not known it was also the number of THE DICTIONARY, showing how Liber 777 acts as a sort of Gematria Dictionary. Either Crowley hadn't taken it serious enough to include it, or didn't have space in the book, or perhaps didn't want to go into too explicit of detail, but there is little in his writings dealing with the gematria of Hebrew values applied to English words and phrases. However, I have found it accurate enough that I could even show 777 to be symbolic of the 'GEMATRIA CODE PROOF' of 'THE TEACHINGS OF QABALAH' just with this very number. People could say that I any word or phrase could be made to equal this number, but using specifically Hebrew-English Gematria this is not possible since the values are fixed, with the exception of the few final values and C/K/Q, S/Sh, T/Th variations. These minor details are important for they actually serve as ways to protect its full wisdom from those who are unable to read and understand the formula itself and it's schematic. It has come through great struggle that these words and formulae can be presented here in such a condensed form, and this is still maintaining a safe distance from much of the material yet to be released in Liber 999.
The direction I want to take this now ties in with the material I have been steeping myself in, namely that of Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism (along with the archaeology of Mu). This is where the 'various strands' come together to a single point. My friend who I have mentioned before as Soror 722 told me a while ago to look into this thing called 'Cymatics' which is apparently the study of sound and its effects and patterns in various materials such as sand or water when applied at different frequencies. After many months of not even calculating the word itself, I finally found that ChYMAThIChSh (CYMATICS) is 777 when using Cheth-8 for C and Tau-400 and Shin-300 for T and S. After playing with various calculations I found 777 to also be the number of the very relevant 'VISIBLE SOUND HOLOGRAPH' and 'VIBRATION HOLOGRAM'. Also, after reading much about all these various Buddhist and Hindu words something about Sanskrit (and the Eastern languages in general - more-so in fact than Hebrew or English) and how its focus on Mantras, sound and feeling. I found that Sanskrit transliterated more accurately is SAMSKRTA, which added to the lesser valued CYMATICS (with a Teth and Samekh) also gives 777. Furthermore 777 is 'THE CODE OF THE SOUND' itself being both the EQUILIBRIUM + VIBRATION of the SONIC SCALE. Sound and Vibration is related to Light and Shadow, and the Shells or Cells of Light have their counterpart in the waves of sound.
(Very good lecture on Cymatics by Mandara Cromwell, if you have the time.)

Furthermore, I have found 777 is THE SECRET OF THE CUBE-SPHERE, mentioned by Walter Russell in The Secret of Light. The Cube and Sphere veil the dual male-female principles like Fire and Water, whose symbol comes together has the Hexagram or 33 which in Masonic symbolism is usually on the Phoenix whose Light shines beyond Life and Death in THE VAST EXPANSE beyond the Cube-Sphere Matrix of THE FALSE REALITY of Maya, which can also be thought of as THE ASTRAL SEA - the inner/mystical realm of mind and imagination which sometimes seems more real than that which is right in front of your eyes. The Cube-Sphere implies the alchemical formula of the Squaring of the Circle which is veiled in the Square and Compass symbol itself for the Compass outlines the Circle and the Square tool measures the Square and veils the Ordeal of merging the Spiritual Universe with the Material Universe, which is further veiled in 777 as THE TWO WORLDS + INSIDE + OUTSIDE. The two come together as one in THE LODGE ARCHITECT. This is the same identity as THE ARCHITECT OF THE PSYCHE (using all Cheth=8 for C in this case), for the Genius behind THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE KINGDOM is both within and without. This is THE MISSING GENIUS, the POWERFUL GENIUS who holds THE POWER OF MANIFESTATION via the Word and gives the message to 'RECOVER THE GEMATRIA' since it contains the formulae of Man's true spiritual heritage.
