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If you realize in the span of just over a century we have went from just beginning to harness the power of electricity to having quantum super-computers and satellites connecting nearly every person on the planet to one another, you could imagine how unimaginable our present state would be to someone living a century ago. We would be nearly unrecognizable, and almost alien. Certainly, if we could somehow go back even just two centuries, we would probably be burned at the stake for being in league with demons. An equally or even moreso alien future may indeed lay just ahead of us. We should then try as best as possible to anticipate such probabilities, looking Janus-faced, or rather Cerberus-like, at both the past and future to better take hold of the present. When Life-Log type devices are increasingly made to be demanded on the mass market this will be easier to do as every action will be graphed and charted and behavior modified accordingly. (See Lifelog (DARPA), 'Quantified Self', Bio-Informatics, Computational Biology, etc.)
Whereas in the past I have primarily covered the triple-values such as 111, 333, 666, 999 etc., I will now examine the multiplication squares which are figured in the top picture.
0 is the Eye of the Dragon and the Auric Egg which is activated, or 'hatched', through Initiation. It contains the concealed wisdom and the magick power of the Universe. This is The Philosopher's Stone, or 'Pearl of Great Price', as well as the Holy Grail of old, and it can be conceived of as both Nuit and Hadit in their union and manifestation of Ra-Hoor-Khuit and his inner aspect or inner dialogue, Hoor-par-Kraat. (Horus and Set, or Harpocrates, which when balanced in Maat conceal Hrumachis, the Double-Wanded One.) The 0 is also the Mirror and the crystal ball, the gate or portal of the Abyss. It is also the ceremonial circle and the toroidal funnel. The 0 is thus the Eye, the Egg of the Dove of Spirit, and the Grail into which all is poured.
1 is the Magus and the lightning bolt of illumination descending from Kether to Malkuth. It is the electro-magnetic spectrum and it could be the Tesla coil in the sphere or (0/O), or it could be thought of as the Wand, Sword or Dagger which casts the magickal Circle. 1 is the dot in the circle, and the DOT is דעת, Daath or the Knowledge (11) of self-reflection and the illusion of separation. The 1 light reflects onto the world (10) and creates the shadow (11) and thus also 'time', duration or chronology. 1 is spectrum, 11 is the quantum parallel of any other perspective of or on that spectrum. 11 is the EGG of the 0 in its unfolded or manifested form, thus it is the outside, the shell, rather than the inside (0). This is why 11 is said to be the number of the Qliphothic shells which represent that which is beyond or outside the sphere of 'reality' or the Auric 0 of the Magician. Becoming one again with the shadow is the only way to vanquish it. Both 0 and 1 are attributed to Aleph in Tarot and Gematria, respectively. Again, it is through the cycle of Initiation and awakening of the 0 that the 1 or Magus' power is activated. The circle necessarily has a lower descent through the darker bottom half wherein the inner vision is recognized and the dual-aspect of Inner and Outer Light is realized as one great pillar and the Crown of ☉ is attained. (Note that the circle, 360 and the point, 1 = 361 = SAMADHI.)
2 x 2 = 4
4 are the magickal weapons and the Watchtowers of North, South, East and West. These are the rudimentary elemental powers which the Magus is to master and harness in Initiation and Practice. The 4 expands on every level, being that of Chesed/Jupiter on the Tree of Life which is indicative of expansion. The 4 elements begin to swirl from the first whirlings of Aleph from Kether in the form of the svastika, concealing in the animation of the life-blood (Mem) the hidden aspect of spirit (Shin) which gives life to the growing tree (Tau). Aleph, Mem, Shin and Tau are the Air, Water, Fire, Earth and the hidden Spirit (Akasha). 1, 40, 300 and 400 make 741, AMN (Amun, Nun final = 700), the Hidden God, which Manly P. Hall says in Chapter 33 of The Secret Teachings of All Ages is the number of Lucifer.
Lucifer is the greatest mystery of symbolism. The secret knowledge of the Rosicrucians concerning Lucifer is nowhere so plainly set forth as in these plates, which virtually reveal his true identity, a carefully guarded secret about which little has been written. Lucifer is represented by the number 741." The 'body' of God is the elements that make up the Universe. 7, 4 and 1, remember are the Magus, his weapons and the 7 Spirits of unrighteousness; seven vultures of evil. These are the 7 principles or 'principalities' of the Ruach. 741 in gematria is also THE CORNERSTONE which the builders rejected, this is the inner light which has been rejected.
3 x 3 = 9
9 is the Grid of the 3 x 3 calculator, and Yesod or the Foundation on the Tree of Life. This is the astral web just beyond material form which sifts out and incubates the more numinous energies of Yetzirah according to the Will. 9 is Teth, the Serpent which is the Will going back toward the Crown via Tiphareth (6). Thus, 9 is the Kundalini which in its eternal 'backbiting', or 'backsliding', eating its tail, 6/9, the charge of electromagnetism - imprints upon the 0 its idea or illusion of 'reality', and the 0 thus becomes the germinal seed which is sown in the lunar cycles to achieve the best 'taking root'. The number spectrum repeats at 9, and the 0 is thus the 'portal' which the serpent passes in its evolution (the eye of the Dragon opening Daath), or the qliphothic skin which it cyclically sheds.
4 x 4 = 16
16 is the number of geomantic figures, as well as a major number in the divination system of Voudoo. It is also the number of 'IF', a creative formula examined by Hans Vaihinger in The Philosophy of 'As If'. AS = 61, IF = 16, together they resume the formula of MAGICK, 77, or willed creativity. IVAS is another form of Aiwaz, the spirit of the BEAST, symbolized by OZ the 'Goat'. 4 x 4 being the square cubed forms the CUBE, 16 of the TAU which in the Tarot is The Universe. 16 is itself Pe, however, which is The Tower, signifying the central Tower among the four watchtowers of the cross reflecting the light of JAH inward and outward upon the darkness of AHI the 'enveloper' of the Vedas. (Note VEDA = 16 = DEVA, 'Divinity', 'Divine Being'.)
5 x 5 = 25
25 is a more accurate spelling of AIWAZ. It is also the number of DAVID (meaning 'beloved'), the slayer of Goliath and יודה, 'Judah' (meaning 'praise'). Being that of the Pentagram 'cubed', it is a form of banishing and consecration of the elements with the Akashic egg. The egg need not be considered wholly qliphothic, as it is the egg which is the auric shell or shield of Magus. It is also THE 'V', i.e. the 6 (vav) or flame (Tiphareth) which enscribes the cast circle and pentagrams with the descending Cone of Power. V is also the sign of Vulcan, Victory and the Roman numeral 5, the Sephira of Geburah/Strength/Mars. War and Peace, which are balanced in Temperance (Samekh, the 25th path.) 25 is also TUAT or TWAT, referring to the vulva and the underworld or realm of spirits from which it provides egress.
6 x 6 = 36
36 is the DIGIT of THE WAY, for being 6 cubed (and 6 is the number of faces of the Cube) and since the sum of 1 through 36 is 666 (the Sun) it is the Golden-Way which can unlock the solar-central gate of awareness between the Microcosmic Self (6) and the Macrocosmic Sun (6). Since 36 is THE WAY, and 666 is SUM (Mem final, 600), it implies that to sum the values of the letters is the way of reckoning the occult meaning of these formulae. It could also imply that Lam, 'The Way', as THE WAY OF SILENCE may be synonymous with the Solar-phallic serpent-power of H'ShTN. H' is 'The', Sh is Shin the Fire, T is Teth the Snake and N or An is the Spirit, thus Satan is the Spirit of the Fire Snake concealed in the spark (6). (Note also that the original form of 'Lam' is in the letters LM, see portrait, thus 'LM THE WAY' enumerates to 666 with Mem final.)
7 x 7 = 49
49 is אל חי, the 'Living God', and the Temple of The Living God once called the IKHET (i.e. the Great Pyramid.) 49 is also the number of the MAGE with his seven spirits of unrighteousness and seven vultures of evil. These are the archons or aeons of the Hebdomad which are spoken of in the BIBLE, see Ephesians 6:12. This knowledge shows that the powers of which we battle are not wholly physical, but mental and spiritual as well. 49 is a number used in the calculations of John Dee with his 49 tables of Liber Logaeth and 48 Keys or calls. Beelzebub, an aspect of Lucifer as one of the seven princes of hell, is also said to have 49 servitors and himself the Prince of Demons, 'Lord of the Flies', i.e. demons. Note that BVL-ZBB = 49.
8 x 8 = 64
64 is the number of Hexagrams in the I Ching or Book of Changes, and being a formula of TIME is related to the mystery thereof. 64 is also the number of DIN, which Crowley says along with DNI are twin Mercurial Intelligences of Gemini, the Twins (See Liber 500, Sepher Sephiroth). In Islam, Din refers to 'concscience', 'religion', 'law', 'judgement', and refers to divine governance. Din is an aspect of Geburah, and Dion Fortune calls it 'justice'. Din plays an important role in the doctrine of Tzimtzum, the expansion and contraction of the Universe in manifestation and mahapralaya, the necessary union and separation of the Cosmos for the purpose of spiritual evolution. This is the justice of Αληθεια, Truth. Regarding the divination of the I Ching system, it is noteworthy 64 is the number of נבואה, 'Prophecy' or 'Oracle', גילויה, 'Discovery'/'Revelation', and ונבו, the Babylonian deity Nebo who presided over learning and letters, corresponding to the Greek Hermes, Latin Mercury and Egyptian Thoth (all of which are subsumed under the number 8, the teachers of the Law and keepers of Truth.)
9 x 9 = 81
81 is the number of ALIM, the formula of Witchcraft. אלימ is derived from אלהימ, Alhim or Elohim which means 'God' or 'Mighty', the creative power in Genesis 1:1. 81 is also KSA, the Hebrew word for 'Throne' which refers to the symbolic 'center' of the glory of God, or the vision thereof. חזוני, meaning 'Visionary' (as in divine revelation or epiphany) also corresponds, along with יהללו meaning 'Praise', 'to shine', 'to flash forth light', 'glorify'. Being the cube of 9, it is also the בטנכ, or 'womb', or 'seat of the mental faculties' (Yesod) wherein is prepared and established (הכנו) the foundation or form of what is to be manifested. 81 is also חגיכם, the feast or festival of A SABBATH. IAO also equals 81, the Gnostic formula of God similar to Tetragrammaton and referring to the regenerative unfolding of Light and synonymous with Pan the God of the Witches, the body of God as the whole of nature.
10 x 10 = 100
100 is the full expansion or 'cube' of Malkuth in the plane of operation where the inner tendencies and forces come to manifest into the physical. This is the dense and lower part of the totem where the זחליהם, 'Caterpillars' are to begin their ascendancy into the Beauty (יפי) of the butterfly. (Note that 100 looks like the body of the butterfly with its two wings on its back.) 100 is the חולון, 'Holon' which contains in each part the whole of the fractal. כלכל means to 'organize', 'plan', 'measure', 'support', and כפ, Kaph is the hand by which this is done. This is the plane of work upon (על, 'on the ground') ) which we are to earth what is within. Also, 100 is the number of maya and the illusion of materiality created in Qoph, the back of the head.
