Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Gematria of Human Design

I wanted to take a look as I have with various other subjects but this time with the subject and study of Human Design. After listening to some of the work of Matt R. (link) and being very intrigued with his covering of the topic I thought I would do some analysis of some of the major key subjects he brings up. I very much appreciate his work to help bring awareness to the definite conscious and unconscious tendency for people to gravitate toward collective or individualized modes of awareness and behavior and the correlation thereof between certain personality types which can be graphed, understood and then better integrated and exercised so as to effectively sharpen the Will or 'self- fulfillment' itself. I also bring up another video by a friend who gives a basic visual analysis of the duality of manifestation and the distinction of being and non-being and the fundamental understanding of the 'esoteric' side of things. The main thing I am trying to show with this post is that polarization with anything can be very limiting and this goes for both dogmatic religion or dogmatic scientism - neither of which represent the true idea that both operate under the guise of. I want to show just how complimentary the many systems that people like to say and think cannot or should not be integrated when they clearly can and to a very remarkable degree.

Taken in a simplified expression,
the middle pillar of the Tree can be
thought of (from the bottom up)
as representative of:
Malkuth: Body
Yesod: Mind
Tiphareth: Spirit
Daath: Gnosis
Kether: Soul
The twin pillars balance these forces.
Matt mentions Human Design quite a bit which I myself when I first heard him mention it had only heard passing references to it. He mentions (as well as the sites I've looked into) that is very compatible with the Qabalah , Tarot, and Astrology. Using the Qabalistic practice of Gematria, we can see that the word DESIGN = 132, the number QBL in Hebrew, the root of 'Qabalah' which shows the design of the energetic emanations from Ain (0) [Absence] to Manifestation (10) [Malkuth]. Studying and working with the Qabalah is a form of 'Mental Alchemy' wherein one aims at purifying base/mundane consciousness into spiritually infused and awakened Awareness through balance and confronting of what Carl Jung called 'the Shadow'. Adding 'HUMAN' (102) to 'DESIGN' gives 234, the number of 'RECEIVE', the meaning of the Qabalah as the reception through which one receives the higher-power of their True Will. 234 is also 'BIOLOGICAL', and of course the biological energetics are the physical manifestations of the more subtle energy patterns.

According to the site Introduction;
"Human Design is a synthesis of several ancient systems, integrating aspects of Astrology, the I Ching, chakras, and the Kabbalah. It represents a map of human consciousness that links these old wisdom traditions to contemporary thought. It connects in particular to our modern understanding of genetics."

132 is also 'Astrology' in Simple Gematria, which is simply "the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world." Of course it has been known for thousands of years that everything from the position of the Earth in regards to Solar and Lunar positions affects people's psychology and plant growth - and that other planetary and celestial positionings correspond with other micro-cosmic events as well showing that the large bodies do have numerous measurable and immeasurable effects on the smaller ones. The Sephiroth or Spheres of the Tree of Life are represented by the planets, but to be understood they need to be viewed as elastic and expansive centers which can expand like a fractal template of ever-complexifying archetypes emanating from the numerical micro-forms 1 through 9 to the cosmic projections of the temporal spatial dimensions.

(Taking 132 as a veiled reference to the triangular number of 1 through 32 we find that the sum is 528, the number of 'The Key' in Jewish Gematria, and COINCIDENCES in Hebrew-English Gematria. Qabalah is a literal key to the understanding of seeming coincidences as it unlocks the underlying structure of the design of the human Logos or logic system and the unfolding map of the manifestation. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry includes 32 degrees with an 'honorary' 33rd degree, which parallels the Qabalistic system of 10 Sephiroth and 22 Paths with the 33rd degree as 'Daath', the hidden knowledge gained through personal experience. Note that 528 is also THE 474 KEY, 474 being the number for the Hebrew form of Daath, דעת. The gematria itself is the 'key' which unlocks the knowledge.)

The individualized body-mind-spirit creates the complex of perceived and memorized 'Self' which creates an illusory veil of separation between itself and that which is outside of the body. That which is without is like that which is within, and every other 'thing' outside is in its place as are we within it. Situations (cosmic or atomic), archetypes and even psychological patterns can all be found to resonate with a few basic sets of numbers, sounds, letters, colors and shapes. These are the true basic informational quanta or data, the 'transmitted' and 'received' Daath/Gnosis which is passed through the medium of form. THE TEXT itself is 132, and carries like a Qabalah a certain magickal (i.e. creative) charge of direct revelation, i.e. the power of the Logos/Language. Our own ability to understand what is before us at a given time is directly related to how aware we are of the components and forces at play which themselves can come down to our very genetic and energetic arrangements and charges. It may come as a surprise to some, but many western and eastern esoteric systems which have been developed over the course of human history can be found to help decipher and interpret these arrangements and are also to a great degree compatible with modern scientific and technological innovations.

