Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dharana & Dhyana In-Depth

     I had to take a somewhat short break the last few days to continue an Inner Working more completely on the Outer which involved much work, meetings and travel. For the most part, I have been a solitary Adept with only a few contacts I find worthy of working with in any deeper way, and even then they happen to be located far away. This is all well enough though, and from the looks of it this publication is already doing its job of spreading the 999 Current around the planet. (I.e. the fusion of the 93-Horus Current and that of 696-Maat with that of 210, the Gnosis of THE KEY OF IT ALL, as has been presented earlier in this publication.) As readers will have known, this is the revived Gnosis of THERION (=999 using Nun final [700]) which was prophesized in Liber AL to be revealed by 'another prophet'. This Gnosis is only 'secret' or 'occult' to those who fail to understand.

     The last chapter of Liber ABA we read was Chapter 5, Dharana along with Lecture 4 of Eight Lectures on Yoga.

     After reading Chapter 5 we proceeded to the next Liber, which was Liber E vel Exercitiorum sub figura IX. Crowley says that "This book instructs the aspirant in the necessity of keeping a record. Suggests methods of testing physical clairvoyance. Gives instruction in āsana, prāṇāyāma and dhāraṇā, and advises the application of tests to the physical body, in order that the student may thoroughly understand his own limitations." Crowley's emphasis on the magickal record is crucial. Though I call this publication my 'magickal record', it is really the drawing board on which I lay out for others what I have already come to experience and analyze in my real magickal record(s). Along with a basic magickal record in which every possible detail is recorded one should also maintain a separate Dream Record.

     Skipping over the next chapter of Liber ABA I went ahead to the next two Libers since they are relatively short and deal in part with some of the concepts currently talked about in ABA and the Lectures. Crowley says of Liber Porta Lucis sub figura X, "This book is an account of the sending forth of the Master Therion by the A∴A∴ and an explanation of His mission.' and 'Porta Lucis, the Gate of Light, is one of the titles of Malkuth, whose number is X."

  The next Liber is Liber Nv sub figura XI, which is Crowley's "Instruction for attaining Nuit".

     Yesterday I was finally able to get back to reading and editing. Chapter 6 is about Dhyana and the differences between it and Samadhi, which is what the next chapter will be about.

     Note that DHYANA has a value of 71, which is also that of the union between A(1) and O(70). The A-O, or I/O binary sequence also forms the Sol symbol - - and remember what Crowley says about Dhyana also being called 'The Sun'. In this glyph the subject (1) and the object (O) are united via the DISCIPLINE of= DHARANA. Adding the concentration of DHARANA (262) to the result of DHYANA gives the value of 333, which is that of THE OCCULT KNOWLEDGE (/QABALAH KNOWLEDGE) of S'LBA, the term Kenneth Grant uses in Outer Gateways to symbolize the True Stellar Self beyond the lower self.
     In LIBER AL 55 (chapter 2) it is said "Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto." The 'NEW SYMBOLS' are really just the old Hebrew letter values applied to English, which when applied to LIBER L VEL LEGIS itself shows that the original title (before Frater Achad mentioned his 'Key') has the same value as The Beast 666, as well as THE AL CRYPTOGRAM and THE VALUE OF LIBER AL.II.76., THE SECRET LIBER AL CODE which no one has hitherto discovered apparently, as can be seen if you do any searches on this material, or even if you ask any 'Adepts' of the O.T.O. or Outer College of A∴A∴ they will tell you that Gematria is merely "mental masturbation" and are themselves too illiterate in the Qabalah (and Crowley's work itself sometimes) to understand.
     Thus, these Orders are defunct and will bar themselves from future progress until they catch up for these Keys unlock further Gnosis necessary to advancement.
     The revival and updating of this Gnosis is being effected now through the formula of 999.

September 8, 2021 Update:
Transcript of Email to Soror 722:

It might be useful perhaps to use Liber 777 if one were to want to try to 'decode' AL.II.76., although the more I look at it the more simple it is really.

I think it's a subconscious/astral expression of a simple process of Kundalini yoga.