11 x 11 = 121
121 indicates the breaking open of the egg containing Malkuth and the onset of the experience known as SAMADHI, or mystical union. The destruction of the illusion of self (to darken, black out, אפלי) is a major step in the mystical path of THE HUMAN which conveys the spiritual rebirth of ALEPH the pure spirit (0) on the Path (11). 121 is that which is OCCULT, or סמויה 'hidden'/'unseen', beyond the threshold of mind/Malkuth (signifying the hidden knowledge of Daath and Death which is possessed by SATAN, the archetypal 'prince of darkness' who bears of the Secret Light of God.)
12 x 12 = 144
144 is the conjoining of the 12 hours and 12 signs of the Zodiac in Micro- and Macro-cosmic combination to form the Light of Θειον, the fire from Heaven, or the Star-fire from above to earth again in terrestrial form to carry out the twelve labors. 144 conceals EMEPHT, the first principle of the Soul, 'THE ONE' which has become many for the sake of All. 12 is the number of Horus, the solar hours of of the sun, and 'Ra-Hoor-Khuit' equals 144 in Simple Gematria, the Ever-Coming One which cyclically returns or is reborn in the קדמ, The East, the place of sunrise (also meaning 'ancient', and 'beginning' or 'before'.)
13 x 13 = 169
169 is the number of THE INFINITE radiating within and beyond the material forms as the AChD, 'Unity' manifested in every way. 169 shows the descent of the Light from Kether to Tiphareth and reflected in Yesod where, thus it is the direct ray of Light and the force of AHBH, 'Love', another form of Divine Union. The Sioux-Lakota conception of 'The Divine', or 'The Great Spirit' is known as WAKHAN THANKA, and can also mean 'The Great Mystery'. 169 is also the Hindu KALAHANSA, the Swan of Time which also continually gives birth the the Universe. 13 is thus the axle of time, or Samsara, which in the Zodiac is represented by Ophiuchus who holds the serpent of Time.
14 x 14 = 196
196 is the number of the ILLUMINATI, the illumined ones who with the Eye of the Dragon can see beyond the material plane. 14 is the number of the Hebrew word ZHB, 'Gold', and therefore it is indicative of that SUBSTANCE used to SUSTAIN the mystical vision. There are said to be fourteen domains of Amenta, the place of the DEAD, and the Astral Body is said to be developed by age 14. 14 is 7+7, or the Light and its reflection, thus being also the number of the 'ID', it is further symbolic of that usually hidden aspect which is imperative to be aware of for full control of the Will (the 'darker half' of the 'iceberg' or O, the subconscious). N is the 14th letter and in the Tarot corresponds with Death, the process of transformation and awakening of THE BODDHISATTVA.
15 x 15 = 225
225 is the number of THE GODDESS, and 15 is also a number of the Goddess. (See Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God by Kenneth Grant for more details.) 15 is SYMBOLIC of the body of Nuit being the 'O' of Infinite Space. 'O-cubed' becomes the sphere or cell of THE VISION of Ayin, the Eye. It is also the DRIVE and MOVEMENT of the 'winds' (הרוחו) of the Ruach (H'RUACH) and RHK (Ra-Hoor-Khuit). One of the oldest forms of the Goddess is known as TA-URT, the Mother of Generations associated with the Tarot. Ta-Urt is a form of Typhon, who was also sometimes figured as The Devil in the Tarot, being the Mother of all Monsters. These DARK monsters are the Nephilim, הנפילים or 'fallen' ones which are חיזר, 'Alien', 'Stranger', 'Creature from Outer-Space' in regard to Malkuth and the terrestrial field of operation.
16 x 16 = 256
256 is the number of the RITUAL. 16 being the number of P, The Tower, signifies the Power of the Kundalini which is ritualisitically awakened and caused to rise up the spine. Thus, 256 is a number of THE SEX MAGICK and the cosmic act of EVOLUTION which it was originally intended for. 256 is of major importance in THE IFA DIVINATION system, and it represents the NU-MAAT SPACE or Magickal Matrix extending beyond terrestrial space (Nu) to the cosmic gulfs outside (Maat). Path 16 of the Tree of Life is that of Vav, which connects Chesed and Chokmah which typify again, terrestrial 'space' (the blue sky of Chesed) and Outer Space, the 'Starry Wisdom Sect' of Chokmah beyond the Abyss. 256 is also '107 SPACE', i.e. the Egg of Space or simply the 'THOUGHT SPACE' of mind. It is also 'THE O SPACE-GATE' through which the Outer Ones may traverse via their 'ALIEN SPACE-EGG' or 'BALLS OF LIGHT'.
Note that 1 less is 255 is the number of the ARCHITECT of The Tower (16) which connects the vision (O) to the Stars (Tzaddi, The Star 'X'). This is THE ALPHA-OMEGA which binds the 1 and the O, the Phallus and the Kteis, or the Soul and God. 255 is the number of this Epistemological (אפיסטמולוגי) TECHNOLOGY that allows for this to occur via allegory (אלגוריה). Epistemology is the theory and study of Knowledge. Thus everything flows together (נהר), albeit in infinitely different directions. The knowledge of these flows is the knowledge of the Kalas of which there are said to be 16, and the knowledge of how to utilize their effects consitutes the knowledge of Magick, Sorcery and Witchcraft (הקסמים).
Note that 1 less is 255 is the number of the ARCHITECT of The Tower (16) which connects the vision (O) to the Stars (Tzaddi, The Star 'X'). This is THE ALPHA-OMEGA which binds the 1 and the O, the Phallus and the Kteis, or the Soul and God. 255 is the number of this Epistemological (אפיסטמולוגי) TECHNOLOGY that allows for this to occur via allegory (אלגוריה). Epistemology is the theory and study of Knowledge. Thus everything flows together (נהר), albeit in infinitely different directions. The knowledge of these flows is the knowledge of the Kalas of which there are said to be 16, and the knowledge of how to utilize their effects consitutes the knowledge of Magick, Sorcery and Witchcraft (הקסמים).
17 x 17 = 289
289 is the number of THE STAR, and 17 is that of The Star card of the TAROT. 289 is also the Greek Ειδος, 'Eidos' meaning 'Form' or 'Idea', that which is focused and projected in THE HUMAN PSYCHE from the Khabs or stars. 289 is also the DORJE, also symbolic of the lightning which transmits the Stellar Mezla to the terrestrial mind, particularly in the case of the ARTIST who is able to step beyond themselves and channel the Wisdom from above, sometimes without their own conscious awareness of its import. Sir John Woodroffe mentions a secret, unmanifested 17th Kala, known as the Nirvana-Kala in his book The Serpent Power. Kenneth Grant also mentions this kala throughout his work and notes the importance of the number 17 in the Appendix of The Ninth Arch.
Being the number of THE TANTRA, and the SEX MAGICK KALA, 289 contains the secret or mystery (ברזיכן) of Sex Magick and Liberation (פטר) or Nirvana as it is both the Eidos or 'form' and the Tantra which destroys it to be reformulated. 289 is thus a formula of THE AEON OF ZAIN typified by the SILENT ONE.
Being the number of THE TANTRA, and the SEX MAGICK KALA, 289 contains the secret or mystery (ברזיכן) of Sex Magick and Liberation (פטר) or Nirvana as it is both the Eidos or 'form' and the Tantra which destroys it to be reformulated. 289 is thus a formula of THE AEON OF ZAIN typified by the SILENT ONE.
18 x 18 = 324
324 is the number of Metatron (מיטטרונ), who being the Archangel of Kether represents the Spiritual (רוחניים) within the Material (חומריכם), as Kether is in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether. 324 is the Doctrine (שיטה) of ARYA-JNANA, the Highest Knowledge which is Αγνο, 'Pure' and 'Immaculate' as Metatron is the Scribe of God who eternally writes in the Book of Life. Life is CHI in both Hebrew and in the Chinese system which equals 18. The 18th Atu is The Moon, which is pointed at by Buddha and THE CHI MOON-LIGHT that is associated with Skehinah, the indwelling spirit.
19 x 19 = 361
361 shows the Supernal Triad separated from the Ruach and Malkuth, THE UNIVERSE in its divisions of Ether, Astral and Material or Soul, Spirit and Matter (sometimes Soul and Spirit are interchanged). 361 is the SOLAR number of the Circle and Point which symbolizes the Sun and SAMADHI. It is the POWER of the CONCEALED WISDOM of Ο Αριθμος (The Numbers) which when realized enables one to better reify the Will, 'The Sun made Flesh' (Σαρξ). Thus it is the number of the Lord of Malkuth, ADNI H'ARTz (Adonai Ha'Eretz) as well as the Ruler of Saturn (KShYAL).
20 x 20 = 400
400 is the value of the letter Tau, the Cross (or Upsilon in Greek, the 'Y' cross). In the Tarot, The Universe is the Micro- and Macrocosms merged and awakened. The opened eyes of דרקונם the Draconem or Dragons confer the power of כשפ (Magick). 20 is however the Atu of The Sun, the heart of flame which is the Will manifesting to itself in the World. A title of Yesod is משכיל, meaning 'Intellectual', or 'Enlightened', referring to center of the Dracontia or Eye of the Dragon which opens and closes the forces of Ruach to Malkuth in the art of the magickal acts (עשיך) which RESONATE with the Will. The Dragon also symbolizes the DARKNESS of the SUBCONSCIOUS and all its forces BEYOND THE SENSE which constitute the primary forces to be used by the Magus.
21 x 21 = 441
441 is the number of the SPIDER-MAGICK of THE ZOTHYRIANS (See The Voudon Gnostic Workbook by Michael Bertiaux, 1988) who inhabit THE INVISIBLE LANDSCAPE of Zothyria, a sector of the Astral plane said to be an empire based entirely on magick. Of this he says:
The essential teachers of spider-magick, as we call our GG, are not those who derived their initiations either from African voudoo or from even the old Atlantean magick, but took their powers and thereby come to us from the Zothyrian time-system, which includes certain magicks of our own day, such as our own work, the Atlantean magicks, and the systems of the Lemurians - all of which survive in other time-systems quite independent of the present, externalized and material work, which pertains to the world of space and time and matter-energy. The essential behind all spider-magickal sexual alchemy are derived, in our system exclusively, from the Rites of Zom, which refers to the most dangerous and the most archaic part of the ancient Zothyrian metaphysics of magick. I am referring really to the most essential part, which is also the most esoteric, but which must be introduced now for your development, part of our teaching, which is based on sexo-magickal and sexo-alchemical contacts between certain magickal angles and other higher beings and certain planets, known and unknnown, in our solar system. This type of contact work has been written about already and is available to the public via the book 'Cults of the Shadow', by Kenneth Grant, page 188, viz., "The Trans-Yuggothian Transmission Station."...