777 literally points the Way of Man as it is MAN + THE WAY (127 - 50 + 700 = 777 [Gematrix doesn't calculate final values]). In this formula we can see that MAN carries the value of 741 which is attributed by the Rosicrucians to the Archetypal Spirit of Creation through Light and Sound known as Lucifer. (See page 145 of The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly Palmer Hall in regard to this.) To explicate this further it should be known that 741 is also the value of אמן, AMN, 'Amen'/'Amun', the Egyptian name of the Supreme 'Hidden God', the Sun behind or beyond the Sun. Coming as a verification that this number deals with the Angelic principle of Lucifer is the fact that it is also the value of THE REBEL ANGEL, and of course Lucifer was known for being cast out for his rebellion. (See The Lucifer Rebellion in The Urantia Book.) The value of THE WAY, or THE VIA is here in its lower form of 36 (19+17). 36 is commonly known to be 6x6, and if the numbers 1 through 36 are summed up the number 666 which is attributed to the Devil/Lucifer is obtained. The symbolism darkens when it is realized that the Spiritual state of Man is in a 'fallen', or suppressed state as we are still in the Kali Yuga where the minds of man are clouded and distracted, sometimes fully entranced, by the externalizations of the Outside world. In this sense, we find a sort of 'necessary evil' for through perseverance during hardship we find great pearls of truth and worth.

77 with the Egg is 707, which is related to 777 as well simply by the fact that the 0 is closely related to the 'O', Ayin/Eye, which has the value of 70. 707 is the number of the CRACK (K=500) in the Egg, and THE AJNA CHAKRA itself which cracks open when the the Fire-Serpent reaches that level, which is also known as THE LEVEL OF GURU (=777) where the two hemispheres of the brain as well as Inner and Outer Worlds come together as One - which is exemplified numerically in 707 as the double-Ayin/70 facing toward one another. This is the Eye looking in on itself - the resolution of the Self into not-Self, understood as Pure Being and when reified as a state of being is called 'Anatma' in Sanskrit or 'Anatta' in Pali.

As a matter of fact - THE GODDESS FIFTEEN, which Kenneth Grant mentions so much especially in Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, = 707, thus along with 'O' = 70 gives 777. Thus, 777 can clearly be seen as a supreme formula of Manifestation and Consciousness and their various systems of advancement. 777 is also THE 231 KAULA GATES, and the Kaula Circle is commonly known among Eastern adepts while the 231 gates are of Western/Qabalistic origin. They come together because they are one and the same for they both open the Gates of Consciousness. Each of the 231 Cells or Shells is a Gateway in the Consciousness-continuum for 777 enumerates the 231 PATHS (231+546) as well as the sum of Hebrew letters forming Path of the Flaming-Sword traced down the Tree of Life. 231 is the number of the Greek Σκια, ‘Shade/Shadow’, and the Shadows are the Shells mentioned above, and 777 is the fullness of THE INNER LIGHT-SHADOW, the Shadow of the Inner Light being the Material world of Manifestation (Maya/Magick).
(Frontispiece of the Chinese Diamond Sūtra, the oldest known dated printed book in the world.
Note the Diamonds/Rhombus on the ground. See The Diamond of Perfection.)
Tying back in with these 'coincidences', I found that 777 is also THE DREAM OF THE BUDDHA, which reminds me of the dream I had featuring the number 77, which was odd since numbers rarely ever actually appear in my dreams. Not only that, but it is also THE GEMATRIA OF BUDDHA, or THE BUDDHA OF GEMATRIA, the Gematria of the Awakened One. If it hasn't been shown clear enough how highly concentrated the Gnosis is in this number, 777 is also THE VAJRAYANA SIGHT, Vajrayana being the Diamond-Vehicle which is of the Purest tenuousity it pierces through all veils of illusion (See The Diamond Sutra.) This is the 'Dragon-sight', derkesthai 'to see clearly', mentioned in Dragon Blood which is opened via the Dracontia or Diamond Eye of the Dragon. (Note that DRACONTIA is 739, which is the sum of the Spheres on the Tree which form the Dracontia - Netzach=148 + Hod=15 + Yesod=80 + Malkuth=496. 739 is 1 more than THE DRAGON, 738 and thus the Point in THE LETTER O / THE MAGICK CIRCLE (738+1). 739 is 10 more than 729, which is 9 cubed (9 x 9 x 9), which veils the Opening of the I of the Dragon-Serpent at the center of the Dracontia. This is why I wrote about the significance of THE MIRROR (=739) in The Mirror Working because it too is a tool for opening the Inner Sight of the Diamond-Dragon. I have thus expounded the NOBLE TRUTH of THE DRAGON WISDOM (=777) which has for long aeons been lost to Man, if not forever unknown to the common man. Looking at the Buddha in the image above, it should be seen as significant that THE HALO CIRCLE is also 777.