If we look at the insights provided in the ancient writings of our ancestors not literally, but allegorically - like an experienced Egyptologist would do to understand hieroglyphs and the underlying meanings of myths - we could greatly amplify our efforts to finding more balanced and integrated solutions to our many societal and technological problems. This was the primary aim of the Scientific Illuminists of the late 19th and early 20th century which has since been kept on the back burner, so to speak, of mainstream cultural development. With the tools we now have at our perusal we can revive these channels of wisdom to further empower our current technological advancements with a deeper view of how our actions here and now affect us in the long term especially in the subconscious and epigenetic ways we don't immediately see or understand. There is much there for us to see if but we had the sight or even just a nudge in the right direction. The alignments, or what in Liber AL is called 'the space-marks' are these things which allow for energies to flow and things to happen according to their Will. The interlocking of these different systems which align at key vectors of their frameworks is thus seen as a holistic harmonization which expand one another by the help and development of the other various systems, much in the same way languages can be seen as very much inter-related yet distinct, and tied together in numerical value as well as meaning like a sort of tenuous logical topography and how when one based in English who studies Latin or Greek can better understand the true meanings of their English language system.

Using the ancient knowledge left by Masons, Occultists and even the book of Revelation in the Bible itself, the number 666 - as analyzed extensively in this blog already - has been said to be a number of great wisdom, associated with the Sun and Gold (1 Kings 10:14) as well as the dark-side of the Sun - the dark star of Set/Daath (Set-Thoth/"Yog-sothoth", the Aeon/'Yuga' of Set-Thoth, the Dark Gnosis, i.e. Daath.) 666 is the number of the Key of the Abyss which when recognized through the knowledge it puts into scope unlocks the codes of certain hidden knowledge which then allows access for certain 'leaps' via extractions/extrapolations into domains of knowledge which would otherwise take much longer to obtain. This is the hidden wisdom that has been both consciously and unconsciously kept from people from obtaining for themselves, and at a great disadvantage to all.
Just looking at some things regarding astrology in Gematria, the knowledge of the 'space-marks' starts to become unveiled:

Looking at some things in the subject of Human Design also shows some interesting corresponding values:

HUMAN DESIGN taking S as Shin (300) has a value of 474, which is Daath/Knowledge itself showing how the ancient Hebrew is accurately SYNCHRONIZED with the 'English Gematria Code', which once again illustrates how ancient knowledge and practices can be found to be compatible with modern ones.

The subject of 'Metaphysics' (=132='Astrology'= QBL, Qabalah) is very difficult for some people to come to terms with even enough to try and entertain the various ideas because of their pre-conditioned bias which when causing one to be that anchored is really antithetical to the true spirit of Science. If one analyzes the components of any one of these systems in a truly scientific manner they will find that they are accurate in their systematics when used appropriately (i.e. according to tradition, formula, keeping in line with logic, etc.) and in and of themselves are neither 'true' or 'false', they merely serve as tools or mediums through which to view a data-set or situation.

To deny altogether an entire system or group of system which you have no adequate experience with is like an Englishman who things because he simply can't fathom Sanskrit or Hindi then all the thousands of years of manuscripts are nothing more than nonsensical scribbles. It is in this sense that the expression "Nothing is an absolute reality, all is permitted" comes to a more illuminated understanding because it reminds us that there may as well be an infinitude of planes of awareness just beyond the 'reality tunnel' of our immediate present view. The 'occult', or that which is hidden refers to just that which is beyond and outside of our knowledge. What separates a true 'Dark' or 'Black' Occultist/Magician is that they are ignorant to their position and work being almost wholly stuck in the selfish egoic levels and following the lower drives without any regard for the higher and more subtle ones. Some of the most vehement deniers and scoffers of the occult who like to use the term 'woo woo' are not aware of the very archetypal traits and paradoxical hypocrisies they embody which also correspond to certain astrological and trans-psychological resonances which if known could be of great insightful value to address and respond to effectively.