The chapter referred is called The Cult of the Black Snake (La Couleuvre Noire) II, and it is noteworthy that Grant heavily references John Dee (see pg. 167) in relation to this work as he was said to be one of the first [documented] Mages to make contact with non-human entites or 'extra-terrestrials', which Crowley attempted to restart. This is also noteworthy considering the Hebrew אפור חוצן, 'Gray Alien' also equates to the number 441, which is also that of AMTh which is what the Sigillum or Pantacle used by Dee was called (meaning 'Truth') and 441 is 9 x 49. 49, again, is the number which was utilized extensively by Dee for his magick. This could all indeed relate to the influx of FLYING ORBS and 'UFO' sightings which have only increased since the death of Crowley. 'THE OVAL CRANIUM' may be an indication as to who or what those entities may appear to us like. 441 is the CLAVIS INFERNI, or 'Key' of Hell which can unlock and unravel THE MATRIX LATTICE of THE NUMBER MACHINE or 'Meon', which is merely THE MICHAEL BERTIAUX term for the Zero-Point. If 22 be taken as the full circle, 400 as the 'X' or cross, then THE ⊗, which is the Mark of the Beast and the Gate of Daath, this marks the 'Gate of Hell' or Zothyria.
The essential teachers of spider-magick, as we call our GG, are not those who derived their initiations either from African voudoo or from even the old Atlantean magick, but took their powers and thereby come to us from the Zothyrian time-system, which includes certain magicks of our own day, such as our own work, the Atlantean magicks, and the systems of the Lemurians - all of which survive in other time-systems quite independent of the present, externalized and material work, which pertains to the world of space and time and matter-energy. The essential behind all spider-magickal sexual alchemy are derived, in our system exclusively, from the Rites of Zom, which refers to the most dangerous and the most archaic part of the ancient Zothyrian metaphysics of magick. I am referring really to the most essential part, which is also the most esoteric, but which must be introduced now for your development, part of our teaching, which is based on sexo-magickal and sexo-alchemical contacts between certain magickal angles and other higher beings and certain planets, known and unknnown, in our solar system. This type of contact work has been written about already and is available to the public via the book 'Cults of the Shadow', by Kenneth Grant, page 188, viz., "The Trans-Yuggothian Transmission Station."...
The chapter referred is called The Cult of the Black Snake (La Couleuvre Noire) II, and it is noteworthy that Grant heavily references John Dee (see pg. 167) in relation to this work as he was said to be one of the first [documented] Mages to make contact with non-human entites or 'extra-terrestrials', which Crowley attempted to restart. This is also noteworthy considering the Hebrew אפור חוצן, 'Gray Alien' also equates to the number 441, which is also that of AMTh which is what the Sigillum or Pantacle used by Dee was called (meaning 'Truth') and 441 is 9 x 49. 49, again, is the number which was utilized extensively by Dee for his magick. This could all indeed relate to the influx of FLYING ORBS and 'UFO' sightings which have only increased since the death of Crowley. 'THE OVAL CRANIUM' may be an indication as to who or what those entities may appear to us like. 441 is the CLAVIS INFERNI, or 'Key' of Hell which can unlock and unravel THE MATRIX LATTICE of THE NUMBER MACHINE or 'Meon', which is merely THE MICHAEL BERTIAUX term for the Zero-Point. If 22 be taken as the full circle, 400 as the 'X' or cross, then THE ⊗, which is the Mark of the Beast and the Gate of Daath, this marks the 'Gate of Hell' or Zothyria.
22 x 22 = 484
484 being the square of the Hebrew letters is the number of NUMEROLOGY par excellence. THE NUMBER BOOK is too large to put in any as of yet adequate medium, but a website is currently in the beginning of production. This treatise is merely a tiny tip of that iceberg. Numerology has been an integral science utilized since the very beginning of history and without it our mathematical and scientific understanding would be severely lacking. Pythagoras is said to have claimed that "All is Number", and that "Number rules the Universe". In a way, Numerology can be conceived as a type of ALCHEMICAL PSYCHOLOGY wherein the 'patient' is able to integrate the seemingly disparate aspects of the self into an interlinking and self-connective whole. 484 is the HOLY SPIRIT which inhabits everything, and in Eastern terminology this would be called the HIRANYA-GARBA, or Golden Egg/Womb of the Spirit, 'THE GOLDEN NUMBER'. Regarding the 'flying orbs' mentioned above, it has been surmised that what (at least some) could be is Plasma, the fourth state of matter, and thus the holy spirit/hiranya-garba may be a Merkabic 'PLASMA ORB'. (Note the Hebrew בועות 'Bubbles', 'Globules' also correspond.) 484 resonates with the Ερμητικ, Hermetica or teachings of Hermes (Magick and CONJURATION).
23 x 23 = 529
529 is a number of T419I20M80E10, and more precisely, the specific DATE AND TIME. This is the nature of Zothyrian Spider-Magick which utilizes ALTERNATE TIMELINES for extrapolation and navigation of visionary information from various paths and tunnels of the Tree (Δεντρο = 529) to be used as MAGICKAL POWERS. EVERY NUMBER is important here as a necessary Angle, and so COUNT each and allocate their vibration and what other ideas and entities vibrate therewith to better understand and utilize its essence. The number 23 is said to be a mystical representation of the 'Lost' or 'hidden' Letter or Tarot Card, and thus relates to the Lost Word of the Masons, which if 'found' or re-established would bring THE OMEGA, or THE ENDS of manifestation. 23 is the Mirror of Manifestation, and thus Path 23 on the Tree of Life is Mem, The Hanged Man (Δεσμιος, 'Captive', 'Prisoner') )who hangs upside-down over the Abyss by the Tau cross of The Universe. He is thus related to CAMAZOTZ, the Bat-god of the Mayans who inhabits or is able to enter and roam the underworld (symbolic of the subconscious 'tunnels' of alternate realities).
24 x 24 = 576
576 is Πνευμα, 'The Spirit' or THE SOUL (whichever term you prefer, they both equate). Pure gold is said to be in 24 karats, and Path 24 is that of Death, the alchemical purification. The Spirit of Gold is known as 'Chrysos', from which was derived the title 'Christ', the anointed. Spirit implies something ULTRADIMENSIONAL, or beyond the domain of the physical three dimensions, as well as that of Time. Thus, 576 is also the formula of PARTICLE PHYSICS as well, which is not suspended or done away with, but merely transcended in SPIRIT CHANNELING and SCRYING (which can be as simple as NUMBER READING, an exercise that helps build the intuition and subconscious logic), as the material realm is but THE VESSEL of the Spirit. 576 is the Gate-keeper (שוער) of the Spirit which keeps unnecessary influences without, and it is also THE BLACK HOLE in which all is recycled.
25 x 25 = 625
625 is 5 x 5 x 5 x 5, or the Pentagram extended in the four directions of THE MATERIAL WORLD. 625 is the triumph of The Spirit over Matter in ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS, i.e. the Spirit, Soul and Mind. 625 - the three planes of 361 = 264, the formula of MATTER, thus it conceals Spirit-Soul-Mind over Matter as well, which is useful regarding the idea of the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. 264 is the number of POTENTIAL, therefore 264 and 361 together form THE POTENTIAL UNIVERSE, or 'POTENTIAL POWER', i.e. Magick. 264 is also PINEAL GLAND and TELEKINESIS, the organ of magickal projection and the art of its magickal control. Hence, 625 is the formula of the Μονοκερος, or 'Unicorn' which symbolizes the activated Third Eye and power over the imagination. The horse is indicative of great power and endurance, and the mono-keros or single horn is its focused mental direction. 25 is also Θει, Theia, the 'Divine' who is mother of Helios (12) and Selene (13).
26 x 26 = 676
676 is the the square of Tetragrammaton (IHVH) and thus the full flowing of God in Man in THE IMAGE OF HUMANITY. Man is said to have been made in the image of Elohim (God[s], plural) and that image is concealed in IHVH which form the image of the body of man. (See Genesis 1:26). 26 is the number of 'GOD' in Simple Gematria, and the full spectrum of English characters. It has long been known that the proportions of the body of Man correlate with the Φι Αναλογια, or Golden Ratio of Phi. It is also noteworthy that while there are 206 bones in the adult human body, 206 happens to be the number of THE BONES, and again contains the 26. 676 indicates that THE HUMAN BODY IS A CONTAINER (See Genesis 3:21), and that 676 is also THE MAKER, i.e. G.O.A.T.U. the living Universe which has no beginning and no end. This is the Grand Architect of the Universe which is exalted in MASONRYE (spelling comes from William Stirling's The Canon, 1897, pg. 244). 676 is also NU-ISIS, the TYPHONIAN 'Transplutonic Power-Zone' which lies altogether beyond the pylon of Kether (and Daath) with which certain Adepts are seeking to achieve contact as a last ditch effort to procure a possible continuation of human evolution before it is destroyed.
27 x 27 = 729
729 is the number of The Amalantrah Working and the name AMALANTRAH to which it owes its title. Amalantrah is a discarnate entity which Aleister Crowley and Frater Achad communicated with in 1918 and presented to them many important Keys which at the time they were both unable to fully understand. Amalantrah gave Crowley the 'true' spelling of Baphomet, which equaled 729 as well as a new magickal name to Frater Achad - Arktion/ARCTEON- which also equaled 729. Incidentally, if you take Frater Achad's first, middle and last name into account (CHARLES STANSFELD JONES), it too equates to 729. Kenneth Grant analyzed this number (and this predicament) in his work, but either did not know what I have included thus far in this publication or merely left it to be uncovered by others who would be able to. Grant took as his magickal number 718, which is 11 less and remember 11 is an EGG, the central symbol of both Grant's magickal icon and the central symbol which he analyzes as it occurs throughout Crowley and Achad's work from Liber AL to the future-time spoken of by Amalantrah wherein the Egg is related as of central importance.
Since 729 is 9 cubed (9 x 9 x 9) it represents manifestation, and being Κηφας the Stone, it represents the ashlar which is to be perfected through the Great Work wherein the egg of spirit is re-released and re-dissolved back into itself at the OMEGA POINT. 729 is THE K'RLA CELL, spoken of in Beyond the Mauve Zone which is a type of astral-egg that can be used to travel the Zothyrian web. It is also THE ASTRAL TEMPLE itself (Note 9 is the number of the Astral Light, Aub/Ob.)
Since 729 is 9 cubed (9 x 9 x 9) it represents manifestation, and being Κηφας the Stone, it represents the ashlar which is to be perfected through the Great Work wherein the egg of spirit is re-released and re-dissolved back into itself at the OMEGA POINT. 729 is THE K'RLA CELL, spoken of in Beyond the Mauve Zone which is a type of astral-egg that can be used to travel the Zothyrian web. It is also THE ASTRAL TEMPLE itself (Note 9 is the number of the Astral Light, Aub/Ob.)