294 is 'The Magickal Gematria Code of Satan'. The idea of Satan has already been explored extensively, but for the sake of comprehension it can be thought of as the State of Materialization/Materialism. 666 was given in The Book of Revelation, the 66th book of the Bible as being the number of both a Man and The Beast. Obviously, ΤΟ ΜΕΓΑ ΘΗΡΙΟΝ, 'The Great Beast' in Greek was identified by Crowley to equal 666, along with the Hebrew ThRIVN, Therion, 'Beast'. The number 111 was attributed to his Magickal Son, Frater Achad or Charles Stansfeld Jones, who was the 'One One One' mentioned in Liber AL, and Crowely's Liber Aleph, or 111, was specifically written for and dedicated to Achad. Together they formulate the much exhausted 777 analyzed above. It is in this sense that I consider my work a continuation of what has been termed The Externalization of the Hierarchy, for the HIERARCHY is the 444, the number of THE LAPSIT EXILLIS or Stone of Exile (Externalization). Grant has noted throughout his books that 333 is a number of the Star-Stone Ixaxaar (as well as S'LBA, which he says is 'The Self. The Source of the Wisdom of the Stellar Tradition.' THE LAPSIT EXILLIS IXAXAAR is thus 777, being the Cubic Stone which itself Crosses, as well as bridges, the Abyss from the Ruach-7 to the Supernal Triad-3.

777 is THE 360 CONTAINER, or THE 360 SPECTRUM, being THE ENERGETIC BUDDHA-FIELD of THE BUDDHA MICROCOSM. These are THE DAATH BUBBLES of individuated consciousness. Note that the word BUBBLES = 107, the number of the Gold Egg (BITzH), as well as AZATHOTH, who bubbles the dream-froth of existence from his blind-eye at the primordial center of Space-Time. 107 being the combination of AZATHOTH, PAZUZU, EBLIS, and even recently I found the value of the Sanskrit transliteration of 'Satan' as PIZAChA is also 107, as well as V.A.L.I.S. itself, tends to show that this number veils the ENTITY ID or IDENTITY (=107) of the Demiurge itself, beneath its various masks. Which is why THOUGHT is 107 as well, which is where the 'Demiurge' begins to clothe itself.
This blog is first and foremost an account of my findings regarding the Star-Stone of Ma-Ion which manifested itself to me on April 2nd, 2011. It was not until relatively recently, this long after my findings of this Egg and this Date which relates to Frater Achad and his findings regarding the Aeon of Maat, that it actually appears in the work by H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu, which is mentioned so much by Kenneth Grant. Apparently, April 2nd is the date of a great storm in that story, as well as the date in which the fabled R'lyeh sank into the ocean, corresponding with the 'Lost Continent' of Mu, located near the 'Nemo Point' farthest from any land-mass in the Pacific Ocean. This story was written in 1926 and published in 1928. The sinking of R'lyeh relates to the subconscious mind as well as to the dream, and it should be noted that R'LYEH = 250 = DREAM.

"And what of this storm of April 2nd — the date on which all dreams of the dank city ceased, and Wilcox emerged unharmed from the bondage of strange fever? What of all this — and of those hints of old Castro about the sunken, star-born Old Ones and their coming reign; their faithful cult and their mastery of dreams? Was I tottering on the brink of cosmic horrors beyond man’s power to bear? If so, they must be horrors of the mind alone, for in some way the second of April had put a stop to whatever monstrous menace had begun its siege of mankind’s soul."