Thus, once again the true nature of the 'occult' is that which is hidden, and sometimes that is simply that which we will not confront or cannot fathom from lack of real personal investigation (i.e. ignorance). This sort of black magick is a 'low' form which can be so mundane it is often confused with what we call 'everyday reality' and can be referenced on the Tree of Life as the Lower Saturnian aspect of Malkuth which is but a small sliver (literally akin to the visible spectrum) of the rest of the 'Tree' and it is through gradual steps that one learns to truly 'see' what the deeper layers/spheres represent.
the Eye of the Dragon
As has been said previously, the region of Yesod/9, the Foundation is where the Mind opens up to a deeper plane of non-physical awareness (Tiphareth, the Heart) as symbolized by the DRAKONTIA, or 'Eye of the Dragon' which itself has the same value as the Astral Triad surrounding and including Yesod (Netzach, 148 + Hod, 15 + Yesod, 80 + Malkuth, 496 = 739 = DRAKONTIA). Yesod is positioned so that it mirrors the 'Abyss' of Daath and being the 'Foundation' of Malkuth it is where the material world (maya) is precipitated from via the Mind (symbolized by the Moon which receives its light from the Sun/Tiphareth, for without the Moon Man and life would not be manifest). It is in this sense that the 'Kingdom' is on Earth (Malkuth) as it is in 'Heaven' (Kether), for Malkuth is in Kether and Kether in Malkuth 'but after another manner'.

Our individuated self-hood is a mirror of our inner Will and Desire, we grow become who we are to fulfill much deeper impulses than that which is purely material and as Dion Fortune says, Malkuth or materiality is but like a buoy around which the process of manifestation goes - it is but one of many steps in a great process of emanation and so for us to unfold what we truly Will and Desire in our material reality we must first have aligned internally (i.e. the Heart and Mind must be aligned for the material world to manifest, or cause 'change' in accordance with one's Will. The entire purpose of our manifestation is to fulfill our True Will consciously for when you are in conscious (not from an egoic level, but a heart-level consciousness) control of this level of Being you are more aware of how your emotions and self-perception guide both your Mind and thus Body.

What is ironic is that while occultists are scoffed at as 'woo woo' and pseudo-scientific, the whole paradigm of mainstream academic science is itself to a great deal itself ultra pseudo-scientific in how corporate interests in many subjects such as cancer research and the weaponization of anything and everything purposely disregard that which would prove to be not only more healthy and cost efficient, but which would render people more independent - which is what they don't want - therefore most major endeavors are financed and directed by industrialized institutions (government and private) and only a small few are able to really 'advance' while then domineering everyone else who is conversely often times harmed, or even overtly killed as 'opposition', 'threats', 'obstacles', etc.
While people are being sold on the idea of all sorts of great gadgets and games they are really just being outsourced, pacified, and programmed while they are milked and groomed for their own disposal when in reality they will never benefit from their labors. Dependence on the comforting idea of centralized authority makes everyone far more insecure and less credible, and people of such characteristics have not only their mass-drugging and hypnosis to 'blame' but they themselves not only allowed but often (and still do) begged for this. Just like the biggest flaw to all of our security efforts is our own insecurity, the biggest flaw to our industrialized science is its inability to be used for actual good and instead as a weapon. 
'SCIENTISM' = 666 in English Gematria
'THE BIGOTED SCIENTISM' = 666 in Jewish Gematria
Scientism can be even more hostile than many of the religions it bashes  and doesn't approach the models some systems provide from a truly scientific, educated or perceptive approach and instead seeks to undercut and dissuade away from some very legitimate subjects which would actually unveil the whole  other side to certain research subjects which have in fact been 'occulted' so as to maintain still yet another form of control in a new way that now legitimate personal  independence threatens by way of empowering and educating the individual  without capitalistic oversight or gain. The poles have literally shifted, science if unchecked  will grow to be just as controlling and dictatorial, if not moreso, than just another failed religion.

These are merely the basic keys which when applied to your own situations and experiences can help one to get a much more broad perspective of the occult forces at play. There is still much to be known that I am not able to put out at this point on my own which you must learn for yourself. Just like how all of these various subjects come together to balance and strengthen one another so too can we as individuals. We must just simply be able to see things from the 'other side' so to speak, by being able to see from other people's perspectives - which all boils down to a healthy and balanced expression of empathy.

Another good talk about the importance of the positive approach to 'occult'/'esoteric' modalities and the importance of the distinctions thereof, personal & group-work in the westernized culture.

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