28 x 28 = 784
784 is the number of THE GREAT MAGICAL AGENT, THE GENIUS. It is also a formula of the CELESTIAL "TRANSPLUTONIC NEW-ISIS" referred to above. It is also THE SPIDER QUEEN, a form of the Goddess Nuit (Νυιτ = Αραχνη) which spins the web of Manifestation. 28 is a number relating to lunar cycles and DEVIC Light which crystallizes into matter. 784 is 7 x 112, or the KALAS of the 7 chakras which FLOW (112) toward Muladhara for materialization. 112 is the YAMAS and NIYAMA necessary to direct such currents to Willed ends according to The Genius of THE H.G.A. (28)
Regarding the entities that may be veiled beyond or beneath the concept of New/Nu-Isis, we see that 784 is the number of further ALIEN DISCLOSURE of THE GREY ALIENS. This race has been making its presence known via a number of routes and it is imperative that we try to understand what message they may be trying to convey. It is apparent they are unable to meddle too deeply in terrestrial affairs, but it is also apparent that what has been occurring can not merely be wholly contrived nor 'mass hallucination'. Knowing also that many have described these particular entities as a type of CYBERNETIC ALIEN, which also corresponds, we should at the very least be attentive. Amalantrah and Lam could in fact have been such types of entities reaching back in time to relay future knowledge. Remember that Qabalah means 'to receive', i.e. information from 'beyond'.
29 x 29 = 841
841 is the square of HADIT, 'THE I' principle which illumines as a Star the darkness of Nuit. 841 is the Greek formula of 'Beginning-Middle-End', Α-Μ-Ω, which can be rendered as ΑΩΜ - 'Aum'. These three states are reminiscent of the three primary states of consciousness, Jagrat, Svapna, and Susupti, or Waking, Dreaming and Deep-Sleep. These are all transcended by a fourth state underlying the others known as Turiya, which Kenneth Grant associated with the Fourth aspect of Tetragrammaton and terms it 'The Mauve Zone'. It is noteable that 841 resumes the formula of Tetragrammaton in full as it is AB, Father (3), AM, Mother (41), BN, Son (702, Nun final) and MLKH, the Daughter (95). 841 is specifically related to this fourth aspect as it is THE FINAL HÉ OF A TETRAGRAMMATON.
Kenneth Grant mentions in The Ninth Arch in his Commentary to Liber OKBISh or Book 29 that 841 combines Frater Achad's formulas of the Whole or Perfect Stone (ABN ShLIMH, 438) and the Star Sapphire or 'Star-Stone' (ABN SPIR, 403). Of this he says:
841-4. Listen:
Comment: Four is the
number of Manifestation, of ‘the solid existing in Time’. 841 = 29 x 29, and
the full manifestation of the Book OKBISh.
We have access through this transmission to the Major and the Minor cycles of
Maat emanating from the Great Thirteen-Rayed Star of Manifestation. The sum of
ABN ShLIMH (438), the ‘Whole or Perfect Stone’, and ABN SPIR (403), the ‘Star
Sapphire’ or ‘Star Stone’, is the present Oracle – 841 (see Comment to 837/29). This is the jewel in the Lotus of the Daughter in
the Aeon of Mâ (Mâ-Ion)
For a little better context, the previous verse and Comment is:
840-3. open the body of Nuit …The present verse continues the theme. But the 7, or cleaver, has become ‘a sword’ (Zain = 7). The Oracle is ξιφος, also ‘a sword’, the symbol of Zain. According to Fürst, Xiphos is the Greek equivalent of the Chaldean TzPhVN (876), Typhon. TzPhVN is the ‘North Quarter’, ‘to hide or conceal’.
840 is the number of OÖN (Nun final, 700), 'An Egg' and the phrase from The Amalantrah Working, "HOW ARE WE TO BREAK OPEN THE EGG". The Egg is seen as synonymous with the body of Nuit. The Body of Nuit is to be opened by 1, Achad, the bearer of the Egg of Light (Hadit) 'The Jewel in the Lotus'. 840 is also THE LAM WORKING by which this is being effected through this publication which has released the [no longer] secret formula: ABCChDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (including the double-'C' value of Gimel or Cheth which acts as a veil for further cryptological purposes.) This is THE GEMATRIA BOOK which I have been trying to present in pieces, THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE which unveils the nature of THE TANGLED LIGHT OF NU-ISIS which is found to be equivalent to מכניקת קוונטים 'Quantum Mechanics'. 841 is also THE LORD OF MAAT, a title given to the Pharoah who is said to be an embodiment or incarnation of the Universal Truth. Since 841 is the actual square of 29, Book 29 could be thought of as a form of THE INVOCATION OF LAM, i.e. the Fire-snake Shaitan. (Note that the next verse, 842, is the value of 771+71, SATAN+LAM (Nun final, 700). See vs 894-28, 895-29 of Liber OKBISh).
Kenneth Grant mentions in The Ninth Arch in his Commentary to Liber OKBISh or Book 29 that 841 combines Frater Achad's formulas of the Whole or Perfect Stone (ABN ShLIMH, 438) and the Star Sapphire or 'Star-Stone' (ABN SPIR, 403). Of this he says:
841-4. Listen:

For a little better context, the previous verse and Comment is:
840-3. open the body of Nuit …The present verse continues the theme. But the 7, or cleaver, has become ‘a sword’ (Zain = 7). The Oracle is ξιφος, also ‘a sword’, the symbol of Zain. According to Fürst, Xiphos is the Greek equivalent of the Chaldean TzPhVN (876), Typhon. TzPhVN is the ‘North Quarter’, ‘to hide or conceal’.
840 is the number of OÖN (Nun final, 700), 'An Egg' and the phrase from The Amalantrah Working, "HOW ARE WE TO BREAK OPEN THE EGG". The Egg is seen as synonymous with the body of Nuit. The Body of Nuit is to be opened by 1, Achad, the bearer of the Egg of Light (Hadit) 'The Jewel in the Lotus'. 840 is also THE LAM WORKING by which this is being effected through this publication which has released the [no longer] secret formula: ABCChDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (including the double-'C' value of Gimel or Cheth which acts as a veil for further cryptological purposes.) This is THE GEMATRIA BOOK which I have been trying to present in pieces, THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE which unveils the nature of THE TANGLED LIGHT OF NU-ISIS which is found to be equivalent to מכניקת קוונטים 'Quantum Mechanics'. 841 is also THE LORD OF MAAT, a title given to the Pharoah who is said to be an embodiment or incarnation of the Universal Truth. Since 841 is the actual square of 29, Book 29 could be thought of as a form of THE INVOCATION OF LAM, i.e. the Fire-snake Shaitan. (Note that the next verse, 842, is the value of 771+71, SATAN+LAM (Nun final, 700). See vs 894-28, 895-29 of Liber OKBISh).
30 x 30 = 900
900 is the number of 'A LOST LANGUAGE'. Freemasonry centers around a 'Lost Word' which if known would grant its possessor the Wisdom of God. 900 is also the vale of the phrase from AL.III.2, "THERE IS A WORD NOT KNOWN" hinting at this. Kenneth Grant mentions in the Comment to verse 900 that "The Oracle is 900, the number of nine extended to infinity." [00 denotes 'Ain Soph', the Limitless/Infinity] Relevant correspondences he gives are ShThR, 'Secret or Mystic Zones', and RShTH, 'net or web'. The Secret Zones of the Web are the marmas or cells wherein the many criss-crossing threads of the web connect and build the Astral Net which crystallizes or densifies into the Material. Thus, 900 veils (or unveils) THE DIGITAL LAWS OF COMPUTER PHYSICS which can be best apprehended mathematically and with further help via this 'Lost Language'. 30 is also 'THE EGG', so 900 which is also 'X'/Tzaddi Final is both the Egg of Space and THE GATE OF THE GODS which provides entrance and exit.
31 x 31 = 961
961 is the formula of AL ('God'/All) reflecting into itself to form the five elements of Manifestation: AIR, EARTH, WATER, FIRE & AKASHA. This last element, the fifth element is of central importance here as this is the 'Egg' through which Manifestation is engendered, the 'fifth who is invisible' (AL.II.49). This is the Gate of Spirit by which the Gods Travel back via Yesod-Tiphareth-Ketherto beyond the Pylon of Nu-Isis for 61 is AIN, the 'O' gate and 900 is X, (Tzaddi final) the cross of the elements. 31 in its numerous correspondences veils this Spiritual Principle and it is known in many cultures under many names: KHU, KIA, HEKA, BUDDHI, DIVYA, VIDYA, 'FAITH'. 961 is also Μετρητης, 'Measure' as well as MEASUREMENTS. The measurements that have been given show the Maatian Truth and Justice that is reckoned via mathematics, and it is significant that 961 is also THE KEY OF THE L, L being the Key of Maat (Lamed, Adjustment). It is also the Square of the Masons which is used to Measure. (The title of Liber 'AL' would thus conceal the Compass 'A' and Square 'L' of the Masons.) This then signifies THE HALL OF LEARNINGS, a title of the realm through which the soul descends on its passage in Amenta to be judged by Maat.
32 x 32 = 1024
1,024 is the number of the 32 Sephiroth (10) and Paths (22) expanded fractally and thus is shown to reveal THE TREE'S KEYS. 1,024 is THE ARCHITECT OF THE GEMATRIA as well as the Greek Θεοφορος meaning 'Inspired by, or Possessed by (a) God'. It is also THE PHILOSOPHY OF GEMATRIA, that is, the philosophy that this method of enquiry can be used to better achieve 'oneness' with 'God' by better understanding its deeper essences. THE FRACTAL OF THE GEMATRIA can be like a very sticky web in which one can easily get tangled, unless one assume the mask of the Spider. (Note SPIDER = 359 = ShTN, thus the Spider is the Beast.) 1,024 is THE SPIDER-ARCHITECT who weaves the Web of Manifestation and reveals THE SECRET SPIDER-WEB GEMATRIA CODE in these Cube-Keys.
33 x 33 = 1089
1, 089 is the number of THE DIGITAL OPERATING SYSTEM and Frater Achad's exhortation in his Comment to Liber 370: "BY RIGHT USE OF THE KEY ALONE MAY THE WORD BE FOUND". This is the Lost Word spoken of above in the Key 900. 33 is the apex of Masonry and figured into many systems as a sort of spiritual ascendancy. Jesus finished his Great Work at the age of 33. There are 33 disks in the spinal column (symbolic of the Kundalini serpent), and when counting the 10 Sephiroth and 22 Paths, Daath would be considered 33rd. Daath in Hebrew, be it remembered, is 'DOT' or Daleth-Ayin-Tau. 1,089 is the formula to OPEN THE DOT to see the D.O.S. matrix as well as the GROTESQUE Truth of the TARANTULA, or Spider-God of Space-Time. 1,089 is also Η Μυστικη Λεξ, The Secret Word.
34 x 34 = 1156
1,156 is a number of Nuit, containing as it does her numbers 11 and 56. (See Liber AL.I.24 & 60.) 1,156 is the value of the Gnostic phrase 'I AM PROTENNOIA' (Mem final, 600), the though that dwells in the Light, from the Gnostic text Trimorphic Protennoia.
I [am] the Thought of the Father, Protennoia, that is, Barbelo, the perfect Glory, and the immeasurable Invisible One who is hidden. I am the Image of the Invisible Spirit, and it is through me that the All took shape, and (I am) the Mother (as well as) the Light which she appointed as Virgin, she who is called 'Meirothea', the incomprehensible Womb, the unrestrainable and immeasurable Voice.