The date is now see in its Cosmic importance, being not only the date of the sinking of R'lyeh, but also the birthdate of Frater Achad (as well as Charlemagne in 742, apparently), and the day on which he discovered the key of Ma-Ion in 1948. Numerologically, this date is also significant in that it is the 93rd day of the year on Leap years, 93 being the Current of Thelema which the Current of Ma-Ion is a continuation of under the aegis of Maat, however the two are one as Horus-Maat, or Hrumachis. Thus the currents of 93 and 107 come together as 200 which is THE THELEMA-MAAT KEY. Thelema is the 'Will', and Maat is the keeper of of Truth, therefore 200 is related to the True Will which is veiled under the number 200 which is that of Resh and The Sun card. The True Will is condensed in THE KUNDALINI (=200) which is related to = THE MAGNETIC FIELD, with 200 also being the MAGNET BALANCE.

No amount of evidence will suffice for some who choose to ignore this legitimate science, while they still consider themselves open minded scientists. As can be seen from the many links provided, the exact same formula was used with only a couple examples in Jewish Gematria. It's not like I went to hell and back to derive these formulas which were actually quite easy to find, even for a 22 year old. Still, to this date to my knowledge with my extensive surveying of the available literature on the subject, no one else has provided so much data regarding either the science of Gematria or its application to the Thelemic and Typhonian Traditions since Kenneth Grant.
In fact, it is my experience that very few occultists consider Gematria to be a valid practice and I even tried discussing it with the leader of a nearby O.T.O. encampment and he couldn't seem to understand just how gematria could be of any value or application. This is a valid question but it shows a markedly small understanding or knowledge of the applications of mathematical formulae of magickal and mystical concepts which Crowley himself used extensively, particularly in the numbers 23, 93, 418, 666, 777, etc. What value is there in 93 in and of itself? Nothing, except it is 93 parts over 100. It is only when it is understood in relation to various occurences of that number among others. For example, the Earth is 93 million miles away from the Sun and 93 is also shown in the Pali form of Aum/Om. The Aum symbol is also similar to the Arabic form of Allah, which itself has 7 divisions corresponding to the 7 chakras. Using Simple Gematria, we can also see 'Allah' + 'Omkara' = 93 as well. 93 is also the value of JAHOVA, as well as ALLAH + IHVH showing the all these various identities of the same archetypal being are indeed one and the same. Thus, the application of numerology comes about from understanding the cosmic essence and quality of that number so that one can rightfully organize their Work according to precise mathematical calculations.
Again, all the formulas come together as One, AChD = 13. 13 is the One in Three, or manifest Holy Trinity. The Three States of Consciousness (Waking, Dreaming and Sleeping) all come from the same one source known as Turiya which underlies these three like an ocean of pure consciousness. 13 is the number of M, Mem or Mu, the Waters of Bliss which give both life and death. It should be known here that 777 is THE BOOK OF M, M being my name, Magick, Mystery, Maat, Metatron, Maitreya, Mu, Mathematics, Manifestation, etc. The letter M shows symbolically the vortex of the void at the center of the pillars of the Abyss. The downward pointing cone coils down into the sunyata and dissolves into the state of anatma represented by the absent 'O' at the center of the Taijiquan symbol of the Tao Te Ching. Is it surprising that THE TAO TE CHING TAIJIQUAN = 777? This number is loaded with knowledge which can be extrapolated, along with the many other key numbers which I have tried to unveil in this blog. I didn't understand how at first, but I found 777 to be THE SEX SYMBOL, which shows THE AUM-YIN-YANG UNION of opposites.
I have written about as much as I can on this subject for the time being, but I can see much coming from this and other material that is still yet to be examined. Hopefully some things have been made a bit clearer for those wanting to understand more about the far-reaching aspects of Qabalah and other aspects of the Occult and Hermetic Sciences. Any new findings of the number 107 or 777 in any movies or personal situations will be added below until something significant enough to be written about in a new post comes up. Finally, I want to post a link to a movie called The Laws of the Sun from this cult called 'Happy Science' which I actually found interesting for a number of reasons. For one, one of the hero-characters happens to have a diamond symbol on his chest, and this movie was made long before I made any of the discoveries of that symbol. I am not a member of this group I merely just recently found this movie, along with The Rebirth of Buddha and found them very interesting. (Click picture for link to video.)