The world is a stage for the play of life or lila in which we are the stars, perpetually acting out in our unique paths the eternal stories of the stars above. Time and time again we see the same cycles repeating throughout the shifting lens of human theater and wonder how to break the cycle and direct our fate instead of casually acting out our supposed given roles. The question of free-will and destiny being either fluid or fixed is bound up with this entire predicament and the human condition itself, for the ability of man under the right conditions to, although being fully created of natural, material, earthly chemical constituents, is able to behold a state of self-conscious awareness and knowledge unlike anything physically or materially known or recreatable resembling his psycho-physical complexity (as of yet). This is the Ghost (consciousness) in the Machine (matter) becoming self-aware, which is nothing new - in fact, it appears to be in a quantum state experienced by all those we have historically recorded to have existed.
Awareness is the dependent factor which distinguishes the determinacy of fate from destiny. The more aware one is involving their circumstances and the causes and effect of their actions the more insightful and efficient will the direction of their fate be, in according with Will. Fate is defined as "the will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believe to come to be as they are or events happen as they do." It is said this is sometimes inevitable, and while some events and circumstances are - awareness plays a major role in whether these events may even be given a chance to concern you at all. Destiny is defined as "what happens in the future", "the things that someone or something will experience in the future". Therefore, destiny is 'fixed', but still dependent on not only inevitable circumstances, but the awareness of the experiencer which can be greatly evitable or advantageous in utilizing such circumstances.
Detailed column
Purmatang Purba, Sumatra
Since every action leads to a different effect the 'future' remains in a quantum state of great potentiality in which different quantum directional, or dimensional threads lead into a strange-loop forming the labyrinth of apparent reality of the quantum state of 'now'. We have now reached a state of quantum entanglement because of the implosion of novel complexity and this has been catalogued in quite a unique but revealing way by a few people who have organized a number filmographic works documenting the numerous threads linking different subjects, people, dates, and concepts together that until recently weren't recognized. The internet itself has made these tenuous connections more apparent linking like a web everything under the sun in a labyrinthine network which becomes nearly inconceivable in its totality, gematria as well being just an underlying thread helping to see these tenuous connections. The ancient knowledge coupled with modern technology will yield the key to understanding and using both more effectively.
The labyrinth is used in psychology because it is symbolic of the brain, as well as the psychological networking of the mind. (See The Search for the Beloved by Jean Houston.) The center of the labyrinth corresponds to the secret Ajna or Eye, the Third Eye or Pineal Gland, itself named after the spiralic interlocking pine cone. When this eye is opened the fractal interlocking labyrinth of conscious and subconscious minds can be more easily seen. 666 is the INFINITE LABYRINTH OF THE MIND which folds back in on itself as it extends into the spheres beyond the physical body constituting the 'I'-EGO STRANGE-LOOP, (SeeI Am A Strange Loopby Douglas Hofstadter.) the re-incarnating lion-serpent ego ever extenuating itself from its contents as distinguished, although that which is distinguishing is essentially a non-physical energetic impulse itself between and infusing the seeming subject and object, the ELECTRIC charge between the + and - poles of every relationship, each of which loop into positives and negatives ad infinitum.
The Labyrinth is then symbolic of the Strange-loop 'O' Gate, synonymous with the 107 'Egg' shaped gate that is the eye of the Ajna, the pineal gland, associated with the philosopher's stone or the stone of THE AKASHA, the substance of ULLAM, 'Consciousness', or THOUGHT. The O Gate generates the manifestation of formations much as the vibrations of sound create the cymatical formations, and since THE LABYRINTH SYMBOLIZES THE WAY, the Way (LAM, THE WAY = 107) is THE WAY OF SILENCE which unlocks the Key of the O, the Gate beyond the Space-time Strange-loop. The common psycho-labyrinth depicted throughout the ages of the world and across the globe are generally composed of 7 primary levels leading to a central 8th. The piece in which the phrase 'all the world's a stage' mentions 7 stages of life, and there are 7 main chakras which together form the Auric Egg, symbolized by the 8, ∞, or O (the toroidal hiranyagarbha, or 'universal gem'; The Philosopher's Stone/Holy Grail/Golden Flower/'Soul'). It is also related to the design of the Tesla coil and the magnetic field.