Thus, Barbelo is related to the Goddess Babalon who is the earthly or terrestrial aspect of the Goddess Nu, although before her manifestation in ILLUSION (Nun final) or maya. 1,156 is also the value of Επιγνωση, Epignose 'Awareness', 'Consciousness' or 'Knowledge'. This is the act of 'Love' which the Goddess makes possible. It is when THE INTIMATE FIRE (Hadit) merges alchemically with THE WATERS OF SPACE (Nuit) that the MAGNUM OPUS (Mem final, 600) or 'Great Work' is accomplished. 1,156 is also THE ALIEN (Nun final, 700), the name of the highest God of the Gnostics who is necessarily alien, or unknown. 34 is also the number of ADITI, the Mother of the Gods from whence all heavenly bodies were formed.
35 x 35 = 1225
1,225 is the sum of 1 through 49, 49 being AL ChI 'The Living God'. 1,225 is another formula of God, as it is דעתיקינ עתיקא, The Ancient of the Ancient Ones, Ancient of Days, a title of Kether. It is also the formula of Exodus 3:15: דֹּר לְדֹר זִכְרִי וְזֶה לְעֹלָם שְּׁמִי זֶה, 'This is My Eternal Name-And this is My memory from Generation to Generation' (See Psalms 135:13). It should be noted that the True God is bisexual or androgynous, so should not be taken as merely male or female. The HUMAN LOGOS (Nun final, 700) encompasses both. Another formula of 1,225 is that of the EPIPHYSIS CEREBRI, the technical name for the Pineal Gland which is said to be formed Forty Nine Days after conception, which is the same time alloted by the Tibetan Buddhists in which the soul is said to reincarnate after death. This is the organic antennae through which direct contact with THE UNIVERSAL OVERSOUL is effected (See The Secret Doctrine, page 17) and the Πνευμα Μητρα, 'Spirit Matrix' apprehended. Another name of God, which was taken by Frater Achad as his magical motto (See Liber 31) is 'The One in All, All in One' in Greek: Τα Ενας Σε Ολα Ολα Σε Ενα. (Note 35 is that number of the KEY.)
36 x 36 = 1296
1,296 shows THE GEOMETRY OF GOD (or MAGICK). It is 6 x 6 x 6 x 6, representing the earthing of the Cube of Space or Ruach in the elements of Malkuth (The Spirit, 1000 in Matter, 296 [Ha'eretz]). 1,296 is also THE MAGICK MIRROR (Kaph final, 500) of Manifestation which reflects outwardly what is within. 1000 is Ο Νικων, 'He Who Overcometh' (See Revelation 3:12) and 296 is Ha'eretz, הארצ 'The Earth'. 1,296 is also , תם צור 'The Perfect Stone' (Mem final, 600) which has been hewn from the rough ashlar and perfected. Thus, it is also the value of the verse of Leviticus 4:19: ואת כל חלבו ירים ממנו והקטיר המזבחה, 'And he shall take all his fat from him, and burn it upon the altar'.
37 x 37 = 1369
1,369 is a direct path of descent and re-ascent of the Spirit from Kether (1), through the Prism of Binah (3) to Tiphareth (6) and then to Yesod (9) where it condenses into Malkuth to be redissolved after making its round into the Source (The Pillar mentioned in Rev. 3:12). Thus, 1369 is THE CADUCEUS OF HERMES with its triple power of SPIRIT (369). It is also THE TRIDENT OF NEPTUNE which is related to Chokmah, and note that 37 is the value of Chokmah in its ordinal value (Cheth=8, Kaph=11, Mem=13, Heh=5). 1,000 is the Aleph final which signifies a new Universe, and 369 is that of THE MATRIX. 1,000 is another form of SPIRIT in its highest form, therefor 1,369 is THE SPIRIT MATRIX which is accesed via the Daath, or Knowledge of Adam Qadmon, the Universal Man (ADM QDMVN = 895 + DOTh = 474 = 1,369.) Thus is man and the divine knowledge and wisdom truly made in 'The Likeness of God', Εικων Θεο.
1,369 is also the number of LAM-THE DRAGON (Mem final), and being the Caduceus which is a form of the Kundalini, we can surmise that Lam is a mask of the Dragon-force. Chokmah is the Secret Wisdom which was said to have caused the 'fall' of Adam from Eden, or the descent from his Fractal form as Qadmon 'Above' to Adam Rishon 'Below'. This is the Wisdom said to have the potential to confer God-hood, or the God-head, and note that 1,369 is also Ο Κυριος Εις Θεος, The Lord God and Ο Θεος Ζωης, The God of Life.
1,369 is also the number of LAM-THE DRAGON (Mem final), and being the Caduceus which is a form of the Kundalini, we can surmise that Lam is a mask of the Dragon-force. Chokmah is the Secret Wisdom which was said to have caused the 'fall' of Adam from Eden, or the descent from his Fractal form as Qadmon 'Above' to Adam Rishon 'Below'. This is the Wisdom said to have the potential to confer God-hood, or the God-head, and note that 1,369 is also Ο Κυριος Εις Θεος, The Lord God and Ο Θεος Ζωης, The God of Life.
38 x 38 = 1444
1,444 is the number of Υδροχο, Hydroxo or Aquarius, the Water-Bearer of which mention is made in Luke 22:10:
In VALIS by Philip K. Dick (1981), mention is made of a 'KING FELIX' in cypher. 'THE KING FELIX' (Tzaddi final, 900) is essentially a new type of being who would deliver humanity from the 'black iron prison' of the Demiurge. 1,444 is THE TIME LOOP (Peh final, 800) in which all manifestations of illusion center upon the fixed Will, which is timeless and without dimension itself, but utilizes maya for its various modes of expression. This faculty has for the most part been 'lost', or forgotten, owing to its suppression and fear, for if the average man or woman could really possess the power consciously without the proper Initiation and exercise they would end up destroying this and other necessary preparations and be further unable to wield such potential effectively. Thus, 1,444 is really THE MATRIX OF 999, 999 being the Pleroma of the numerical cell (0) 'THE SUBTLE BODY' and therefore it is also the Key thereof. (Note that 999 is מפתח, 'Key' spelled out in full (מימ פה תו חית) and is itself THE NUMBER OF THE KEY OF IT ALL, 'THE HIGHER POWER' (i.e. 'God') and KEY OF THE NINE NUMBERS which unlocks the black iron prison of the Saturnian Space-Time Cube Matrix to THE LIGHT BEYOND. (Note that VALIS = 107 = THE MAGICK EGG of MA-ION. The # Grid is also the Magick Square of Saturn.)
"And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in."
Water is the universal solvent and dissolves the illusion of separation. Such is the potential of this Gnosis as it unlocks (Ξεκλειδωσετε) and unifies the various 'occult', or esoteric keys. 1,444 is the number that reveals THE RIDDLE OF THE SPHINX, which Michael Maier (who is celebrated in The Gnostic Mass, Liber XV) in his 1617 book Atalanta Fugiens says it is related to the Philosopher's Stone:
Sphinx is indeed reported to have had many Riddles, but this offered to Oedipus was the chief, "What is that which in the morning goeth upon four feet; upon two feet in the afternoon; and in the Evening upon three?" What was answered by Oedipus is not known. But they who interpret concerning the Ages of Man are deceived. For a Quadrangle of Four Elements are of all things first to be considered, from thence we come to the Hemisphere having two lines, a Right and a Curve, that is, to the White Luna; from thence to the Triangle which consists of Body, Soul and Spirit, or Sol, Luna and Mercury. Hence Rhasis in his Epistles, "The Stone," says he, "is a Triangle in its essence, a Quadrangle in its quality."
Since Aquarius is the Man with Water (the universal solvent or 'great magical agent'), the riddle concerns, once again, The Evolution from beast, to Man, to God. 1,444 is THE SUPREME SECRET OF 666, with all of its own wealth and depth of meaning. Here though, it is that of THE EVOLUTION. 666 is an ancient Key which was realized as significant and laid down in Revelation 13:18, and Kings I 10:14 as indicative of both the wealth of the Spiritual Gold and the abyss of materialism.In VALIS by Philip K. Dick (1981), mention is made of a 'KING FELIX' in cypher. 'THE KING FELIX' (Tzaddi final, 900) is essentially a new type of being who would deliver humanity from the 'black iron prison' of the Demiurge. 1,444 is THE TIME LOOP (Peh final, 800) in which all manifestations of illusion center upon the fixed Will, which is timeless and without dimension itself, but utilizes maya for its various modes of expression. This faculty has for the most part been 'lost', or forgotten, owing to its suppression and fear, for if the average man or woman could really possess the power consciously without the proper Initiation and exercise they would end up destroying this and other necessary preparations and be further unable to wield such potential effectively. Thus, 1,444 is really THE MATRIX OF 999, 999 being the Pleroma of the numerical cell (0) 'THE SUBTLE BODY' and therefore it is also the Key thereof. (Note that 999 is מפתח, 'Key' spelled out in full (מימ פה תו חית) and is itself THE NUMBER OF THE KEY OF IT ALL, 'THE HIGHER POWER' (i.e. 'God') and KEY OF THE NINE NUMBERS which unlocks the black iron prison of the Saturnian Space-Time Cube Matrix to THE LIGHT BEYOND. (Note that VALIS = 107 = THE MAGICK EGG of MA-ION. The # Grid is also the Magick Square of Saturn.)
39 x 39 = 1521
1,521 is the number which shows the following to be succinct (Φασκω, 'Affirmative'), as it is ADAM QADMON restructured and perfected with this Gnosis, still embodying THE TWENTY-TWO PATHS of the Tree and still equal to THE INVISIBLE LIGHT OF ANUPADAKA (☉) which radiates and interpenetrates all. 'GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT' they say, and if you have had experience with serpents you will see they usually try to. Plants and the Kundalini, too, also tend toward the Light, which is merely the Tipharethic (Beautiful) radiation of that higher Light, 'THE LIGHT OF TIANGONG', the Heavenly Palace and LIGHT OF THE ILLUMINATI.
1,521 is also THE LAM SERPENT reappearing more definitively along this qabalistic ascent toward the Infinite, Limitless Light of the Ain Soph Aur of which Adam Qadmon is the archetypal anthropomorphic expression, Lam being representative of the fully flowered evolutive trans- or praeter-human Kundalini, the Serpent-power of the Godhead. In Liber OKBISh, vs. 5 a channeling is given: "LAM IS OKBI SPIDER WRITING", also 1,521.
The connection between Lam, the Serpent, ShTN, and the Spider has already been considered (see Key 1024, 32 x 32) OKBI is an allusion to OKBISh, the Spider (Hebrew), however its value is 102, that of MAYAN and LAMAL, the avatar of Lam - M.A.L. and the formula of the incarnation of Lam in AL; or LA ('Universe B', cosmic potential) to AL ('Universe A', manifestation) via M, which is the symbol of the Cone of Power ('The Black Hole', 102) between the Pillars. 102 also veils this geometrically in the Masonic symbol of the Sol/Sun between the two parallel lines or pillars. Thus, OKBI the Spider-web without its 'Shin', or Fire (the Web without the Spider. Note 102 is also THE DATABASE, making the creation one with the creator.) When the Light of Shin is added, 402 is formed which is BTh, Beth, the House of the Magician (i.e. a new Magickal Universe.) Thus, we find verse 878-12 through 880-15 of Liber OKBISh accurate:
1,521 is also THE LAM SERPENT reappearing more definitively along this qabalistic ascent toward the Infinite, Limitless Light of the Ain Soph Aur of which Adam Qadmon is the archetypal anthropomorphic expression, Lam being representative of the fully flowered evolutive trans- or praeter-human Kundalini, the Serpent-power of the Godhead. In Liber OKBISh, vs. 5 a channeling is given: "LAM IS OKBI SPIDER WRITING", also 1,521.