4, 6, 3 and 8 are all equal and valid 'standards' or statements of the 'quadrants' or dimensions of 'reality'.

A, Aleph - The Fool, Ox, air

B, Beth - The Magus, House, mercury

K, Kaph - Wheel of Fortune / Destiny / Fate, Palm, jupiter

2 / 4 - Macro-/Microprosopus (Mahayana-Hinayana)

A L G M O R, Aleph - Lamed - Gimel - Mem - Ayin - Resh

A simple formula of the path of the Adept;

Aleph and Lamed are 'AL', God, the beginning(s) of the Alef-bayt (Alphabet) as Hebrew is divided midway at Lamed. Gimel, the Camel (crossing/crosser of the Abyss) and Mem, Water (the Abyss, as well as Life-force) Ayin, The Eye (The Devil, Capricorn), Bindu/Ajna and Resh, The Head, The Sun, Sol

3 - Sun, Moon & Fire,  (properly 3½)

Y X, the idea that Y and X could be symbolic of the chromosomes of Male and Female is offset by the fact that one year after 1904: "Nettie Stevens and Edmund Beecher Wilson are credited with independently discovering, in 1905, the chromosomal XY sex-determination system, i.e. the fact that males have XY sex chromosomes and females have XX sex chromosomes."

Y and X could therefore instead be considered in their Tarotic equivalents as Yod, The Hermit and Tzaddi, The Star (X as 90 aptly being 360 divided by 4.) Nonetheless, these symbols imply stellar valences, and their Tarots indicate extreme within (Hermit) and without (Star) polarities.

24 and 89 are both Gnostic gematria values, 24 coming up extensively in the Pistis Sophia and related to the terrestrial 'womb' of 24-hour cycles, while 89 is the 'GVPh', Guph or 'Seventh Heaven' and related as a chamber of 'souls'. Likely indicates sheaths, regions or barriers, as indicated by the next sequence which Kenneth Grant has interpreted variously:

"Perhaps it is necessary to interpret this Oracle in the light of the images (painting and drawings) that formed the Exhibition mounted by Crowley in Greenwi h Village circa 1919. It included his portrait of LAM, the first alien known to be drawn from life. [See Grant, The Magical Revival, plate 5.] The connection between RPSTOVAL, IPSOS and LAM then becomes clear – the “three streams” converged upon Awryd, who transmitted the seed of Nu Isis." -433 of The Ninth Arch

565-17. though he knew the triple stone, the triple egg of Lam’s atu:

     Mâ = 41, the number of AM, ‘mother, but ‘unfertilized’ and ‘unenlightened’. The contradiction is explained by the fact that the unawakened woman typifies the priestess in her magnetic sleep, potentializing infinite magical maternities. There are 41 letters or matrikas (‘mothers’) in a magical incantation for opening the door to other dimensions. [See Lovecraft, ‘The Call of Cthulhu’.] May or Mai, on the other hand, being 51, enumerates ADVM, ‘Edom’, the ‘demon kings’, and ‘Azâzel’ the Angel who, according to Enoch, transmitted to earth the ‘forbidden wisdom’. [See The Book of Enoch.] 51 is a number of the bija mantra, or root-vibration, of the Great Old Ones: HÛM, [See Grant, Hecate’s Fountain, page 246.] and of MA-AT, the house, womb or atu (Aat) of Mâ, The verse-number is attributed to the Path of Zain, the Double Current, and to the Star which is NOT. [See AL.I.57.] The oracle “Tzaddi is not the Star” appears on the seventeenth page of the original manuscript of Liber AL. The letter Tzaddi, 90, + 17 = 107 = BITzH, ‘an egg’; also MÂ-ION, the Aeon of Mâ. 107 is a numerical glyph of the egg warded by 17 (Zain) and 71 (Lam), which conceals the mystery of ULLAM (107), ‘consciousness’, and equates with Akash (Space).