The MINOTAUR is the Man-Beast who, to transcend THE WALLS of THE FALSE REALITY of THE BRAIN & MIND must go within the QLIPHOTHIC TUNNELS of THE DARK DOORWAY OF THE BEAST to transcend his lower nature and become A MASTER MASON. 777 veils THE MASTER MASON DEGREE, the MANIFESTER number above the beast number of 666. Being 111 above 666, and The Dark Doorway of the Beast, 777 symbolizes the transcendence of egoic matter via the (meta)physics of Light. In the book The Dark Doorway of the Beast (pg. 53), the author says that: "Within the book 777, compiled by Aleister Crowley are lists of Associated Grouping, that have become part of the Astral realms available for global access, by those persons deliberately seeking to investigate the Labyrinth of their own minds. It demonstrates the underlying congruity of images, which although appearing in the many shapes and forms are representative of the same force. Their outwardly differing appearance is usually attributed to their differing cultural heritage... The book, 777, acts merely as a finite aid, in order to classify the many points of dissension. Perhaps by presenting an alien image in an acceptable vehicle, by cross referencing it to the cultural background of the individual concerned."
Later, he mentions the Minotaur along with Associative Grouping as being relevant to the usage of Sigils:
"If the desire to obtain some specific idea/image/knowledge were a conscious desire, then it would remain at the peripheral level of mind and only the more gross aspects of memory would be used. This situation is compounded by the tendency of the mind to breed images in daydreams, quickly drifting away from the main subject area of interest. When it remains an unconscious or organic desire, then it may travel to the abstracted areas of Associative Grouping, trailing the fine thread of route recall along the way. In preventing the conscious mind from recognising the conscious desire by not being linearly attributable to any specific area of the memory, it is possible to place a Sigillised Yantra (A linear design or form of vector that represents the formula of a desire, Spirit or Deity) into the areas beyond the consciousness. The process of orientation of this 'memory' then takes place during sleep, and beyond consciousness provides a link with other abstracted forms of a similar nature. It is the absence of this link or the inability to find the end of it that comprises the simple occurrence of forgetfulness. The Minotaur of the Labyrinth is apt here. The action of Theseus moving in the maze of passages, with his only means of escape being a silken thread given to him by Ariadne. See details of this classic myth, particularly the association of Ariadne to Arachne, (Arachnid), the spider and the representation of the Minotaur, as 'The Beast'. Also of note is the system of repeated access and release of the Sigil. It is a method of 'laying down the thread,' in order to facilitate easily, means of ingress and egress from the Labyrinth. This thread then forms part of a latticework matrix in the mind where any associated aspects are gathered together in kind. When once this thread has been passed to conscious mind by any useful means, it is possible for the entire contents to be available for perusal instead of the grosser and unoriginal often used images, achieved by conscious perusal. It is in fact a precursor to the action of the Funnel Effect."
The labyrinths on the rockface
at Petra, Jordan.
The induction into the Labyrinth to confront the Beast is paralleled in the Masonic induction into the degree of Master Mason where the Initiate as Hiram Abiff is ritualistically murdered for not giving the Secret Word (MH-HH-BN, =107, Ma-ha-bone, is given as a substitute since the real one was lost in the actual death of Hiram Abiff. See Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, by Malcom Duncan, 1866). The Secret Word is the True Self which will not be relinquished to the Lower Self (the Beast) and in its accomplishment transcends the 666 and becomes The Master Mason, 777. Aleister Crowley knew the power of this number, which is why he, as The Great Beast 666, attributed it to his primary treatise on the correspondences of Qabalah and Gematria, THE DICTIONARYpar excellence of Associative Grouping.
Masonry is also obviously related to the ancient stone-builders which span back to pre-history and leaving labyrinths and monoliths all around the world which apparently even the beastly cave-men intuited, yet somehow today so many still can't seem to even begin to grasp. The idea is to not get stuck in a false construct, simulacrum or simulation of another but to be your own creator and manifester and rising out of the construct through deconstruction and reconstruction, otherwise free-will will be as nil as that of not the actors but the characters in a movie.