The connection between Lam, the Serpent, ShTN, and the Spider has already been considered (see Key 1024, 32 x 32) OKBI is an allusion to OKBISh, the Spider (Hebrew), however its value is 102, that of MAYAN and LAMAL, the avatar of Lam - M.A.L. and the formula of the incarnation of Lam in AL; or LA ('Universe B', cosmic potential) to AL ('Universe A', manifestation) via M, which is the symbol of the Cone of Power ('The Black Hole', 102) between the Pillars. 102 also veils this geometrically in the Masonic symbol of the Sol/Sun between the two parallel lines or pillars. Thus, OKBI the Spider-web without its 'Shin', or Fire (the Web without the Spider. Note 102 is also THE DATABASE, making the creation one with the creator.) When the Light of Shin is added, 402 is formed which is BTh, Beth, the House of the Magician (i.e. a new Magickal Universe.) Thus, we find verse 878-12 through 880-15 of Liber OKBISh accurate:
"This book OKBISh contains the formula of the Daughter of Maat and the Magick Force of the Spider Goddess
who, full flowering, radiates the Qrixkuor Light.
Thus does the Daughter conceive.
402 is THE KEY OF THE AEON OF MAAT and THE KINGS who rightfully understand its formula. (See The Ninth Arch.)
40 x 40 = 1600
1600 is THE VORTEX (Tzaddi final, 900) of THE PRISM (Mem final, 600) of Manifestation. I had revealed to me in a dream that the meaning of 'M', which is the first letter of my name of 13 letters that it represents the Black Hole, as spoken of above. The Pillars represent the 'Ends' of Manifestation, and the 'V' in the center is the Vortex, Funnel, Cone, of Wormhole which reflects through the '0' point, or vice-versa, much as a black hole. Note that V/6 is also the nexus of Tiphareth and that 'A HOLE' = 111, THE WHITE LIGHT descending from Kether which is the first condensation of Manifestation from the AIN, or '0' into THE AL-AIN, or the 'God-0', the Hidden God which is the 1 in 3 and 3 in 1.
13 and 31 are the Keys of AL and Manifestation, and as 1,331 they represent the Prism of Daath (11 x 11 x 11) which begins at Binah (Note that the four paths to and from Binah, 412 (Beth) + 434 (Daleth) + 67 (Zain) + 418 (Cheth) also enumerate to 1,331. This number also reveals the nature of Daath for in Genesis 37:19, it is said:
13 and 31 are the Keys of AL and Manifestation, and as 1,331 they represent the Prism of Daath (11 x 11 x 11) which begins at Binah (Note that the four paths to and from Binah, 412 (Beth) + 434 (Daleth) + 67 (Zain) + 418 (Cheth) also enumerate to 1,331. This number also reveals the nature of Daath for in Genesis 37:19, it is said:
"And they said one to another, Behold, this Dreamer cometh."
My dream then took on a more profound meaning, and the word 'Dreamer' in Hebrew which is used is בעל, which is 102 again, the 1⊙1, the Vortex within the Pillars, or the Double-Wanded Sun-Son. 1,600 is THE BOOK OF MANIFESTATION in which all this is written, and 40 is the Magick Numer of the Sumerians, Enki, Enoch, and Metatron. 40 is Mem, the waters of reflection and the Abyss associated with Tiamat, and behold, 1600 = WATERS OF TIAMAT. 1600 is ΩΩ, or the Face of God hovering over the waters of reflection. 1600 is the T.G.A.O.T.U. (=880, The Great Architect of the Universe) + the MIRROR (=720), showing this idea further. Thus, 1600 is formulated in the reflection of both M-M and O-O, and OM-MO, or OM-MV are the formulae of the Creation and Dissolution of the Universe with the Water-Mirror. M and W are the double-currents of Water and together = 46, 'The Key to the Mysteries' which = 1600 in Jewish or Masonic Gematria. Mu is the Cry of The Vulture of Blood (See The Heart of the Master.)
THE BLACK HOLE IS THE DREAMER = 1600 (Kaph final, 500), and Daath (474) IS THE BLACK HOLE. Daath (474) is = THE DREAMER, the Dot in the center of the Circle, Κυριος Κοσμου - Lord of the Universe.
41 x 41 = 1681
1,681 is the number of the Στοχασμος, 'Meditation' of THE BUDDHA. 41 is a number of AM, the Mother Goddess, as well as יה יהוה, Lord IHVH, and אלהה, Allah. 41 is also בלט, the Torus, which is implications with the '☉M' and the 'Awake'/'Dream'. 14, the reflection of 41 is Nun, or Death in the Tarot, whose title is 'THE CHILD OF THE GREAT TRANSFORMERS' = 1,681. Nun signifies the fish below the water. 41 is also the number of the letters in the Call of Cthulhu, "Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn". 1,681 is also THE COSMOS CREATOR, the core operating system of the A.I.-Dream-Machine, not too dissimilar to the Vast Active Living Intelligence System, and many other conceptions of the interpenetrating reality-dream matrixes that render the illusion of manifestation. MEET THE AWESOME INSECT (Liber OKBISh, 907-12).
42 x 42 = 1764
1,764 is THE MAGICKAL CODE OF THE ANTAHKARANA RAINBOW, and 42 is the angle at which Light reflects on water to make a rainbow. There is a 42-lettered Hebrew Name of God, called the Ana b'Koach formed of seven sets of six letters obtained from a notarikon and expresses the following:
42 is attributed to 'Declarations of Purity' in Papyrus of Ani or The Book of the Dead, as well as the number of Assessors of the Dead in the Hall of Maat which are listed in the Papyrus of Nebseni. While the heart of the deceased was weighed against the feather of Maat, the 42 Negative Confessions were recited. It is significant then that the Hebrew 'Heart', לבבבו equals 42, as does the word for 'Negation', בלי. Also the Hebrew במ, meaning 'Inner man', 'Heart', 'Soul', 'Conscience' and Kokab ככב meaning 'Star' i.e. a soul. The Greek Δικη, 'Justice' also shows this to be succinctly Maatian. The country of Egypt was also divided in the 42 parts.
42 is another name of God, אלוה 'Eloah', the method of receiving the Wisdom of God - 'Qabalah', also 42 by the 'Math' of Simple Gematria. The word Math, or mathematics is also said to have derived from Maat, the measurer - the dark mother/goddess AMA. 1,764 is also the Κρυπτω Αληθει, or 'Hidden Truth' of that Wisdom.
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Note that ANB'KVCh = 42 in its ordinal value, 1+14+2+11+6+8. |
42 is another name of God, אלוה 'Eloah', the method of receiving the Wisdom of God - 'Qabalah', also 42 by the 'Math' of Simple Gematria. The word Math, or mathematics is also said to have derived from Maat, the measurer - the dark mother/goddess AMA. 1,764 is also the Κρυπτω Αληθει, or 'Hidden Truth' of that Wisdom.
43 x 43 = 1849
1,849 is THE SUPREME REALIZATION (Nun final, 700) of the fully flowered Sri Yantra of 43 tri-angles, which is the Supreme Yantra of THE TRIPLE SARVA GODDESS, (sarva means 'All', or 'Complete'). The Sri Yantra consists of nine triangles which creates 43 in their interlocking. The number 9 is a number of fullness and completion, and so 999 could be considered a 'Triple Sarva', and seeing as how it is the number of 'TRIANGLES', and the full flowing of the triangles within the 'O' it represents the fullness of Manifestation. 1,849 is also Aleph (1,000) and Ωμεγα (849). In the chapter on The Pantacle in Liber ABA, Crowley says 1,000 represents "the microcosm of all wandering air", and 849 happens to be that of Μεγας-Κοσμος, the Macrocosm. 43 is also said to be number of orgasm, wherein the micro is merged with the macro.
THE EIGHTH CHAKRA SRI YANTRA has the same value, and it is said that the Eighth Chakra is the full alignment of the main seven which enables THE ASCENSION (Nun final) from Matter to Spirit, either for a brief period or upon death. It is also said that the Eighth Chakra is one of a number of many more. The 'Eighth Chakra' is related to the 'Eighth Heaven' of the Gnostic Demiurge, and the symbol 8 is that of the connected Micro and Macro-cosms, and the Funnel-Vortex of Ain-Soph utilized by the Magus (43) מָג, for Manifestation.(See Chapter 7, The Funnel Effect of Dark Doorway of the Beast by Gareth Hewitson-May.
THE EIGHTH CHAKRA SRI YANTRA has the same value, and it is said that the Eighth Chakra is the full alignment of the main seven which enables THE ASCENSION (Nun final) from Matter to Spirit, either for a brief period or upon death. It is also said that the Eighth Chakra is one of a number of many more. The 'Eighth Chakra' is related to the 'Eighth Heaven' of the Gnostic Demiurge, and the symbol 8 is that of the connected Micro and Macro-cosms, and the Funnel-Vortex of Ain-Soph utilized by the Magus (43) מָג, for Manifestation.(See Chapter 7, The Funnel Effect of Dark Doorway of the Beast by Gareth Hewitson-May.
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Note that 'WILL' = 76, the 'O' and the 'V' (Funnel). 76 is also the number of the ANKH, the symbol of the Key of Manifestation being the 'O' and the Cross, which together form the ⊗. |
Funnel Effect
deep amongst the signs and sigils, the rituals and obsessions, the systematic
derangement and attainment of magical praxis, there lies a less romantic and
less appealing component of magical knowledge. This single element is fundamentally
necessary to achievement of any kind and is as relevant today as the
Palaeolithic cave art and inspired gnosis was to early man. As mental images
and the resultant created knowledge are projected into the theatre of mind, it
is blatantly obvious that the dynamics of
projection are the key to unfolding a complete understanding of the matrix
of mental machinery.
recalling that preoccupation with an artistic presentation upon a cave wall,
enabled sustained saturation with an image, that would otherwise have been
impossible, it is possible to grasp the significance of the dynamics involved.
For, without this prolonging aid to concentration and image retention, the
evolutionary leap of Man beyond other beasts would not have occurred. The
situation that faces Man today is not altogether different. In seeking to
understand the methods and systems of thought construction, it will be possible
to effect yet another sublimation of the group mentality with immeasurable
of the mind with specific images and ideas always reveals
unknown secrets, as the tool of perception strays into the darkness, throwing
up ideas and images behind it. This is evident in all methods of thought analysis.