     In the microcosm, Akash is reflected into the power-zone situate between the cranium and the brow. Its powerful vibrations are evident in Crowley’s portrait of Lam. The egg-shaped cranium of Lam is the repository of the Knowledge of Wisdom contain in the domed vault beneath the Ninth Arch, and it is reflected in the secret cypher of AL.II.76, the word RPSTOVAL. The latter encodes the terror (RP) of Set (ST) concealed in the OVAL (Egg). Numerically, 280 (RP + 309 (ShT) + 107 (OVAL) = 696 = IPSOS, the Word of the Aeon of Maat. “It’s all in the egg!” [See Crowley, The Amalantrah Working.] (i.e., in Lam). What is all in Lam? The Aeon of Maat! The Egg, furthermore, is the triple Stone, the triple egg of Lam’s Atu. But then there is a further mystery: 90 (Tzaddi) + 17 + 57 = 164, a number of the NYING-MA cult closely allied to the Drukpas or Dragon Cult [See Grant, Hecate’s Fountain, Part III, chapter 3.] of Bhutan, and to the secret MIG-MI-ZANG (164), the ‘slanting-eyed’, which refers to the hidden Eye or Egg of the Priestess of the Thunder Dragon. Again, 164 = 93 + 71. These correspondences show clearly the oriental component (Lam) of the alchemical formula involving Frater Achad’s triple Egg/Stone. Lam’s Atu is ‘The Star’ of Aquarius; that is, the Double Current, Nuit/Typhon – Sirius/Set. -365, 366 of The Ninth Arch

 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word.


777-76 = 701 - the reflection of 107, and value of 

Αυγοειδης – Augoeides, The Holy Guardian Angel

Παντος – All, Everything, Pantos

LAM (Bija-mantra of Muladhara, rendered as LA, i.e. 30+1 + OM, 670 (70+600) (See the Comment to verse 562 of Liber OKBISh. See also 141 and 638.)

701-9hiding a body lest the buzzards swooped;

     The number 9 is that of the GV, or ‘body’, the Kamite Kha. It is the body hidden in Amenta and preserved by the sand of the future manifestation as the ‘Ka’. The Oracle is SHÂT, ‘god of slaughter’ (Book of the Dead, page 291), hence the buzzards, 701 also = ALSOS, code-name of a German Nuclear Programme which includes AL (the transmission of that name) and SOS, the number of which is 670, OM, the sound between Om and Hum, which simulates the humming or buzzing (of insects) characteristic of the vibration associated with the Great Old Ones (AL, and others). 701 is the number of LAM (71), plus the Egg (0).

701 is quite literally LAM, 30+1+600 with the 'Egg', as O (631 + 70 = 701).

701/107 seems to hint toward the whole 'Chicken and Egg' riddle, which resonates with the HAMSA mythos of THE MIGHTY EGG, etc. etc. OLAM happens to also mean 'Master of the World' in Hebrew, connecting to Jagannatha / KITTUNG as 'Lord of the World', and the reflection of 701+76 is shown in 107, ANANDA with 670, 'OM'. With this knowledge we can then consider what may yield from 999 when 670 is subtracted, and we find 329 = AUM MANI PADME HUM, THE JEWEL IN THE LOTUS, THE WHOLE STONE, THE WISH-FULFILLING GEM, THE PADMA CHINTAMANI, etc., also 'THE WORLD', 'ARCHON' and 'CROWN', 'THE PHOENIX', etc.

'FLOWER GARLANDS', (6+30+70+6+5+200 + 3+1+200+30+1+50+4+60) such as that of AL.II.76 can be contemplative maps that can unfold numerous avenues or dimensions of Cognition, if but conceived of in their multi-dimensional natures, back of the superficial optical forms with which we but usually spend a brief moment consciously apprehending. The web of connections spawned once THE SEED IS SOWN (999) within the SUPERSPECTRUM (999) of the SAHASRARA CHAKRA (999) is unfathomable in its potential, and we need not concern ourselves with the petty tyrannies of the surface level of The Buoy of Malkuth, wherein the Path and the Goal are so often forgotten IN THE CAVERN (999) of our Initiation.


6+60+5 + 9+5+5 + 8+70+4+5 + 9+70 + 200+1+10+60+5 + 10+70+6+200 + 20+6+50+4+1+30+10+50+10