Quite simply, in order to learn about some aspect, it becomes necessary to
study1 that which surrounds it. This is the active principle that surrounds
children in school, being taught the cultural values, the student at University
researching his thesis and the great thinkers, ever pushing outwards the
barriers at the periphery of the unknown. Of course, the Ritual Magician, with
his massive concentration via images, symbols, sigils and ritual incantations,
perhaps is at the apex of these operations. He knows, as does the Shaman, that in saturating all of the
senses simultaneously, he is more likely to succeed in his intended objective.
is the system of dynamics that so mysteriously surrounds the arrival of
thought? Because of the concepts that it
involves and the method of their arrival, this process is known as the Funnel Effect. The term, funnel2 explains the function
of the operation as being similar to a channeling or a diverting of fluidic
images that pour into the mind vessel.
symbol or sigil utilized as a totem ‘seed’3 and held within the mind’s
eye, (like the Dharana experiment of
the chapter on The Ingression of Alien
Forces, or like the cave art mentioned in the chapter, Seizing the Image.,) in order to create thought, will cause an
of the mind, which brings forth corresponding detail from the Underworld. The
term ‘seed,’ is apt, for the sowing of the seed and its subsequent gestation in
the amniotic fluid of the womb of subconsciousness4 produces the ‘child’
that is the new image or idea, which finally bursts from the macrocosmic
repository and courses its way into the realms of everyday consciousness.5
seed thought, or Seed Image, when
placed into the centre of attention6 becomes the temporary datum,7
from which the universe is viewed. Concentrating upon this point causes several
effects. Firstly, the natural progressive tendency of the mind begins to drift
into other areas of interest. Sustained concentration is difficult, and
requires practice in order to obtain results without effort. Secondly, the
sustained involvement with the image causes a warping of the Etheric Web, whose epicenter contains
the Seed Image. This distortion is
engendered by virtue of the massive condensation of psychic/mental energy
around the Seed Image. This energy is
temporarily stored (capacitively) and attempts to draw other surrounding
elements towards it. The situation is rather like that of a whirlpool. It is a
violent and combustible process8 and in fact, becomes an imploding
vortex, above and beyond conscious control. It has been shown9 that
images and ideas, when initially filed into the macrocosmic repository are
to one another in a multitude of ways. The grouping and association of one
image with another (referred to throughout this book as Associative Grouping) is usually stronger where there is a definite
concentration of like elements (sound, smell, time, place, etc.) When drawing
images from one specific grouping, it must be realised that many fundamentally
similar images are closely aligned with the Seed
Image, by virtue of the method of their original storage. The vortex that
exists at the seed zone, Daäth, also causes an
attraction of these other nearby images and the central area becomes
increasingly distorted, by virtue of the
increasing weight of potential form. This warping effect occurs due to the
ministrations of the mind becoming concentrated. The concentrated electrostatic
force10 gives rise to a capacitive effect and the resulting strain
causes a potential difference that bends
space and attracts the incoming image towards the point of entry into
conscious mind, Daäth, the fusing zone of
Man and Beast, the ingression point
of Alien Forces.
1 illustrates a Seed Image in the
Etheric matrix at the time that decision is made to concentrate upon this particular
image. This totem will be the centre of concentration of thought and the centre
of condensation of the psychic energy. It is illustrated as a latticework
arrangement, where the crossing points of the matrix represent an image stored
in the Astral Light. The structure of
the matrix is initially depicted as linear, thereby illustrating that there is
no distortion of the Etheric at the instant of selectivity. This does not imply
however, that it
later on. The Etheric framework of the Macrocosm is composed of many layers of
such matrices, all at different levels. This is not to suggest that the level
has any bearing on the quality of the image, or upon the plane of consciousness11
or upon the rate of vibration12 but is only used to illustrate the
multidimensionality beyond conscious mind.
2 shows the initial states of the distortion process. This occurs immediately
that the mind begins to hold an image by concentration. The drawing down of such a layer of the mind,
pulls through other layers in attempting to balance out the difference in the
charge by bringing the opposing poles of charge together.13 At the
point of entry into the Daäthian Gate, the distortion has become severe and
the curved
space of the Funnel Effect, so
called because of its shape, is noticeable in Figure 3.
of the crossing points of the Etheric Web
in close proximity to the Seed Image
also contain abstract (unformed) images and now tend to move towards the gate
of consciousness and draw ever nearer to conscious access, due to the pull of
the vortex. It is at this point, the Daäthian Gate, that the opposing charges
are united. Due to the magnetic strain matter and anti-matter14 fuse
in an immense explosion, whose release of energy bursts through the thin Veil
of the Abyss and exits the realms of Daäth. Such an explosion, violent and
unruly, thrusts forth its energy which in cascading into conscious mind,
its way down the Tree of Life in the path of the Lightning Flash. Here we have
the unruly Typhon, bursting through
the sides of his mother,15 Thor,
the God of thunder, striking his hammer and the energy glyphed in the swastika
and The Mark of the Beast.16 This energy in rushing down the Tree
accumulates an increasingly dense form and becomes visually shrouded in the
mould of the particular preference of the individual in whose psychosomatic
complex this opus is taking place. The final thought, when earthed, is fully
illuminated upon the screen of the mind, projected in its full intensity and is
no longer dimly lit in the abstracted realms of upper mind. Such is the process
of thought generation.
images and thoughts are perceived at the most corporeal realms, for instance Yesod and Malkuth,17 because this is the normal everyday level of
conscious operation. However, those individuals who seek to uncover the secrets
of the mind, in moving towards the font of thought at Daäth, often intercept
the incomplete image at an abstract level.18 Thereby obtaining the
essence of the incoming energy before further mutation occurs to the images in
the downward course toward Malkuth.
The sampling of pure abstract images at this elevated level explains the
phenomena of intuition, prescience and mediumistic talents exhibited by some
individuals. The alien Seed Image,
having entered the Doorway of Daäth
and punctured the Veil of consciousness is surrounded by an accompanying
plethora of images, within the curved
space of the Funnel, which may
also be poured more readily and easily into mind, than
on the outer periphery of the Etheric web.19 This is selective thinking. The ease of the
thought train is now enabled by the proximity of the relevant images, which are
selectively and sequentially accessed, via the ministrations of the Daäthian
Veto.20 As each desired image from the framework of the Etheric Web and drawn into the Funnel is selected in turn, then it
temporarily becomes the new datum (or new Seed
Image) and is taken into the every waiting theatre of mentation. The
effects of this are that image after image is presented in an orderly fashion
and the original distortion of the Funnel
is maintained without the concentration21 that was needed for the original abstract
image to enter the spheres of conscious mind. Each seed in its turn becomes the
focus of a Typhonic force and operates
via the laws of the Ritual of the Mark of
the Beast, appearing as the Swastika and the cross within the circle,
glyphed in The Mark of the Beast.,
which rides upon the thunderbolt of the lightning flash.
the thought train is completed, the energy of the initial impulse has been
dissipated as a result of the combination of the opposite charges. The curved space is released from its
electrostatic distortion and returns to its naturally quiescent linearity. The
gap of silence engendered by this withdrawal, signals a return to the void. The
temporarily empty again.22
mind, under normal conscious waking function, continually pulses. Firstly the
concentration and resultant Funnelling In,
with electrical distortion of the Etheric
and then the release, following a neutralization of the charge, with a return
to calmness and relaxation. The God of War is released to wreak havoc, and upon
completion, returns to emptiness. The process is repeated again and again,
sending forth regular images and ideas. It is this electromagnetic pulse that
is viewed on contemporary scientific instruments and is known as brain waves.23
This explosion and the every changing activity present in the upper reaches of
mind, is not readily visible at the concrete everyday levels of mentation. The
inertia that is integrated into the thought train in its progression down the
Tree of Life, presents a denser, more corporeal image, because its increased
sluggishness, at the lower levels, presents a more slowly changing thought to
the mind.
mind is fortunately slow enough not to be capable of recognizing the flickering
of the changing thoughts in the higher abstracted mind zones. They are viewed
as single images, one after the other in quick succession, rather like a ciné
film. It is not possible, when looking at the projection screen to see the
individual frames, due to the slowness of the perceptive instrument.24
It is however, possible
observe the passage of events with clarity. The relativity of the speeds of mind
and image production gives an impression of smooth progression. This ability to
perceive is only due to the slowness of the receiving instrument. Without this ‘faulty
and imperfect sense,’ perception would not be smooth and fluidic, but would
leap about from one static image to the next.25
a cultural environment that seems to carry the individual forward like a chaff
in the wind, without any apparent control over his destiny, there needs to be
some method of escape. Too often the individual feels that he has little
control indeed upon his immediate surroundings. The greater portion of Man is
ruled in todays ambient culture by a robotic mentality. To escape from this certain death, it is
necessary to resort more heavily to conscious control and conscious
decisiveness. At least this is true in the early stages, so that the
destruction of inherent conditioning may be effected.26 The
difficulty here, is that once
is made to greater awareness it cannot be assumed as being purely derived from individual decision. As stated earlier, similar
images are grouped together, therefore they are more readily available to the
mind at the time of access of the Seed
Image by virtue of their proximity. Without further discrete control they
may, when accessed, be output for no other reason than they are grouped
together. (The method is that of Associative
Grouping). Such a situation as this appears to have no more decisiveness
than a mere recording device, with input and playback, almost as unconditional
as a tape recorder. This is the direction that the society machine plunges
headlong into. People are unaware of why the prefer A to B, why they consider C
to be greater than D. Ad infinitum. To quote an often stated computer buzz
phrase, ‘garbage in, garbage out.’
the principle of the Funnel Effect is
understood, introspective observations may be made of the structure and
contents of the individual mind. It then becomes abundantly plain why certain
ideas are grouped together and why certain thoughts appear to be associated
with each other. When Man becomes aware that he is acting without knowledge of
the reason for such action (due to the non-selectivity of ideas) he may take
remedial steps, if desired. Such a
course of action may assist in his emergence from the pool of robotics into
which he has been plunged. For, when made aware of the automatic response and
automatic assimilation of the mind and the reasons why A,B,C, and D are
related, it is possible to shatter this automatic response system. The
characteristic of the Universe alters when observation becomes active.
most difficult aspect of the Funnel
Effect is that the process operates at a very high level of mind. The
decision upon which images pour into the canals of the mind is already made and
executed before we become aware of it. It is possible to plant seeds by
but the results of the gestation of the mind are explosive and immediate and
are already upon the individual (in the lower spheres of mentation) long before
it is possible to modify them.
that like images are grouped, it then becomes possible to understand why
certain ideas occur. It even becomes possible to trace them backwards along a
thought stream and reach the spark that generated the original impulse.27
Always, man operates only on the images he receives and is unaware of the more
abstracted areas, preceding the final form. It is only the final form upon
which he so readily acts. All action is effected on this automatic level. It becomes
intensely interesting and illuminating, to discover by tracing a path of images
retrospectively, the original Seed Image
that caused the entire thought train, that led to eventual action. By doing so
it is possible to observe the processes involved that previously caused the
body to act automatically, without knowledge and without intention. This
introspective analysis of the mind certainly is not necessary for survival, but
because there aren’t as many sabre toothed tigers roaming about as there used
to be, it is probably safe to assume that man may begin to relax and take an
active part in disassembling his own instinctual survival processes.28
is only after considerable introspective analysis by using the knowledge of the
Funnel Effect, that the conclusion is
obtained that Man is mostly composed of bits and pieces of collated rubbish,
replete with the discarded words and actions of those around him. He is stuffed
full of advertisements and social conditioning, leading eventually to pho-
prejudice, bigotry and even repressed embarrassment, hatred and disgust. This
of course is where the essence of Tantra
becomes a useful tool. The destruction of particular tendencies by acceptance
and assimilation will prevent the restricted awareness of further automatic
functioning, from being a major problem.
in its entirety is based upon the operations of the Funnel Effect. Very often it is said that the Astral Light is the main component in the armoury of the Magician.
So it is. But it is the Astral Light
that controls the entire universe. The Magician
is purely an individual, who becomes more introspective by virtue of
systematic obsessions and controlled derangement than his contemporaries. But
it is a knowledge of the dynamics of the Funnel
Effect that enables him to operate his system, controlled by the Will. The Astral Light is purely the nuts and
bolts of the system. The image/thought
is the created masterpiece and the Funnel
Effect is the tools of construction. In enhancing an understanding of the
tools it is possible to create and design any structure and any forms. The Funnel Effect of course, happens each
time any creature ‘thinks’. It accesses its group subconsciousness and its
personal consciousness. Only sustained and intense saturated introspection
allows Man to be fully aware of what is happening in mind. It was this
sustained concentration that enhanced the operation of the Funnel Effect and the
singularly most important factor that caused the initial development of
Palaeolithic Man. A thorough working knowledge of the system of operation of
the Funnel Effect and its results,
will allow Man to truly understand his mental machinery. This will herald
another global transformation, instantaneous and similarly proportional to the
advance given to Palaeolithic Man, who played with both mind and image in the
recesses of darkness.
For an explanation of the term ‘study’ in this context, see the Chapter, Sigils, Magical Keys in the Corridors of Mind, where a full explanation is
given of the pulse of contraction and the use of vacuity to attract images that
are otherwise committed to stasis by over concentration.)
From the Latin, fundere, ‘to pour.’
The term ‘seed’ is used to suggest that there is a single unit capable of
developing further, under the right conditions.
The Egyptian Amenta.
In Thelemic terms, Horus, the Crowned
and Conquering Child.
At the heart of the Veto of the Daäthian Gate.
First mentioned in the Chapter, Along the
Corridor of Death.
Verily Typhonian. See the Chapter: The
Dawn of Satan, for paralleled statements on ‘bursting energy’.
Preliminary Chapters.
This term, although not technically correct, by analogy suggests the active
principle of attraction inherent in the process. It implies the interaction of
opposing polarities, which in creating a potential difference or pressure
gradient, cause the movement of material from one place to another in a
specific direction. God, essentially is pressure and the motivation behind all
movement. See Liber AL.I.28
“…For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union.”
Such terms are vaguely used in Theosophical/Spiritualist areas of interest.
The term is that of the Spiritualist.
For give the duality inherent in the system.
Loosely known as pure form and pure force.
An analysis of this concept is given in
the Chapter, The Dawn of Satan.
See the Chapter, Magical Keys in the
Corridors of Mind.
See the Tree of Life, Appendix I.
See particularly the Chapters with dealing with Schizophrenia and Mysticism.
That is, only the relevant images to the existing abstract thought are readily
available. Those which have no immediate connection are too far on the
periphery to be attracted inwards.
See the Chapter; Along the Corridor of
Death, for a full explanation of the necessity for a limiting aperture at
Daäth, in order to prevent overwhelming the mind at any one time, with images
of the entire panorama of subconscious mind.
This process occurs even in the most trivial of thoughts and image production.
However, greater concentration causes the sustained inertia of forces to keep the
relevant images closer to mind for longer periods. This allows ease of access
and greater creativity with ease. See the Chapter, Sigils, Magical Keys in the Corridors of Mind, for a full
explanation of this energy, its inertia, dynamics and means of manipulation.
This explains why it requires less effort to maintain an occurring train of
thought, once started, than it did to commence initially.
Mentioned in the Chapter, Dreaming in the
Icy Wastes, where the lack of conscious control and Veto, is allied to the
non-rhythmic brain waves experienced
during sleep. This is contrasted with the rhythmic recurring pulses normally
measured during waking consciousness.
In this case, the eye, but in actuality, the mind. Changes are perceived slowly at dense levels, but the sample rate of the mind is quicker at
higher levels. This exacerbates the effect of distortion at the higher levels
of mind, for, no ne of the abstract
images are compiled into fully recognisable form. Hence the non-linearity of
the abstract images seized by the mind at too high a stage of inception. See
the Chapter; Schizophrenia, Past, Present
and Future, for further explanations.
This dilemma is fully explained in the book, The Heart of Occultism (in preparation). It unites the role of Hecate, the frog headed Deity and the Tantra of Liber AL.II.17.
The allusion is to the system of Tantra,
which serves amongst other functions,
to destroy the total reliance upon the subconscious character traits drilled
into all of us, from the earliest schooldays. It shatters the mask we are
forced to wear by our peers as children, and accept unquestioningly as ours
when adult.
See the Chapter, Sigils, Magical Keys in
the Corridors of Mind
Reference may be made here to the Brahmin
sect of Eastern India, also mentioned in the Chapter, Schizophrenia, Past, Present and
44 x 44 = 1936
1,936 is the number of the year in which Aleister Crowley released The Equinox of the Gods to the public, containing an exegesis of is receiving of Liber AL vel Legis. 44 is the Phoenix, and 1,936 is THE PHOENIX SOUL (Tzaddi final, 900), THE SECRET OF THE PHAROAH who has THE KEYS OF THE GREAT MYSTERY OF MAGICK (and/or GOD). 44 is the number of Magick in Simple Gematria, and the Book of Numbers. In Hebrew 44 is the דמ 'Blood', להט 'Fire', and דלי, 'Water' or 'Aquarius'. The fire and water combine alchemically as is depicted in the Art Tarot card, and congeal in the blood of the Magus. Being the Phoenix alchemically multiplied, it is the Double-Headed Phoenix looking both ways as Hrwyfy 'He with Two Faces', i.e. Horus and Set back-to-back. Note that it was the 44th year of The Aeon of Horus (1948) that Frater Achad announed the Incoming of the Aeon of Maat and the formula of MA-ION, 107 the Egg/OVAL.
45 x 45 = 2025
2,025 is 225 x 9 and as we know from 225, which is THE GODDESS 15 x 15 'O-Cubed', which is SYMBOLIC of the formulation of THE VISION as being the Eye (Ayin), the Cubed Circle is the 'CYBER' HOLON which contains a holographic replica of all within itself, as does each other numerical 'cell' or 'shell'. 9 is the holographic grid, and 45 is its summation. 46 is said to be the Key of the Mysteries, and it is number of 'MU', the word of the all-devouring Vulture representative of the inverted Om. 2025 is THE TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY OF EARTH which is being effected with global communcations, data harvest and satellite tracking, soon to link virtually any active people and things to 'The Internet of Things'. See past posts The Factors of Balance, Enemy #1, and The Hive Mind Consciousness in particular for more details.) With such technological factors so dramatically altering our minds and soon our bodies, the cycle of the human life-wave may be by this time (2025) complete and a new type begun.
Sources and Recommended Reading
Holy Bible
in its original Hebrew and Greek, as well as related Apocryphal texts
Equinox of the Gods
by Aleister Crowley (1936)
AL vel Legis
(Liber 220) by Aleister Crowley (1904)
XLIV, The Mass of the Phoenix by Aleister Crowley
Book of Lies
(Liber 333) by Aleister Crowley (1913)
B vel Magi
(Liber I) by Aleister Crowley
Book of Thoth
by Aleister Crowley (1944)
Secret Teachings of Ages by Manly P. Hall (1928)
Philosophy of ‘As If’
by Hans Vaihinger (1911)
or Liber Mysteriorum, Sextus et Sanctus by Johannes Dee (1583)
Ching: The Book of Change translated and edited by John Blofeld (1991)
I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm and C.F. Baynes (1968)
(Liber 500), see Liber 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister
Crowley by Aleister Crowley edited by Israel Regardie (1986)
– The Diary of Achad by Frater Achad (1912-1919)
or The Bride’s Reception by Frater Achad (1922)
Egyptian Revival:
The Ever-Coming Son in the Light of the Tarot by Frater Achad (1923)
Anatomy of the Body of God by Frater Achad (C.S. Jones) (1925)
Witch-Cult of Western Europe by Margaret Murray (1921)
of the Witches
by Margaret Murray (1933)
Ego and the Id
by Sigmund Freud (1923)
Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition by David Bakan (1958)
Crowley and the Hidden God by Kenneth Grant (1973)
History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil by Paul Carus (1899)
and Evil: The Sexual Psychopathology of Witchcraft by Robert E.L.
Masters (1974)
Search for the Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology by Jean Houston
Hanged Man:
Psychotherapy and the Forces of Darkness by Sheldon Kopp (1974)
Sacred and the Profane by Mircea Eliade (1959)
Future of Man
by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1959)
The Physics
of Immortality by Frank Tipler (1994)
Mission of Mysticism
by Richard Kirby (1979)
Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill
Initiation by Elisabeth Haich
to A Great Experiment
by Thomas E. Powers (1979)
Ninth Arch
(containing Liber OKBISh) by Kenneth Grant (2002)
Serpent Power
by Sir John Woodroffe (as Arthur Avalon) (1919)
Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson (2004)
Voudon Gnostic Workbook by Michael Bertiaux (1988)
Invisible Landscape
by Terence McKenna (1994)
of the Shadow
by Kenneth Grant (1975)
The Secret to Evoking Angelic Powers and the Key to the Apocalypse (Now The Power of
the Word: The Secret Code of Creation) by Donald Tyson (1998)
Enochian Apocalypse
by Donald Tyson (1996)
LXXXIV vel Chanokh
by Aleister Crowley
Grimoire of St. Cyprian – Clavis Inferni (Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic
Volume 5) by Stephen Skinner and David Rankine (2010)
The Canon
by William Stirling (1897)
Amalantrah Working (Liber
729) by Aleister Crowley (1918)
the Mauve Zone
by Kenneth Grant (1995)
A’Ash vel Capricorni Pneumatici sub figura CCCLXX (Liber 370) by
Aleister Crowley
on the Holy Books and Other Papers by Aleister Crowley, H.P. Blavatsky,
J.F.C. Fuller, and Frater Achad (1996)
(‘The First Thought which is in Three Forms’) (circa 2AD)
Nag Hammadi Library in English edited by James M. Robinson (1977)
Secret Doctrine
by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1888)
Entheogenic Drugs, Their Plant Sources and History by Jonathan Ott
The Spirit Molecule
by Rick Strassman (1994)
Varieties of Psychedelic Experience by Jean Houston and R.E.L. Masters
Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes
(Atalanta Fleeing) by Michael Maier (1617)
VALIS by Philip K. Dick
Call of Cthulhu
by H.P. Lovecraft (1926)
Book of the Dead: The Hieroglyphic Transcript and Translation into English of
the Ancient Egyptian Papyrus of Ani by E.A. Wallis Budge (1895)
Doorway of the Beast
by Gareth Hewitson-May (1992)
Ghost in the Machine
by Arthur Koestler (1967)